One more reason to do this...: I've gained a few... - Couch to 5K

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One more reason to do this...

SassyAushie profile image
22 Replies

I've gained a few kg's over the years...a lot actually. But 8 weeks ago I started this journey of c25k and I've diligently followed the program and continue to do so. A few weeks ago I also started swimming at the Virgin Active and besides using it for muscle recovery, I actually do enjoy it and swim for about an hour every other day.

Tonight I finished my swimming and as I was crossing the zebra crossing to get to my car, a very impatient guy was waiting for me to cross the road so that he could drive to wherever he so urgently needed to be. I was obviously crossing the road to slowly, because he especially rolled down his window to tell me that I'd move faster if I wasn't such a fat f***. I've always known I was big. I run with earphones listening to my podcast but I can see people looking and sometimes I can tell from their gestures that they have something to say about this 126kg of blubber trying to run. But I do it, because I'm not always going to be this big.

But tonight was the first time I was actually fat shamed to my face. And I feel really bad about it. I really do. But I will allow myself to mope about it for a little while tonight and get back on the wagon tomorrow night. I don't know who you are, mister. But I know that it might take me a year or 3 to reach my goal weight. And when I do I guess I'll be very grateful to you

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SassyAushie profile image
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22 Replies

Hi SassyAushie,

Ignore all rude calls and gestures, the pathetic little creatures who do these types of acts, need to get a life.

You have made a great decision to loose the weight and get fit.

As time moves on you weight will drop off and you will be healthy.

The window winder will still be a pathetic little creature.

All the best.

Scruffy64 profile image

What a horrible thing to say, you're doing brilliantly, and the combo of running and swimming will not only help your weight loss but turn you into a healthy happy person, clearly he's a little sh*t and I bet he couldn't run if he tried - he was probably rushing to get a macdonalds or something. Hold your head high and keep going :-)

Eatcakeandrun profile image

Some people are so RUDE!! They don't deserve a second thought, so don't give him one.

You are doing a great thing - just for you, so keep at it and you WILL achieve your goals.

Keep checking in here and you will be supported by lovely people all the way. 💐

Both runners and cyclists have related abuse they have had. I think in a previous post I've mentioned this. The abusers don't usually hang around for us to reply (I have many replies that I use) they're too busy as the song goes "On the road to nowhere".

Not that all cyclists are angels I might add.

Like me it looks like it makes you more determined. Keep it up.

Tillyminty profile image

Aren't people delightful. You will reach your goal and you have a great spirit. The idiot in the car on the other hand will always be a nasty piece of work. Keep going. We are all here to support each other and I wish you luck on your running journey. X

Ignore idiots like him and good on you!

OldPossum profile image

Let his comments spur you on. You can and, are doing something about your fitness. He is unlikely to ever realise how rude and ignorant he is, so will remain so forever.

Enjoy your journey- you are doing well 😀

AnneDroid profile image

Cheeky beggar. Just be sorry for him that he has to live inside that head. I'd hate to be such a person.

And go for it! I've lost three stone through running (and eating less fat and carbs) and I do feel the better of it.

tortoisegirl profile image

What a horrible thing to deal with! You are doing so well; don't let him put you off. We are all rooting for you!

Miller2 profile image

How bloody rude. You carry on doing what you're doing ignore that selfish and ignorant man. If you give in then people like that win, and you're the only one that loses out - you're doing this for you, nobody else. I've had my fair share of run ins with people like that too. I reported the least ones to the police. as the slogan says, keep calm and carry on :D x

Tailsmo profile image

You never know what is going on in someone's life, so don't let it bother you. You do know what's going on in your life - and it's an amazing decision to change for the better. I wouldn't worry about people you think are looking at you in the gym, they might be thinking how amazing you are to be making a change in your life. Even if they aren't, pretend they are and smile!

Razouski profile image

What an A***. Just remember that what you are doing is a fantastic way of turning things around, and he is just ignorant and impatient. I can imagine it must have hurt, but as others have said, don't be put off by him, and keep doing what you're doing.


runswithdogs profile image

What a fool. I have some choice words for him, none of which can be printed here. Don't listen to him - nobody has any right to comment on anyone else's body.

On an unrelated note, well done on the swimming! I used to swim lots eons ago - I should get back into it. I bet your aerobic fitness is improving by leaps and bounds by combining the two. I also recall having toned arms while swimming lots - definitely an under-exercised area for us runners.

Von99 profile image

Ignore the insulting comments - you are getting fitter and healthier, he is just a rude and unpleasant man. Don't give him another thought.

Irishprincess profile image

I love your attitude. There are d***heads like him in all areas of life and it's how we deal with them that makes us who we are. He'll always be a nasty d*** whereas you are clearly a strong, self-motivated, gutsy achiever who's got big goals and will achieve them. Go you!

useitorloseit profile image

If it's any consolation to anyone on here, I'm always really impressed when I see a 'fat' person out running or exercising. It takes guts to get out there in front of the world, and the exercise is extra hard because of the extra weight they have to carry with them.

I used to do no exercise and thought it was normal and ok. But it wasn't. I've discovered since I started to take better care of myself through this programme that lots of people I knew who are relatively fit and healthy are like that not because they are 'lucky' but because they work out in some way - they just didn't talk about it. I guess they are just nice people and didn't want to upset me by telling me I was a lazy couch potato. Unlike the git who shouted at you!

SassyAushie profile image

Big squishy virtual hugs to each and every one of you beautiful people.

Know what? I felt amazing following my swim last night. And if I think about the me who struggled running 1 minute in week one and now I run 25 minutes...I've come a really long way.

If this person felt the need to speak to me the way he did, then his problems are clearly way bigger than mine. I can do something about my body, unfortunately he's stuck with his personality.

But I love this forum, I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. Your words of encouragement mean the world to me. I love the fact that I have made the decision to surround myself with such like-minded beautiful individuals.

Thank you all so very much!! And thank you for sharing my journey with me.

useitorloseit profile image
useitorloseitGraduate in reply to SassyAushie

This forum is the best. No negativity here (well there was one last week, but he got very short shrift!!).

Irish-John profile image

The bollicks has a stress level that will stop his heart beating long long before the newly fit you ;)

Sod the begrudges, unhappy shower that they are :) We runners know what enjoyment is, and glad you are running with us Sassy cos we might run on our own, but we never run alone with this Forum :)

letsgoletsgo profile image

I've had a few 'problem' dog owners expleting after 'if I want to run I should find somewhere without dogs' . Really? like where is that place? I'd love to go there, but I'd also like to run here without being mauled. point anyway is, have a good rant and get it out of your system, here is a great place to do that...

it's highly unlikely you'll meet that Idiot again, at least I hope not.. for his sake he he

mammalovesmango profile image

There are some REALLY disgusting people around. We have no control over others, only control over ourselves.

Keep going and don't let the haters get you down.

kaz56 profile image

Just give them a big smile and a wave, at least you are doing something which is usually more than them

Not what you're looking for?

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