So I have been out twice to run since Christmas Day but in a completely unrelated activity - bending over on Christmas Eve to unpack a bag of groceries - I pulled some sort of muscle in my back and moving in any way around the middle has been very painful. I tried to ignore this and on Tuesday 27th I ran for 25 mins but felt far too shattered to do 30 mins. I was disappointed after defeating storm Barbara to do 35 mins the run before so I realise I am hard on myself. That was the injury beginning to kick in.
I went out two days later on Thursday but could only do 15 mins and my back has been very sore since so I've been abstaining till the pulled muscle recovers. Does that just take time or do people have any tips? It's at the base of my spine, at the back of my waist, if that makes sense.
So a bit disappointing as I really want to make progress towards speeding up and increasing distance but I just need to ease up and take care.
Very best wishes to you all for this new year