All kitted up & ready to go but iPod nowhere to be found - suspect it's in hubby's car Not to be deterred I decided to use the app which was already on my phone. Managed to find out how to play the run needed but of course it's not Laura! No disrepect to Jo Whiley but Laura is far better and as I haven't yet fathomed how to load music onto my phone that was missing too. Off I went but then had problems with the app stopping or no sound at times so I got out of sync. Ended up using the timer but being able to see the time ticking down makes it go slower. Still, I finished & think I did about the right amount. Note to self, make sure to know where iPod is! Happy running people
W2R2, not quite to plan...: All kitted up... - Couch to 5K
W2R2, not quite to plan...

Well Done..
I have to agree about the timer..before finding this wonderful site i used to use an App on my phone called Runtastic, i would run for one minute and walk for one minute, i used to get to about 40 seconds look at my phone and quit when i knew i still had 20 seconds left (",)
Last night i did my W1R1 and i found it so much easier to run with the music they play, i just kept pushing myself until i heard Laura's voice again and i was presently surprised. I complete 6 out of the 8 munites
I can see myself sticking to there podcasts, i find i don't mess about with my phone at all, normally i'm skipping songs or listening for my pace per minute through the app but the podcast just keeps it sweet and simple.
Good Luck with your journey :0)
oh no! I have such a horror of not finding my iPod when I'm ready to go out the door that I keep it in my running shoes just in case....

I run with a kitchen countdown timer ever since the day I stopped running an early stage because 'I just can't go on'....had I known however that I was only eight lousy seconds away from having a 'success' day rather than another 'practice' day I am rather certain I would have been able to 'go on' Personally I like the countdown timer, it's small and fits in my hand well, it beeps at the half way and three quarters done way and it gives me that little boost to do just that little bit more that can be the difference between feeling good and feeling just a LITTLe dissapointed.
No way though could I run as long if it were counting UPWards to the target time...strange but true!.

Afraid I now have a vision of you running with one of those novelty tomatoes in your hand

Also remember to charge it 😡

Great stuff - you managed a tricky situation - and flew - well done you💫