2 longer runs instead of 3 shorter ones, well that was a bit easier. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I actually think that I'll be glad not to have to stop and walk and just keep my pace up- only one set of gremlins to fight off, not a new set with each little run.
W6r2: 2 longer runs instead of 3 shorter ones... - Couch to 5K

I know what you mean, did wk6 run1 tonight and it was hard work. Alsonlooking forward to the longer runs and no walk breaks x

That's absolutely right, and I think it's a deliberate move by Laura to teach us a lesson about keeping going... Far easier than stopping and then having to re-find the rhythm.
Well done on getting to Week 6. The end is almost in sight 🏃🏻😊

When I got to the continuous runs I found it easier, felt more like a runner. Enjoy the rest of your runs, you'll be graduating before you know it.☺

Well done ! Yes Week 6 is a toughie going back to the Run/Walks. Very much a mental challenge as well as a physical one .
Good Luck ! xxx

When I first heard Laura say it's a mental thing , I thought to true I must be doing this 😂

Isn't it weird how it gets to you? Just trying to persuade myself to run later tonight when it's cooler when all I want to do is head off NOW and pound some pavement! Aliens have kidnapped Als_mum and replaced her with a runner.....

I hated this run, once I stop that's it for me. Definitely thrown into the programme to price a point!