I ran, yesterday.... It was very cold and it was very early. Out of the house well before 6 a.m.
Pure sunshine, a pale yellow orb, floating in a clear blue lake... only the merest hint of cloud, gossamer-thin, pink-tinged and high, high above. Clouds interest me. The soothsayers of the skies. The rosy tint, maybe a hint of inclement weather to follow.. But, the day beckoned.. house-sitting for daughter until 9.30.. plasterers working there, Art class at 10... husband taking over house sitting...then from Art, home in time for lunch!
So, another short run, planned ahead, but with a twist! About 4 K that is all...Leaving the house, the little man who lives in the thermometer, was wearing his hat, his scarf, his gloves, long coat and his boots. A sun symbol above him but, an umbrella in his hand. Undeterred I set out..hat on, buff pulled up... it was freezing. Really cold. Not the lung-numbing iciness of the other morning, but very cold nonetheless. I set off a slightly brisker than normal, walking pace. Just a five minute warm up and then a gentle jog down to the village.
I took the old favourite route, right up the lane and into the top fields, via the heavy gate. I have to climb over it, as I cannot lift the huge fasten at the top. I am just waiting for the day when I fall A over T into the field, from the top of the gate ! A lovely run across by the copse of trees and over to the far lane, through the gate,... that one I can open, and into the next village. Not a soul around. No-one. It was amazing,. the birds singing, a zing in the air and clear, deserted landscape; no dog walkers, wild creatures, morning walkers..just me. So... the twist!
Some of you may remember the odd little snippet (in a post of mine, from a few days ago), about running backwards. Well, I did say in a reply.. i was going to try it.. so yesterday, I thought I would! The benefits... according to the article I linked to, supposedly include... a strengthening of the heart, lungs, muscles and joints, it is good for the hips, legs, and trunk and going backwards means your stomach will work out like your back and creates a nice reaction for your abdominals...! Sounds like a good plan to me! It also advises a clear area with no telegraph poles or post boxes, trees, shrubs, cliff edges or water. When I eventually retraced my way back to the big field, it seemed pretty devoid of these objects, apart from one very large bush a long way away from me, I thought I would be fine. I have jogged backwards very occasionally for a few steps to ease muscles going up a hill, but not running. I turned around.. a quick check , over the shoulder, of the track I am on, which leads to the steam railway crossing. Straight-ish and flat-ish... I know the path by heart.. running forwards..so... off I went.
Okay...it was slow, very slow. It took me a while to get my legs to understand what I was aiming for. I felt a little like a Titanosuar...my head seemed an awfully long way from my feet. But I started , eventually, to get a bit of a rhythm going... slowly, but a rhythm! Another quick peek over my shoulder to make sure I was on track... All well.. and because I was so slow, I managed to keep a pretty straight line. How did it feel ? Well..different, obviously, and I was aware of the different areas of action, in my calves for example... I was straighter, I think.. and it did require slightly more effort to do it! I attempted to move a little faster, and although I managed it, it was a very strange sensation and I did feel a tad out of control. It was a bit like when you drive somewhere one way, then reverse back again.. only much, much slower...
Another quick peek, behind, and as I was nearing the crossing. I stopped. Avoid an accident at all costs! About 1K.. that is all. It felt like a longer distance!
Over the crossing... facing the right way now and I ran on back across the field, up the hill and out onto the lane. Not unsurprisingly, I felt like I was running really, really quickly..but I probably wasn't .
Back down the lane at a slow and pleasant pace. I was aware that the sun had disappeared. I had been concentrating so hard on going backwards, that I had failed to notice the darkening of the sky, and those pink-tinged wisps of nothingness had ganged together into an ominously grey blanket overhead. As I ran down past Rookery wood, the eerie silence that pre-empts a storm had fallen over everywhere. it was quiet earlier, but this was a stillness... and sure enough, as I ran through behind the Railway station, the first flakes of snow began to fall. Winter in Spring... large flakes and falling quickly; my jacket was soon speckled with white crystals... as I turned to go back up my hill to home, I could not resist. A wide pavement, no -one about, no obstacles for a few hundred metres, snow falling... a sense of mischief.. why not?
I turned around and very, very slowly started to jog up the hill, backwards; I was concentrating very, very hard... as I went up the hill, when, out of the corner of my eye, through the now, heavily falling snow..I was aware of chap with a dog, coming out of the small private side road opposite and as he spotted me, he started laughing and at the top of his voice, started singing, "I'm walking backwards for Christmas, across the Irish sea..." Honestly.. it is perfectly true...It was priceless... He then quite literally, fell about laughing.
What could I do... I just grinned inanely, turned round, and plodded up the hill...and home. Quite an appropriate choice of song, I thought!
Will I try the backward running again... maybe. Will I do it on a public highway...never!!!!
I consoled myself, with the thought that he must probably be as old as me, to even know the song!
Thanks Mr Milligan and The Goons....