Thought I would try the Stepping Stones podcast and run outside again along a local river/railway {only the 3rd time I've done that) . Really not feeling it in the legs and pulled out my phone to see how long I had been running (about 12 mins) and knocked the wrong button which sent the podcast back to the beginning again.
Cue 5 minutes of walking while trying to get it back to where I had been up to (glad no one was around to hear me telling Laura off for being in the wrong place even though it wasn't her fault 😂😂)
Then I hadn't realised there wasn't a bell at the halfway point so it was only when Laura said 5 minutes to go did I think to turn round - so a nice extra long walk home in the rain.
Saying all that, I still managed 3.5k in the 30 mins (only 25 mins running) which is pretty good for me so at least one positive!
Just makes me determined to complete the whole thing next time (having learnt just to leave everything alone once it's up and running)