I am 21,My height is 5.2.Working in a corporate everyone calling me fatty hurts me...need to reduce 13kgs...help me and motivate
Need a help to come out of overweight - Couch to 5K
Need a help to come out of overweight

This C25k training plan really works and will not only get you fitter, it will have a dramatic effect on your self esteem. Running alone will not make you lose weight, but many people on this forum will be only too willing to offer you advice regarding weight loss.
You have age on your side and this programme can and does change people's lives. I can only only encourage you to download the app or podcasts and get started. We will cheer you on. You can do this. Good luck.

You will lose very little if any weight while doing c25k. It will only happen as you graduate and keep up the running 30mins 3 times a week, by drinking plenty of water, and controlling what goes in your mouth such as fat's & sugars, that's a big must!😊
Oh that's where I go wrong! I run, drink water but the good thing is my downfall
I've read this in a lot of posts and it confused me to be honest. I literally did not ;diet; or anything - found I was passing on an icecream or two in the later weeks before Graduation - but I lost about ten pounds and more importantly everything seemed to 'tighten up' on my body overall. Could 'see' a hint of the old thin me for the first time in decades
Definitely though if you don't keep it up you won't keep it off That would have sounded like a really grim prescription if I had been looking to lose weight but thankfully it is a joy to keep running now
the weight loss continues but it is kind of secondary - if appreciated - to the sheer fun and discoveries made while out and about

Give it a proper go (without quitting at the first difficulties) and you'll probably fall in love with running... but do it for yourself, not because of other people calling you "fatty"; they can go f**k themselves (sorry for the swearing, but sometimes it is called for).
Anyway, at 36 I lost about 20kg by coupling dieting and the C25K; you are younger and you have to lose less weight therefore it is surely withing you reach.
Personally I can't wait to visit my old hometown and lure the old Jeerers into making the fatal mistake of saying to me - You? - you're so out of shape you couldn't run a mile' ('you wouldn't run a mile' is an old and oft used jeer for some reason there)
I shall then sputter in outraged affront and in my blind and hurt anger at being humiliated with that insult, make a foolish statement that I bet I CAN run a mile...
Depending on the size of the subsequent bets will be the quantity of tears from the other bettors shortly thereafter.

The best way to lose weight is to monitor calories and eat less. I have found I lost 2 stone doing that with no exercise. Since doing C25K, I have eaten more and put on weight so I don't think running loses weight without monitoring calories. However, I wouldn't change a thing as my breathing, heart and lungs plus my legs are so improved. There is a free App called My Fitness Pal that I recommend for tracking food

Do this for yourself and no one else don't listen to nasty people. This programme really works and makes you feel good. Good luck xx

This is a great forum for running motivation. We tend to find that as some of us progress through the program our focus changes to a more positive attitude to our bodies and the weight becomes secondary to what we have found out about our bodies, the weight loss happens towards the end but by that time we are hooked and with any luck by that time you won't care what nasty people at work are saying you will look and more importantly feel so much better about yourself. Give it a go there is lots of support here for you.

Read as many posts as you possibly can on this Forum. See how it is about more than just the ability to run for a certain distance or time. Hopefully you will be convinced that a) If some of us - including myself - are able to do it, so will you. b) You are NOT 'terminally unique' and running will teach you that if nothing else will, and show you exactly just how much inner strength and potential you have to rise above looking to others for self-validation where neccesary and c) That while you may run on your own in this programme you never run alone - we are all in it together here.
I really hope you stay and run with us.

For 1 complete week, maybe even 2 to stop you from cheating - do not consciously or sub-consciously change your diet in ANY way - but write down EVERYTHING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that you have eaten or drunk each day . Have a good look at that list and see what you really needed to eat to stay alive - and which stuff that you KNOW was not essential!! Rewrite the list in long hand - by writing the essential stuff on one side and the non-essential stuff on the other side of a piece of paper. Without even counting any calories - you will KNOW what you are doing wrong!!
BTW - I didn't lose a lot of weight in the early days of my running - a few KG - BUT I lost 8 inches around my waist!!!!

like JoolieB1 i recommend MFP (my fitness pal) I've used this alongside Couch to 5k and have lost 35lbs so far, levelled out as my running became more of a regular thing but think that is connected to the muscle issue as others have said but defiantly lighter and leaner thanks to both programmes.
Good Luck
It makes me angry and sad to hear of workplaces where I that kind of behavior is tolerated. 😥😡
Anyway, losing weight and getting fit will do you good in so many ways.
My way in was through the Couch to 5k programme. I fell in love with running and realised that it would be much easier to run, if I didn't have to run around with 14 kg excess weight. So after graduation, I joined the Weigth Loss forum here on Healthunlocked too, found out what calorie range I needed to be in to lose weight, downloaded the 12 week plan and the app My Fitness Pal for calorie counting - and of course kept running three times a week. I weigh in every Monday and till now have lost around 9 kg, that is 19.8 pounds since early June.
It is doable, but as others have said, running alone is not enough. But if you combine it with calorie reduction and healthy choices whenever you open your mouth, you'll soon see great results.
Best of luck. And don't take crap from nasty colleagues!

Download the podcast (includes music) or the app (add your own music) for week 1, get yourself a good sparts bra and trainers and off you go. We'll be here to talk you through the programme. As with everything in life, it is getting started which is the biggest hurdle. Make some changes to your diet, run 3 x week, drink a lot more water and smile - ypu'll soon be hooked and enjoy running. It takes timecto put weight on and it takes longer to get it back off but you will. No time like now for getting started.

Welcome!! The C25k programme is simply amazing, following it will change your life and be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. Download the podcasts and begin the journey to a happier, healthier you!
Top advice is go slow! Slow down until you feel like you can't possibly slow down any more and then slow down again! Take extra rest days (always at least one rest day between runs) if you need to and if you don't manage all the running intervals then try that run again next time. Stretch, listen to Laura, GO SLOWLY, take your rest days and before you know it you'll be running for 30 minutes!
Yes, you will! People older, larger and with more health issues than you to contend with have begun and completed the programme and everyone here started with W1R1. You can too!!
This forum is full of incredible, inspirational people so do use it for advice, encouragement and to let us celebrate your successes with you.