Well W1R2 done, but demoralised: The biggest... - Couch to 5K

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Well W1R2 done, but demoralised

davidhwynn profile image
13 Replies

The biggest positive by MILES - went out early this morning, frost still around, autumn sunshine gradually melting the light frost covering ... everything I used to most adore when my dog was still around as my outdoor companion. The negatives, though, hit me today: my technology let me down & I had to carry my phone to somehow listen to Laura because my ear buds stopped working, my thighs and the front of my lower legs hurt (I guess either from Monday W1R1 or from my walks yesterday), but most demoralising of all is that my so-called "runs" are barely a shuffle and certainly much slower than my brisk walk & even then as slow shuffles were hard for me to complete. It's crazy, along with lots of core training stuff I do 5 minutes rowing with no problem in the gym, followed my 5 minutes of rowing intense interval training, so why can't I run properly for just one measly minute? Going back to the positives, though, I made it to the end somehow! Dreading the idea of W1R3 on Friday, but not giving up yet ... but already thinking I will need to repeat W1 at least once more.

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davidhwynn profile image
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13 Replies
neuropsycsci profile image

Firstly, well done on your second run!

Remember it really doesn't matter how slowly you're going - even though it's slow it's still good for you and you will continue to improve and get faster as you continue with the program. Don't beat yourself up - you're only just starting!

Although physical discomfort seems like a negative it does tell you that you're working your body harder than usual, which is a good thing :) just make sure to stretch, warm up, and take care of yourself in general when you're just starting out to avoid injury. You will feel less discomfort over time as your body adapts to your more active lifestyle.

Peterjjjjjjjj profile image

Glad you're not giving up. Surprising though it may seem lots of people here find that their running is a bit slower than their fastest walking pace. I was really surprised when I started timing my running that this was so but there it is.

I found the first few weeks hard too. I really didn't think I could get through the running sections of the programme, even the 60 second ones, without collapsing in a heap. I found it helpful not to worry about how fast I was going, and just trusted in the programme to get me through. Apart form one tricky week when I had a cold (in the summer) I battled through and it became easier. It is a good programme and seems to work for most people here.

Keep the faith and good luck!

useitorloseit profile image

That's all perfectly normal. When you start this lark, it doesn't matter if your running is slower than your brisk walking. It's a start, and that's all it needs to be. Running, despite what it seems, is quite hard if you haven't done it since you were a kid. My body didn't like it at all to start with, and I definitely started off on Week 1 Run 1 too fast. Then I realised it was better to finish the set run than try to sprint it and fail. That's the beauty of this programme - you start from absolutely nothing and end up being able to run in the way YOU want to (which for me is still monumentally slow, though speedier than when I started).

Keep the faith - it will improve with every run you do, even if it's only in tiny increments.

Sounds like you might need a new four pawed running companion too ...? Just a thought.

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to useitorloseit

Regrettably no, even though I loved my Remi to pieces (all 8.5 stone of him!) with my current lifestyle too much of a tie. Mind you he never seemed to get tired and made my life hell if he didn't get two walks a day - more insistent even than Laura!

Teresa-k64 profile image

Well done for keeping at it. I was the same in the first weeks .I struggled to run 60 seconds and now I'm one run away from graduating. Just keep pushing yourself and before you know it you'll be at the end .😁

Michael_W profile image

Don't worry about pace, at all. Like many other beginners, my running was terribly slow at the beginning of the course. In fact, I remember the overall distance I was covering actually dropped during the middle weeks! Entirely due to my brisk walking being faster than my running. And the aches and pains bit, par for the course for most of us. The core training and rowing that you're doing will undoubtedly help but any new sport taxes your body in a different way and it takes time to adapt. This running lark is tough but if you can accept that fact then all you need to do is follow the podcasts and before you know it, week 9 will be here and you can look back at week 1 and laugh. Good luck!

Realfoodieclub profile image

Hang in there. We have all had thoughts like that while we are going through the program. Some like me still have them afterwards but it makes a big difference. You use different muscles for running than you do when you walk so they take a bit of time to jump into action. I'm no expert but according to my muscle aches I'm sure you use muscles to run with that you don't use for many other exercises. I know from running I've toned up in places I never thought I could before. So next time you feel disheartened remember those muscles are doing a fabulous job for you they just need a little time to adjust.

Brydo666 profile image

Good to hear you got out David, I think we'll be in sync as we go through this. I'm hoping to get out tonight for W1R2 but dreading as I've still got many pains from Monday (Still doing stairs one step at a time!) I might take a painkiller an hour before I go to see if that'll make it more comfortable.

davidhwynn profile image
davidhwynnGraduate in reply to Brydo666

Good for you, keep at it ... yes we are starting in sync. My problem this morning was partially physical but I think maybe more mental, my mind saying I couldn't do it ... and then the damn headphones things stopped working so it was hard to hear Laura which really cheesed me off and didn't help my mind much either. Having said all of that I did get there, JUST (holding my phone in my hand, volume up full ...)! Have a great W1R2 this evening and let us know how you get on. Might even take Laura with me to the gym this Friday just to see if I can sort out the pace thing on the treadmill (into the bargain therefore ignoring everyone here on the blog who know better, so it would be just to humour myself) : it would still be my W1R3 so that would be OK.

runswithdogs profile image

You're totally fine. Some runs are just harder than others for no reason. And while you might be fit from rowing, you still have to learn the ropes running. I know this because coincidentally I am trying to do the opposite of you since my OH got a rowing machine. I'm wiped with the littlest of rowing efforts and ACHING afterwards. Anyhow, slow and steady is the way to go in the program, and many choose to stay slow and steady afterwards. Nothing wrong with it. The focus now is to develop the skills and the habit, it doesn't matter how much ground you cover. If you're a person that likes speed, work on it after graduation when you need a new goal.

SlowWorm2016 profile image

Slow and steady is just fine, a shuffle us totally acceptable as long as it is moving you forward. I still can almost walk faster than I 'run' but speed and endurance come with time and the important thing is to keep at it. Even if you have to repeat weeks, every time you get out there and move you'll be doing yourself good. Just follow Laura's instructions and you'll be fine :)

OldPossum profile image

You're doing great - my run was slower than my walk until about week 7! Speed is irrelevant - slow and steady wins the day 😀 Many if us experienced all sorts of pains and aches as we progressed - you are using your muscles differently so is to be expected. Warm up walk and good post run stretches really help - I also read somewhere on here that soaking a bath with Epsom salts after a run helps ease muscles. Just stick with it and it really will get easier.

NickTuson profile image

Well done for what you have done, my advice is not to worry about pace at this point. In the ear;y stages is more about getting used to getting out there and doing something. You'll find over time that you increase in speed, but that's not the priority at this point. Have trust in Laura :) Well done, keep it up and keep smiling :)

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