A Cross between Quasimodo & Frankenstein's Mon... - Couch to 5K

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A Cross between Quasimodo & Frankenstein's Monster

Razouski profile image
16 Replies

I've come through the door looking like I could give Lon Chaney and Boris Karloff a run for their money (sorry young 'uns, I'm showing my age - black and white a Hammer House of Horror style movie stars),. Mr R took one look at me and ran screaming into the distance... well upstairs to finish his tax return, which apparently is less scary than the apparition before him.

I started off really well, with Sami and MapMyRun working well together, and decided for the first 15 minutes I would try and set a good pace as I want to get my 5k time a bit faster. MMR confirmed I was doing well, and even dodging the odd patch of ice didn't put me off my stride.

The second 15 minute interval was good too, though a little slower, and I was beginning to feel confident that I'd outrun those pesky gremlins for a change.

So it was only in the final running interval that it all started to go awry. Something starting niggling at my ankle, then a hill appeared from nowhere, which I seemed to struggle to conquer, though I did keep going, taking gradually smaller and smaller steps until I was almost marking time on the spot. By the crest I was worried I would get a stitch, but started some deep belly breathing and seemed to be ok, but now the niggle in my ankle was spreading upwards and I had a tight feeling in my calf. This crept upwards to my knee, and I was begging Sami to let me end it all ( running that is, not life). She was keeping suspiciously quiet - she may be in league with the gremlins I thought. And another gremlin seemed to have stopped the hands on my wristwatch from moving round too!

After what seemed an age, Sami eventually called time, but not until the discomfort had spread past my knee and into my thigh. I was puffing and panting, and as the cramp set in I started limping into the final walk. Then the cramp got worse, unsure that I would make it home, I contemplated phoning Mr R to come out and collect me in the car. But that would be too embarrassing so I soldiered on, almost dragging my leg behind me like some monster from a horror film.

I pushed my arms in front of me to get through the door, my face contorted and red and blotchy, my leg dragging on the floor behind me. My head bowed forward and my back arched as I attempted to do my stretches, looking like some strange and horrific combination of Frankenstein's monster, The Mummy and Quasimodo all rolled into one.

Now for a hot shower and some massage oil to help me become human again.

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Razouski profile image
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16 Replies
Maddee_6333 profile image

Oh no. Hope the shower helps.

I got the first couple of lines in my notifications, so it ended up at Mr R took one look at me and... And I really thought he'd gone to run you a bath!

Take it easy for a few days and look after yourself.

Great photo and post. I've never seen a 'close' up photo of you. you've not aged well !! On other photos at a distance you looked like a proper runner !!

Then realised that if you really were Frankenstein you would have put your finger in electric socket and not had a bath !!

Anyway forgot to say well done for getting out there. I had to dodge a couple of slippy patches this morning. played safe today and walked down my hill to start. No experimenting with podcasts and risk looking like Quasimodo !!!

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to


Thanks for the comment on "my photo"! Made me chuckle. I might need to get a better close up photo taken.

misswobble profile image

Maybe you were going too quick. Slow down when cramp threatens. if needs be you can stop completely and have a stretch. Be sure to be well fed, hydrated and rested beforehand to keep the stitch at bay. Speed and hills can be the source of stitch, as your middle gets jiggled and stretched this way and that.

I took Sami out with me on my last two come-back runs. She doesn't say much but when she does say something it's meaningful, eg "you're kicking a little butt" Ha ha

Beyonce, Pink, Britney, Shakira and Rhianna usually save the day don't they. They can pick you back up when you're flagging.

Well done, and don't worry about how you look post run. It doesn't matter. Just head in the bath with a cuppa. I practically dove in today. Lovely!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Razouski ...oh dear😯, that sounded painful. Do take extra rest days when doing these longer runs..and maybe take the first session a bit slower reather than quick..save yourself for the latter part. (Lactic acid can build up if your not running aerobically)

Welk done though on the 45 min run, are you following Ju_ju's plan with shorter runs inbetween?

Hope you're feeling better now.😊xx

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I'm not following Ju-ju's plan as I wanted to use the Sami Murphy programme, but I am putting in extra rest days. This was my third run of Week 2 and should have been fine, but I think perhaps I wasn't hydrated well enough, as I did indulge in a glass or two of Prosecco last night, and I needed to run early before we went to the cathedral for a church service. Perhaps that was my downfall.

I am now sitting on the sofa with my legs up and resting. ☺️

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Razouski

Aahh prosecco...yes that could be it...😊 lol

Next time will be better.xx

Irishprincess profile image

Haha! I remember those actors too 😏 so we must be a similar vintage 😊

That run sounds painfu. Do you have a foam roller? Gentle stretches and keep the legs moving.

Razouski profile image

I'm also curious to know how the tags are selected for our posts. One of my tags is "measles/mumps/rubella vaccine/live" and I have no idea why my post would have such a tag..?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Razouski

red and blotchy???

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Oldfloss

Oh yes, that makes sense now.

Oldfloss profile image

I remember Hammer Horror.. love those films! But I am much older than you.

Gosh, what a run...Sometimes you just think.. this was a bad idea... everything goes pear shaped!

I really hope the shower and massage oil has worked! Take care and make sure you feel okay before heading out again!

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Oldfloss

I've been sat with my legs up this afternoon, to try and help them recover., as I ended up limping round St Alban's Cathedral later this morning.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Razouski

No..... poor you... it is so horrid, when we get like this... I remember after a 'knee incident'.. I felt like a really old woman! Almost having to drag my leg upstairs after me.. I hope it eases x

Davoda profile image

I'm afraid I'm going to join the chorus of "I think you're pushing yourself too hard!" 😞

It was only Friday you did your very fast 10.4k, plus your long walk yesterday.

If I had stayed with Sami's plan, I would def take 2 full rest days in between.

I think you & I are very alike, we both find it hard to go slow & steady. (I did the C25K in under 8 weeks, by running every other day - until I got to the longer runs, then I took the extra rest day each week - even though I was itching to get out!!!) We both love speed & are impatient to get both to 10k & do it fast. (I would almost bet you have a secret goal of doing 10k in under 50 mins!!!). I decided to switch to Ju-Ju's plan, as I can have a long run each week, a run to concentrate on speed & my 5k. I am hopeful of getting to 10k, but it will be slow - but I've accepted that I can work on my speed for it afterwards.

I could be wrong of course!! But as I read your posts, I think "I could have written that!!"

So! Feet up, give your body a chance to recover & repair, and no long running till Wednesday!! 😉🏃‍♀️💐

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Davoda

Thanks for the wise words Davoda . I didn't think I was pushing too hard, and my time was pretty much consistent with previous runs, but maybe I hadn't accounted for the inclines.

I didn't think the walk should have affected me too much as a I usually do a gym work out on my rest days and swim a km or so as well. I think perhaps it might have been the candle lit dinner I made hubby last night washed down with a glass or two (or 3) of fizz. He pointed out that I didn't drink enough when I got up as I want to get the run done before we went to church.

Anyway, I shall be sensible, rest up, hydrate, and make sure I'm not doing too much. Thanks

P.s. It took me about 19 weeks to do C25K as I got to week 8 then had to have a break of a couple of weeks and then had to start from the beginning again, do happy to take my time. 🤓

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