So Greg Boyd (an American preacher) and I did the first half and then me and various Pop bands from the 80s came along.
I tried with a new gadget ( which was fun.
The run was great - similar to last run. In fact, looking at the stats ( it was exactly the same calorie count :-).
I also think my Monday run's heart rate was suspiciously low as I spent 53% of this run in Z5 as opposed to the much more desirable, but utterly fictional 60% in Z3 :-). I can dream.
I did meet two other runners, one who was running at a slightly faster pace than me but kept stopping to take photos of the glorious Bradgate Park so we played a bit of leap frog, and a very lithe boxer/martial artist who I had seen shadow boxing under a tree earlier. The only way I was going to pass him was if he lay down for an hour or so :-).
Oh, and the river that runs through the park had burst its banks which was quite nice - the sound of the pretty fast moving river was nice. Stepping onto a piece of grass and then sinking in an inch of water - not so much.
I do like nature though, it is so bountiful and provides all our needs. Like the flying bit of protein I inhaled through my nose, or the one that i gagged on after it hit the back of my throat. Lovely.
Anyway, another day, another 5K.