I feel a little bad posting this as I have only ever posted when i am having a whinge and today is no exception. After graduating on the treadmill and then struggling to transfer that to running outside, I had finally managed to get to running 30 minutes outside. Then I started to struggle a bit for no apparent reason with getting past 20 minutes and at the same time started to have pain in my hips at night. No pain when running, normal aches after running but only what seemed acceptable/expected. I seize up after sitting too long but I have been doing that for years..
I finally decided to take a break and haven't run for a week. The pain has just got worse and is now spilling over into the day. Does that mean it isn't running that is causing it? I have a sedentary job and have put in some very long hours recently, so most of 10-12 hours in front of a computer many days.
I don't know what to do now for the best. I daren't run and yet I want to so badly and it isn't improving by not running. If its the sitting that is a problem what do i do about that? I am self employed so i can't just not do it. I have tried icing it but can't take anti inflammatories or ibuprofen due to having had a stomach ulcer and asthma. How does one compress or elevate hips?
My GP is not supportive of my running - he would be happier if i stuck to yoga or pilates or maybe gentle swimming... honestly I am 51 not 91! This makes me reluctant to go to him now.
Anybody had a similar experience? The pain starts almost as soon as I lay down and is worst when i lay on the sore hip. The only place a pillow hurts at all is under my knee when i lay on my back. Between my legs on my side doesn't help at all. It runs down my leg sometimes too. It is painful enough to wake me up. Having worked so hard at this i am terrified i won't be able to run anymore.
Ok I'm done now, sorry ..