Wow wow wow - I only went and did it ........ got up very early walked 10mins up the hill at speed ( advice from experienced runner staying in our resort ) then started of with mr Smooth - another 5 min walk up the hill for warm up bit ........ and off I went .
Tears streaming down my face as iv never attempted exercise on holiday before . The view across the Aegean Sea was breath taking in the early morning sun . Slowly ran down the hill ..... one ear on mr Smooth other listening for cars ..... half way down turned off to the small beach - around the car park a few times - backwards and forwards on the small beach front - then continued down to the harbour - steeper incline but took it slowly . Paused for 30 secs but jogged on the spot to admire the view again - so emotional right now ..... I AM RUNNING and feel great . Down into the harbour front passing the little bar we go to and 6-7 men drinking coffee ... but unlike normal I didn't care because even tho I may look hot and sweaty I was RUNNING and not sitting ... ....... continued around the harbour route I had planned a couple of times .... and that was it -- 1 min to go !!!!!!!! - I speeded up for the last minute along the front and back to our beautiful little jetty house ....... buzzing , crying , wanted to scream from the roof top that I had just ran for 25 mins on my holiday !!!!!! Cool down , stretches then shower🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. Can't wait to do it again on Thursday