I've just been lurking here after my running (and other) worlds seemed to just fall apart. There was a change in my medication - I'm the one you can follow in the dark by the rattle from the pills! Don't think it was that, though, I think I just "freaked out" at the 25 minute run in W6R3 so maybe I'm not as determined as I thought .... when I had got my act together a bit I went back to the gym and then thought "Ridiculous! Back to C25K" Tried W1R1, couldn't manage it - how stupid is that! Now a bit later, with my mind a bit more back in gear, I'm stepping through the C25K weeks (just one go at a week, if I manage it then move on). This is to see where I should resume from (SEE, HAVEN'T GIVEN UP!) and to restore my confidence a little. Today I did W3. That's a bit better, so I have officially stopped beating myself up. I'll try a W4 session next, but can't do that until Monday. I'm kind of hoping that I can get to W5R2 so I can do first and then that 20 minute W5R3 run. Hopefully then restart my W6 from the beginning. Wish me luck!
I wish I could explain it!: I've just been... - Couch to 5K
I wish I could explain it!

Good luck sounds like your getting your head back round it. I've wobbled since poorly hips and I can't seem to do much without looking like I'm about to combust! So I've gone back to basics with C25K again.
Maybe one day I'll be able to have that "Graduate" marker like you, doesn't seem very close yet. Poorly hips doesn't sound good. Amongst other stuff, I'm on a slightly "dodgy" treatment for arthritis - they tell me it should stop the arthritis getting any worse ..... I hope they're right. Good luck, keep wobbling - better than nothing.

Good luck! Sounds like you have a lot to deal with and yet you keep trying! That's so impressive! Be proud of yourself, take it one run at a time and remember to slooow dooown

David, so glad you are back! Sounds like you have made a great restart to the programme!
Remember as ever- slow and steady. You can do this, enjoy the journey as much as you can ! 😀🏃🏻

So you gave up and jacked it in. But you didn't! You're back and we're delighted to see you back. This is something you obviously really want - otherwise you really would have stopped - and so I know you will get there!
Welcome back, David😎 Just keep plodding on. Try not to let your head get in the way. You have a good plan and in a few weeks time you will claim that badge👍

Welcome back - good to see you here again. Medication and health battles really don't help make it easy to get through this plan, do they?! Sounds like you're doing a very sensible thing, not beating yourself up over where you are, but just moving on from where you are now.
And, as you know, don't stress about the 'week' names - for some of us that's very very hypothetical! (*cough* ten months to do the nine-week plan! *cough*) Take the time you need to progress - there's no such thing as a failed run here, only practice runs, and even every practice run is better than no run at all.
Yes, I agree about the week numbers, but it's convenient to tell folks where I've got to. Starting to lose count of how many weeks it's actually been so far for me, so here we go: 3 pre-programme weeks, weeks 1>5 first time round, then gave up, restarted and weeks 1 > 6, gave up, now restarted yet again but skipping runs if I feel confident about the runs & W4 next....... so up to now it's about 16 weeks. Thanks for the *coughs*, makes me feel better!

Yay davidhwynn , you were with us, then you went off piste, and now you're back! In double quick smart time, so just proves how much you want to do this for yourself. One day you'll have that shiny new graduate badge, and we'll all drop by the podium and partaaaay 'til dawn with you...xx

Hello davidhwynn, you are doing well by the sound of things because you are doing it and you haven't given up. It doesn't matter how long it takes. What matters is that you run when you feel like it, take it nice and slow and say to yourself that you are doing it and not eating on the sofa in front of the TV. ( Well, not until you get back anyway, ha ha )
Don't beat yourself up. Also, I think we all have 'episodes' where we feel like we give up. I think that perhaps we need that space so that we can get back up again?

David.. you are back!
Wonderful... well... the advice you know already and you know my favourite mantra, yep, slow and steady.... xx
"Some beautiful paths can't be discovered, without getting lost a few times"

Yeayy!! He's back!
Even without whatever medical problems you have, the mental is a big challenge, isn't it? I had NO idea before I started running how much my brain was involved in my success or otherwise. I would have assumed running just involved legs and lungs. Silly me. I'm going out running with friends tomorrow and I'm already feeling The Fear even though they run at least as slowly as I do and we're doing a distance that I've done plenty of times. Roll on the days when we believe in ourselves, friend.

Hi, glad you're feeling a bit better..I'm busy procrastinating on week 7...
Glad to see you back... I don't think it's strange that you struggled a bit on that week 1 attempt.....
I do not to bad in the dark with no one around..Managed 25 minutes twice now without failing...But stick me in public in daylight such as the 2 times I tried parkrun, I couldn't manage r minutes without stopping... I didn't get it at first why the walk to the start line from the meeting point got me breathless and then I realised it was me behind all anxious and the breathing struggle was just a symptom of that.
I'm sort of dreading summer in a way, as I set out about 9 pm now and it's dark...But in a short while it won't be... Not sure what will happen then....Whether I will struggle on or give up....
You can do this, good on you for coming back..You already did well and you can do well again and you can graduate.. we're all behind you.
I've power walked the local Park run course (full 5k), not too bad time, certainly wouldn't be last. Trying to run it on my own was a disaster! Promised (threatened?) myself with a proper entry in Park run on 13th May, my birthday on 14th. Scared, but we'll see. Got my barcode ......

Lots of luck to you, well done for keeping going and not giving up. You will certainly deserve your graduation badge!
Very well done for getting back to the program. As one who stalled at the 25 minute run & had to have a practice run before I could do it, my advice would be to not think about it too much, break it it down into 5 minute runs & take it at a pace that is comfortable for you. With determination like yours, I am sure you will nail it this time. Good luck & happy running xx

I am so happy that you haven't given up. However slowly you progress, it's great that you are back out there (and back on here ). Well done !