I posted a couple of days ago as I am repeating week 5 as I hadn't managed R3. Today I put some different music on, counted up to 5 then 8 minutes, thought I"d try 10 then I counted down 9, 8, 7 etc u til I looked at my watch and thought OMG only 1 minute to go!
I am so chuffed with myself, although even after nearly an hour my legs still feel a bit like jelly! Onwards and upwards though. Now I feel like I CAN do this!!! I never thought in week 1 when I struggled with running for 60 seconds that I"d be doing 20 times that!
The last song I had playing on my way home today was 'Army' by Ellie Gouding and I have to say that"s what it feels like with you guys😁- standing with an army! ( Or running with an army?!)