Wk 9, Run 2 early tomorrow morning: And am I'm... - Couch to 5K

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Wk 9, Run 2 early tomorrow morning

MrsLis profile image
26 Replies

And am I'm so worried that I won't be able to do it that I'm thinking of delaying until Friday or maybe Saturday or even Sunday.

Tuesday's run (Run1) was ok - not great, not awful - but now I can really feel the pressure. Me? Run for half an hour? Are you kidding? HALF AN HOUR??? There are simply 100s of reasons why not and if I go out and try, and fail I may never recover.

I'm such a long way off 5k, I haven't been able to hop, skip and jump through the weeks of the programme, I'm so slow. It'll be cold and dark, my knees/ankles will hurt, I won't be able to do it. Half an hour is such a long time! I'd rather not try than try and fail.

So much better to wait until Friday or maybe Saturday or even Sunday.

Oh help!!

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MrsLis profile image
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26 Replies
ench0 profile image

C'mon you already had 30 minute run and survived. Next one should be easier. Kick the gremlins and just do it nice and slow. And take that extra day off if you feel like it.

MrBob profile image

Surely them gremlins won't stop you getting your badge! Just think what your week 1 self would say after getting this far. Get out there and enjoy it, I'll be doing the same run about 12 hours after you, so see you at the finish line

JaySeeSkinny profile image

First of all: you can do it! Because you've already done it once. Secondly: what does it matter if you can't complete the 30 mins? It will be a practice run. Miles banked in your legs to build up your stamina. You have the whole of your life ahead of you to practise this running lark and you have just 2 runs till graduation. Why would you stop now? On week 8 you did 3 runs of 28 mins. You can't tell me that an extra 2 minutes is now impossible? Not even your gremlins believe that! Kick them out!

And good luck with your next 2 runs - graduation is beckoning👍

Vanessa291 profile image

Put you running clothes and shoes on and leave the house. When you're feeling like you are that is the hardest part, if it goes down as a practice run it won't be wasted as it will be added to your fitness and stamina. Will be waiting for your next post 😀

McFitty profile image

I'm hoping run2 is well on the way to being tucked in your belt by now... but if not, welcome to Procrastinators Anonymous! I'm top honcho when it comes to putting off a run (for any and all the reasons you've given). But that's all it is. You're just delaying the gratification and elation you'll feel when you've done it and why oh why would we want to delay that amazing feeling?! 60 minutes of running is all that stands between you and your well deserved graduation. I've got all the party stuff ready, and poppypug is shining up your badge. We know you can do it! :) :)

Indiscoot profile image

Banish those gremlins immediately - they feed on success - and that's exactly what you are. Go get the next 30 min run - its just waiting for you to nail it.

Ellymeg profile image

Togs on, shoulders back, gentle breaths, one foot in front of the other. You can do it..off you go......... We're here to cheer you on. Yay! 🎏🎏🎏

Seuzan profile image

Just follow the instructions and enjoy! You will love it once you have done it!

Von99 profile image

You sound so much like me! I had a bad run on Sunday ,stopped after 15minutes and really lost confidence. I almost convinced myself to give up completely rather than fail again. But thanks to support from my husband and inspiration from the forum I went out last night and completed the last week 8 run. I have not found this programme easy. I'm not a natural runner by any means, and so slow, just about to start week 9 and I still only manage 3.2 k. But that's 3.2k further than I could run 8 weeks ago. Don't let the gremlins win. You're so close - I look forward to hearing soon that you e graduated! X

SlowWorm2016 profile image

Come on, MrsLis , you know you can do it! Stamp on those gremlins as you trot past them, even if you're going at a snail's pace. You will be running and they can do nothing to stop you. Onwards, onwards to the finishing line 🎈🎉💐🏃😀

MrsLis profile image

Thank you all so much - I did it! With all your encouragement ringing in my ears, drowning out the sound of those gremlins, I did it!!

