..I've fallen for this running malarkey - lite... - Couch to 5K

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..I've fallen for this running malarkey - literally....

CentralPark profile image
48 Replies

Oh dear - one of my fears of running has finally come true...yep..I've literally fallen flat on my face - in public - splat! One minute upright human being, next on my face in the dirt (well tarmac) - so embarrassing - so painful!

I'd had a feeling things weren't going to go well for the run, tummy trouble before heading out, then my run keeper wouldn't work properly, had two false starts, then my connection to earphones from my phone started playing up and then it happened - my fall from grace - all in under 5 minutes. (got to be some kind of record there surely?).

My instant reaction (apart from swearing) was to see how many people had witnessed my slip, trip and fall (2), my next was to retrieve my phone from the middle of the road where it had skidded out of my hand before a passing car made it slimmer than totally necessary - and yes, I know I shouldn't have had it in my hand but what with the dicky connection etc that's where it was...after that I checked to see if I could sit up and then get up. And, even though I could do both and it was VERY tempting to say to myself, 'no one would blame you if you just limped back home and called it a day' I gave myself a stern talking to, dabbed the blood on my elbow and knees, re-started my run keeper and music and cracked on....to complete my first 7K outside run!!! So now there's only one more kilometer to add and I'll have that Central Park 8K in the bag!!! Happy (slip and trip free) running peeps :)

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CentralPark profile image
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48 Replies
melly4012 profile image

Oh noooooo! Can't believe you carried on afterwards! That is some dedication right there! 7k is brilliant. How AMAZING it will be to run in Central Park with your daughter! Hope you're not too sore, that graze looks nasty! Hopefully no lasting damage.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply tomelly4012

Thanks melly4012 - I can't really believe I carried on too - but with my goal just there in the near distance what could I do haha! I'm so excited about that Central Park run now - I can actually see myself doing it! No lasting damage with the old wounds - I might even have a little (feint) scar to show my daughter (also a Melly) :) xx

melly4012 profile image
melly4012Graduate in reply toCentralPark

It will be absolutely amazing! I'm going to a wedding in New York next summer and now I'm thinking that I'll have to make sure I go for a run in Central Park, inspired by you and your Melly (yay, another one!!)! :)

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply tomelly4012

Oh you definitely should - and I'd love to see pics when you do - I'll post mine as soon as I come back - me and my Melly! :)

melly4012 profile image
melly4012Graduate in reply toCentralPark

Yes, can't wait to see them!! Please try to capture the look on her face before and after too - no doubt absolute amazement at the secret you've been harbouring and then beaming with pride once you've finished the race together!!!

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerGraduate in reply tomelly4012

Took my nephew for a run in central park the morning of his wedding 2 years ago - really humid!!! but great and we still talk about it.

Well I say I took him- he was a lot faster than me.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toancientrunner

Hee hee - I shall definitely be holding my daughter back - but hopefully she'll forgive me ;) xx It's getting soooo close now I'm so excited! (and a bit scared!) ;)

Irishprincess profile image

Ouch 😢 but it was worth it to run 7K. Well done.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toIrishprincess

It certainly was Irishprincess - those 7 ks felt soooo good - afterwards haha :)

Blimey!!! Well done for carrying on and running 7k :)

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to

Thanks Welshgirl84, to be honest I didn't know I had such determination until I started this! :)

dddd4 profile image

Well done for completing your run. Hope you are not too stiff now you are home.only one more km to go- wow! That's sure to take your mind off falling.☺

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply todddd4

Thanks ddd4 - yes, much better now....Central Park is getting soooo close!

GoogleMe profile image

I think I may trip less these days than I used to, but I have found that, so long as I don't try to leap up too fast, that getting up slowly and then carrying on running, I've experienced fewer of the usual adverse effects of falls than I once did.

My Dad apparently falls nearly every time he goes for a run/orienteers these days.

Not sure why you reckon you shouldn't have your phone in your hand? Well not running and looking at it I know. My brother has got himself some kind of case with a hand strap and loves it.

I am so glad you had such a good run after those gremlins worked so hard on the hurdles.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Thanks GoogleMe - aha - maybe it was that slow to rise that helped with the injuries haha - phone in my hand....well...I said that because when it happened all I could hear was my dad's voice in my head say 'well you shouldn't have had your phone in your hand should you'....even though I'm 55 years old hahaha :) ps, I now carry it in my sports bra where it's defo safe and sound - and easy to get hold of when it plays up :)

Vanessa291 profile image

Ohh dear, running wounded. Well done you for giving yourself a talking to and carrying on with your run after that fall. Hope it isn't hurting too much now.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toVanessa291

Thanks Vanessa, yes, it was a stern talking to haha - all ok now - might even have a small (feint) scar on the old elbow I can show my daughter at the 'reveal' ; ) xx

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Poor you! Grazes are painful, but I think it's our pride which gets wounded as much as anything. I've fallen over a number of times, the last was a spectacular sprawl in May where I managed to graze my knees, right hand and even the side of my face. I've tripped over roots, stones, heaps of snow and thin air! No permanent damage done though - I think it makes us stronger. Hope you're not feeling too sore💊

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Ooooh JaySeeSkinny - I feel like a right whinge now - you've really taken some tumbles! Defo pride taking a battering - you just feel soooo stupid! I must be tougher than I thought ;) xx ps yes, the scabs are healing and no pain now thanks, x

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply toCentralPark

No, not a whinge - that scrape looks sore!

