It's the second week of wearing my new trainers and I am having problems with the left one. After 20 minutes my 3 middle toes start to go numb, then I get an unbearable pain under those toes. I had to stop my run today because I couldn't bear the pain! Also I have had a sore ankle, shin and calf in that leg. I never had problems with my old trainers and I am not doing anything different. The trainers are Asics Cumulus 18, advised by Sweatshop after a foot analysis. Any advice would be appreciated please.
New trainers advice please!: It's the second... - Couch to 5K
New trainers advice please!

It sounds to me as though you might need to go back to the shop with them. New shoes should not be causing new pain!

Totally agree with @Rainbow. Sounds like something isn't right, and if they were recommended after the shop analysing your needs, then chances are they will be far better placed to comment than us strangers on the intraweb who have never seen your feet or running style.

Yes take them back, it might be something simple like changing how you lace them. Unbearable pain really isn't right, they offer the guarantee, take advantage of it. Just don't leave it too late, you have 28 days I think.

I have had recurring bouts of feet numbness over the past 3 years. I have never really been able to 100% get to the bottom of the problem - but I do believe it has to do with shoes being too tight. Either laced too tightly or the shoes themselves . Feet do swell after running for a while. Problem seems to have gone away recently - but I mostly now wear very thin socks.

I agree with Bazza, usually to do with shoes too tight.

Poorly fitting shoes. Shoes that are too tight, which don't have enough room in the toe box, or are laced too tight can cause the nerves in the foot to become compressed. Thick socks may be another culprit.
Self- Help
There are steps that you can take to prevent or alleviate your foot numbness: Buy larger shoes, and make sure that there's adequate room in the toe box at the front so that you can wiggle your toes freely. Buy shoes with a stiffer sole; shoes with a pliable sole can cause swelling and trauma to the ball of your foot, where the nerves to the toes pass through the bones. Don't lace your shoes as tightly. Loosen the laces on your shoes to relieve any pressure points on your foot. Try wearing thinner socks, which take up less room in your shoe. Pay attention to your running form. Avoid "slapping" or "pounding" your feet on the ground as you run. Don't suddenly increase the duration or distance of your run. This may lead to trauma.

I'll try thinner socks and loosening the laces, though they don't feel too tight! I was actually advised to go for a size up from my usual and they feel ok size wise. Might try some insoles. I think I've got a couple of weeks before they need to go back. I have the receipt but not the box. I presume I'd still get an exchange. Unfortunately I've thrown my old pair away. They had a hole in the toe, but never caused any pain.
Could still be the shoe, even if the size is right. I had issues with a new pair of Asics causing me pain a while ago. I exchanged them for a different Asics model, same size and no issues.

This is something I'm really interested to find the answer to! I have had a similar thing for a couple of years on and rhyme or reason but starts after around 40 minutes. I have certain pairs of shoes that it never happens with (Timberland boots, skechers trainers, flip flops and a pair of low heeled mules), some that it 'always' happens with after a given amount of time, (Brooks trainers, other flat boots and court shoes). Lacing my Brooks far less tightly does help. It's a weird sensation that starts off as hotness and tingling, then numbness and then awful pain. It's only my right foot and only the middle toe and the one next to the little toe. I'm sure as others have said that it must be linked to pressure on a nerve somewhere but having two sets of trainers that 'feel' almost identical and both initially super comfy, one which leads to the pain and one which doesn't, it's really perplexing!
Do please post again if you get any answers and meanwhile, I hope you manage to exchange them if the problem doesn't improve

Numbness or pins and needles probably means they are too tight, try loosening the laces, your feet will swell as you run.
Definitely shouldn't be causing you pain though.
Are the shoes flexing in the same place as your foot? That can cause some weird issues if it doesn't match.
I have had this problem too and just by loosening the front laces (closer to your toes) more and not tightening them I haven't had this problem since (I use the Asics cumulus 17- these shoes are so amazing I bought a second pair!) - these shoes are for neutral runners
Also make sure you get a shoe at least 1 size bigger than you normally wear (I wear a 4.5 running shoe but 3-4 in normal shoes)
Hope this helps

Continued to struggle with these, toe pain, ankle, knee, shin and calf pain in the left leg. Returned them to Sweatshop today and bought New Balance FF 1080v6. They seem wider in the toe. Let's see how these go!

Glad to have read this thanks , I suffered the same thing recently (1st time ever) will try some of the suggestions from this post , hope u managed to get them exchanged