I've been following #c25k posts for various challenges I've faced along the 8 week journey. I've just completed Week 7 Day 1 #W7D1.
I've found every single day daunting since Week 5 Day 2. Until then every run had rests, from W7D1 there are NO rests. So I put it off for 5 days. Sometimes I need that long just to recover from the previous runs.
I started running because I'm overweight (95kg or 210 llbs and 5'6") and I have sleep apnoea. I also have an 8 year old so I really did need to start looking after myself again in order to be around because I really want to meet my grandchildren.
It's been really tough. I run very slow - 5 miles per hour but I had to slow down more to 4.34 mph to get through this run.
Everytime I run I realise that it's all in the mind. My body just keeps going - it's my brain that says stop. When I really think hard about it while running I kinda go what's hurting here? I had a bit of calf pain, slight lower back pain but all in all - I was fine.
Here's 5 affirmations I repeat to myself that keep me going:
Pain is only weakness leaving the body.
You are stronger than you know.
The only bad run is the one that didn't happen.
If it were easy everybody would be doing it.
Practise makes progress.
The positives far outweigh any short term inconvenience... I'm looking healthier especially my skin, I'm more alert, have more energy to work through a whole day, I'm less forgetful after a run, happier too. Most of all I'm finding that my sleep apnoea isn't as bad, I'm hoping one day I won't have to use my CPAP machine to sleep with. I haven't lost any weight but my clothes are looser and look better on me. All stuff worth running for.
See you on the road.
Cia x