Friendship is born at that moment when one per... - Couch to 5K

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Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another...

Oldfloss profile image
โ€ข44 Replies

...What! You too? I thought I was the only one.

... and how many times do we see that last line, written in these posts? You can't breathe properly either? You are going slow? Why is this hard, is anyone else feeling like this??

I have commented, as have others, many times, on the friendship of the running forum, and over this funny weekend, when the site was having a bit of a wibbly, I missed my friends, my invisible friends. I missed the messages from old friends, the newer friends and reading the posts of friends, yet to be. I thought of the friends who are not posting at the moment; we all have particular friends who we really miss, when they are not around. We all know who they are. It was a tad like going down the village street and not being able to pass the time of day with folks you know, or waving to people you know by sight. It was odd, also, because, earlier I had been thinking about folk who have vanished from the forum, since I have been around. Life, family, circumstance, affecting all of us. I have special friends who no longer post, and I wonder.

Yesterday, an early run; lunch down at the offspring and husband's home, for Father's Day later, so needed to be out and back ! I love Sunday runs and although yesterday was a peach of a run, I felt a little quiet on setting out. The day for for some of us, maybe tinged with a moment of sadness, remembering Fathers who are just out of reach now, or indeed Fathers thinking of offspring are out of reach also for whatever reason.

So, a brisk, shake-myself up warm up walk and then a gentle jog down the hill to the village. I was taking a special friend with me yesterday and I intended having a good run. Along the main road into the centre of the village, all very, very quiet. No one at all in sight. I love the mornings when it is like this. I have it all to myself. No cars, no people no nothing :) I headed along the road, up through the narrow cut-through and into the churchyard. Those of you who have read my posts, know I always tiptoe or run very quietly here. The folk at rest there, don't seem to mind me, but I am never sure whether running is a good idea! So a cut-through and joining the hill past the Big School, half way up. Going very steadily. No Laura, no ABBA :), just me and my feet. I am I think, running quite well,( the odd twinge from my left knee), and this pleases me as I am breaking in some new shoes. Same make as the old Faithfuls and so far, so good.

Trying a variation this particular, morning, which involved a new lane. It was further than I thought to the turn and the first bit of the lane was an incline...not overly keen on that so early on, but kept plodding anyway. Then, the bonus of a long, long stretch of downhill; gentle and easy, which took me, past a lovely old farmhouse which I have coveted for so long, and gazed at wistfully from my car.. and into the next village. It used to boast a village shop, a Post Office and two pubs, no longer alas. I turned down the lane which would take me back to the village next to my own. Glorious views and a clear flat run. Odd how in my head, I can hear Laura, "lift up your heels, relax your shoulders, don't clench your fists". The friend who, in conjunction with the supportive friends on here, got me where I am on this Sunday run!

Hedgerows thick and green, a slate-blue sky and the threat of rain clouds in the distance. I glanced to the left as I ran, up towards a wood on a small hill, where one morning, walking, I startled a deer... all quiet now. Over the line of the Steam railway which runs across the lane, past the farm with the duck ponds, ducks still asleep and round and up towards a Cricket Club and the turn down the Hollow. I was keeping a fair pace and trying not to dawdle. Although I have walked, cycled, rode and driven this way, many times, I have never run it. Those who know my rambles, know how difficult it is for me to focus on the running. But, I did. I just thought of my friend and carried on running. Down the Hollow, no ghostly singing on this bright morning, but still quite shadowy and the vague feeling of unease that I always experience, was there.

I was, as ever glad to make the Square, and the light, past the stocks and along to the gate of the big field leading home! Through the gate and surprisingly, still going strongly. I have no idea of pace, but I was breathing normally and not too warm. My legs did not feel tired at all. The field is flattish here and I headed towards the Steam railway crossing and over into the home field. Buttercups, all gone now, but so, so many grasses. Truly beautiful as I ran past ,and through them, so many different kinds, looking for all the world like a greeny-purple sea, undulating, and sinuously stretching away to the top lane On along, and towards the track to the lane, with almost a sprint finish... and a welcome stop for a photograph and a moment to send thoughts to the friend from the forum.

I walked the rest of the way down the lane and across the road past the Station, stopping to check my distance. This was my longest run so far, 8.87 K . Gosh! I was surprised, it did not seem that far. It was slow, but I was not aiming for speed. My distances are creeping up slowly and steadily and it is fun. Took my time, but jogged up the hill and home, ( I love to think that I would never, ever have chosen to run up hill in the early days of my running journey.)

This run, was one I did for a friend, he did a run for me a while back, and whom, as some of us know, if we follow his post, is going through a tough time currently... So, not as long , or as impressive as your run, but secan . this run was for you, hang on in there, your friends are all still here!


Quotation courtesy of CS Lewis.

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Oldfloss profile image
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44 Replies
yatesco profile image

We missed you too over the weekend :-).

