... lurking in the shadows .
I haven't run much this year (eek, it's March already!) partly because it's been soooo cold and dark in the early morning when I like to run, and also because I have been away and I have had two horrendous colds. The second one has just about gone but I have been poorly with it for two and a half weeks, coughing like a mad thing . Still feel somewhat feeble. Last night is the first time I have done anything vigorous for nearly three weeks. I went to my dancing class and it nearly killed me (the birthday cake I ate before I went was partly to blame, lol), but it was good for me psychologically.
The next two weekends I am away, and not able to run, even if I was fully fit. But once that's all over I will get back in training. I am signing up for a virtual 5k to be done any time in May, in support of Brake, the road safety charity, and I am looking forward to that. I'll also get back to parkrun and running one evening a week with one of my fabulous dancing gal pals. We are planning to run in regency garb at the parkrun closest to my birthday in May, leaving off the period appropriate underpinnings (short stays) and wearing modern sports bras under our gowns. Still, running in a long dress will bring its own challenges!
Wishing everyone happy running. I do still read the posts even though I haven't contributed anything for a while. XX