Saw my OH drive by on his way to work, thought, 'I could walk from here, no one would know'. Saw the slight incline (even I can't call it a hill!) and thought, 'I could just walk up here and then start running again at the top'. Felt the 'I need a wee, I'll never get round my circuit without a wee'.

Ignored them all, just got on and ran it. Still slow, still plodding but as OH just texted to say how proud he was to see me running and you all lifted me up and helped to carry me round, I did it! Thank you, thank you!

Now I need to do that final run before anyone realises that I'm just an imposter!

(sorry about the Oscar's acceptance speech above - put it down to relief please!)

SlowWorm2016 profile image
SlowWorm2016Graduate in reply to MrsLis

You are fab, MrsLis 🎉

ench0 profile image
ench0Graduate in reply to MrsLis

Woohoo! In your face Mr. Gremlin. 👍

Indiscoot profile image
IndiscootGraduate in reply to MrsLis

Run Forrest Run . . . . . .

in reply to MrsLis

Well done, glad you did saves me having to write lots of encouraging stuff. As others say there is no such thing as the "f" word only practice runs or Whoopee I did it runs !

MrsLis profile image
MrsLisGraduate in reply to

Thanks Joe,

I only did it so that you didn't have to write the encouraging stuff!!! ;-)

Seriously though, it's a shame that we can't bottle the encouragement that goes on on this forum. I belong to a number of others for other parts of my life and I've NEVER come across one as friendly as this one.

I think you're all amazing and am so grateful for your posts last night and this morning! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

One run to go! :-)

Josepha2263 profile image

Yes you can run for 30 minutes you've done it once and can certainly do it again don't give up now, you've come such a long way just keep calm and relax you can do it listen to the lovely Laura let her get you to the end.

Graduation is at your grasp go and grab it.

Wishing you the best of luck, we'll all be at the end of the line waiting for you.

:) x

misswobble profile image

Get it done! Just do it ☺

Ullyrunner profile image

But you will feel so amazing afterwards - you know you can do it!

Ullyrunner profile image
UllyrunnerGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

And now I see you have! Well done!,

Onwards to graduation.

Tryinghard2016 profile image

Just go out and do it....it doesn't matter if it's so slow that it's a crawl....you can do it....in fact you already did. Take the usual one day break or two days if you're feeling a physical strain (but don't give into the mental strain!) And go out and do it!

Tryinghard2016 profile image
Tryinghard2016Graduate in reply to Tryinghard2016

Once again I haven't scrolled down and seen you've already done it! Yayayay well done MrsLis ....only one more run to graduation! You can totally totally do it!😀😀😀

MrsLis profile image
MrsLisGraduate in reply to Tryinghard2016

Thank you for your support. Curious highs and lows going on here and currently I'm just in that slightly dangerous 'I can do anything' period.

Just have to hope that this high lasts until Saturday morning but if not I shall go back and reread all those brilliant, supportive comments above once again before I set off for my Graduation Run.

Tryinghard2016 profile image
Tryinghard2016Graduate in reply to MrsLis

That's actually a great idea! I had a relatively smooth C25K experience but on the day I was supposed to graduate I just stopped 20 minutes into the run....I literally could run no further. I told myself it was a 'practice' run but couldn't help but feel disappointed. The next attempt at graduation I spent the better part of an hour reading all the comments here, the lovely support and encouragement everyone offers, and set out with just one aim- to enjoy my run, and I did! I had the most Wonderful graduation run, and I'm very sure you will too. All the best!

Millsie-J profile image

We all knew you could do it, fantastic! That shiny badge is waiting for you, no gremlins allowed in our celebrations, come on Runner MrsLis , we love a party 🏃🏻👍🏼😃

MrsLis profile image

This really is an amazing forum - you're all so supportive. I can't thank you enough!

Last night I really had my doubts about finishing. Not today though. No doubts at all. All being well I hope to run again early -ish on Saturday morning and to graduate but if I don't, there's always next week.

Actually wish that it was Saturday morning now. I may not be physically ready but I'm certainly mentally ready. Full of all your support and motivation. Thank you.

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