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply toCentralPark

Oh, and I gave up after my last spectacular fall - you didn't!

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Awww bless and thanks xxx

pollyp1 profile image

Well done you, it could be so easy to stop when things like that happen - resilience has been the best gain of this for me. Good luck with the rest of the training and happy running.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply topollyp1

Thanks pollyp1 - you're right - resilience is something I've found I've actually got a lot more of than I ever thought! :) x

CentralPark profile image

Thanks Pollyp1 - yep - having a goal has kept me going for sure - and the support I've had from this group and my secret group on FB - Central Park is only weeks away now!

ancientrunner profile image

did the same thing a while back -the graze on your knee makes you feel young again!

Hope it's not sore.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toancientrunner

Haha didn't think of it like that but yes, it's been a long time since I had grazes and now scabs hahah :) Not sore now...just resisting the urge to itch it ;)

misswobble profile image

It happens to us all. It's a rite of passage 😊 I fell over a speed hump of all things. I didn't see it in the dark 😎

No harm done though so dust yourself off and go again. Thankfully no clothes were ripped 😃

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply tomisswobble

Speed humps are strangely awkward things when you're running. They look very smooth and innocent, but seem to somehow be able to break your stride sometimes.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Too right misswobble....lots of dusting down! And although I sympathize...speed hump and all....I'm a little bit glad it's not only me ;) x

Eatcakeandrun profile image

Poor you! I can't believe you carried on though! Well done. I am hoping to run in Central Park in October when I visit my sister.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toEatcakeandrun

Aww thanks Eatcakeandrun (haha that should be my name cos I make cakes as a home business :) ) Yeah you really must have that run in Central Park too - would love to hear about it when you've done it...does your sister live in NYC then? October should be beautiful there too! :) x

Oldfloss profile image


That is horrid.. looks sore. Having had a cycle fall.. I sympathise.. better the phone squished than you!

You still got up and ran though.. go you!!!!

I do love a couple of scrapes/ bumps though...reminds me of being small..battle scars... at 66 ! Yeay!!!

How tough are you :)x

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Awww Oldfloss thanks, and do you know I'd not thought about it as in being 'young' again...been a long time since I had such grazes and scabs...I was such a tom boy when I was younger always up trees and riding my bikes and roller skates like a mad thing (my poor mother!) - finding out I might still have a little bit of that tough girl still in me all these (many) years later ;) xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toCentralPark

Me too..I climbed trees!!!! and loved my roller skates.... brilliant... I have started reliving my youth.. doing some sprints at the end of runs... wheeeeeee!

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Whooooa - sprints - at the end of runs???? You're a legend!! I'll let you know when I can do that ;) x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toCentralPark

If this old thing can.. then you can... :) Mind, I was relieved I did not collapse...it took me back to my teens. I broke the Staffordshire record for the 220 yds, (yes, I am THAT old!!! Yards! )

PippiRuns profile image

Ouch! You are the embodiment of determination! That looks painful, I am not sure I would have been able to convince myself to continue..

It's been a while since I've seen you and I am wondering - does you daughter still know nothing about your running in Central Park with her or did she figure it out?

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toPippiRuns

Hiya IbenCopenhagen....thanks muchly, it was painful for sure but needs must when a deadline looms haha! And, nope, as far as I'm aware she's still fully in the dark about it all - her bestie (my secret coach, the triathlete) hosted a surprise pre-birthday day for her in London last weekend at which they all talked about my daughter's run in Central Park and how 'mummy' would be taking the photos etc....gonna be such a shock!!! :) :)

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns in reply toCentralPark

Wow, that's so wonderful. And great motivation.

poppypug profile image

Oooh I bet that chafed !

Well done for getting up, dusting yourself down and carrying on, that takes some guts and determination , especially to go on and do 7k !!

Its really unsettling when you fall isn't it ? I think its something that happens to us all at one time or another :-(

Well done for today and you will nail that 8k with your daughter ! :-) xxx

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply topoppypug

Thanks Poppypug - I really did have to give myself a good talking to - told myself there was no main artery bleed and no bones stick out where they didn't ought to be so stop whinging and get on with it haha! You're right though, it was unsettling and I did feel conscious for the rest of the run, hopefully I'll stay upright on the big day! :)

Irish-John profile image

My hat is off to you! Inspiring on so many levels. Wishing you a complete recovery, and if there is a scar - what a great 'war story' you will have to tell :)

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply toIrish-John

Thanks Irish-John - it's the people around me who've helped me become a runner that I'm doing it for - that and Central Park with my daughter of course - and yes, I'm kinda hoping for just a little scar so I can tell my war story ;) x

Old_trout profile image

Stiff upper lip and all that!! Well done for the 7km. In the words of the song "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again!" That's Fred and Ginger in "Swing Time". I love those 1930s musicals! Good running pace too, by the way!

CentralPark profile image

Thanks Old_trout - I certainly did have to dust myself down...and dab the blood haha :)

What a hero Well done. I feel lucky that I have a gravelled surface on the tow path by canal and then do laps of small lake. Just the odd dog walker to negotiate.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to

Thanks Joepublic - ahhh dog walkers, yes they definitely need negotiating around! ;)

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