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toyatesco was quieter :)

aliboo70 profile image

Aah that's lovely floss, secan will just love that I know it! Beautiful descriptions๐Ÿ˜Š

Yes the site HAS been frustrating this weekend! You'll be glad to know I have adopted your "be more floss" attitude on more than 1 occasion this weekend. Notably when I nearly didn't wear my homemade not very brilliant pirate party hat at pirate themed parkrun after seeing everyone elses more pro efforts (mine was a 10min effort) but at the last min i thought "b***er it"and wore it with pride that the thought was there! ๐Ÿ˜Š xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toaliboo70

Yeay! It does help to just go with it,sometimes, not always easy. Pirate themed park run.. great! Love that idea.

Lovely son in law is coming with me to do a reconnaissance for a possible park run...I am gradually plucking up courage !

I definitely think a photo of you as a pirate would encourage me.... ?? :)

I am hoping our secan is working stuff out. he has been so supportive to so many of the runners on here :)

Son1 profile image

Great distance, well done! I find your posts both lovely and inspiring :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toSon1

I was a tad please, thank you :) You are doing brilliantly too :)

PippiRuns profile image

And once again you write a post that somehow fits exactly with how I feel. I missed you and my other forum friends so much this weekend and was really frustrated with the technical problems.

Thanks for running for Secan and taking all of us with you through your words.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toPippiRuns

Good morning... it was odd.

I am not always glued to my computer, but had been having some hitches with it generally , so was giving it a de-frag, so probably more aware. And, you know me, my thoughts then start to wander :)

Just heading out now for a quick 5K, I have workmen in at 8 to carry on with my new Orangery! :)

Hoping secan gets some good news about jobs, he is such a kind and supportive chap :)

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRunsโ€ข in reply toOldfloss

Orangery! How wonderful. I would love to have one. Summers are extended when you can sit outdoors indoors.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toPippiRuns

:) Only a small one...more like a tangerinerey! But will, as you say, extend into the outside and lengthen the days, especially in the Autumn and Winter :)

Eatcakeandrun profile image

What a lovely post. I am relatively new here, but feel like I have also made some new friends. It is very much like walking down the street and saying hi to the neighbours - I love that analogy. It is so inspiring and encouraging to read people's stories and their achievements.

This morning I did quite a hard 7k run with some fast intervals - and thought of ju-ju- and her training ! It does keep you going.

I hope those going through difficult times know that they are thought of and missed.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toEatcakeandrun

Thanks..I think our friends, even if absent, check in and know we are rooting for them :)

Well done you..7K and fast! Wow! I did a very quick, (for me), 5K this morning... workmen coming in!

Irishprincess profile image

Aw you are such a thoughtful lady floss. I hope secan sees this gift from you.

That sounds a beautiful run and 8.87!!! Go you! I hope you've booked yourself a 10K race soon. I can't wait to read your race report for that ๐Ÿ˜Š

I too wonder what's happened to many forum friends. Some people just disappear and I miss them. I just hope they're still running.

Have a lovely day you special lady xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks you x I am getting there, I am happy just seeing how far I can travel... without pressure .. although I think I might dare to do the Park run soon...S-i-L, and I are heading to a venue to check it out first. :)

I am just afraid I will be very slow, although my 5K times are improving! Under 30 mins this morning.. workmen arrived at 8 and a dental appointment after, so I had to whizz around my route first thing!!!

I do hope some of our chums are okay.. do you remember Running-scared ? Have not seen her posts for ages.. and where is yamiskoi , I know she was heading to Hong Kong.. ? It is like long lost family, when they appear again :)

Have a lovely day too x I am hedge cutting!!! :)

poppypug profile image

That is such a kind and lovely gesture , really thoughtful of you Floss. Lets hope things are much more positive for him soon. Were all rooting for you secan xxx

Well , you are doing brilliantly ! You are going to get up to that 10k , I just know it !

Lovely post Floss, and I totally agree about this forum. So many lovely people and inspirational stories, and I too miss people when we don't hear from them for a while. Talking of which, where is Dunder2004 ? He came back after a long absence and now he seems to have disappeared for a while again :-(

Have a lovely day , hope the dentist isn't too painful and I had to laugh at your tangine-ery ! Ha ha :-D xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply topoppypug

Thanks pp.. yes.. shiny teeth.. so not a toothless old hag just yet!! :)

Pinguette appeared back last week, but has gone again too..people have busy lives,

As you say, some folk on here are totally inspirational and the duress they run with sometimes. makes me feel very humble.

I may get to 10 K yet.. it may take while but I feel with the sunshine, I may just make it! :)

poppypug profile image

Smile while you've still got teeth, that's what I say , Ha ha :-D !

Oh Pinguette , I must look for her post. I missed some over the weekend when the site was down, and it was just so hard to keep track of the posts and replies .

Have a lovely day Floss xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply topoppypug

Oh yes:) Yep, so many older friends and a load of new ones to keep track of.I love it!

You have a good day...I am zapped now.. cut three hedges... whew!

Ullyrunner profile image

Morning Oldfloss! It was frustrating being out of touch over the weekend and in particular not being aware of replies etc, but everything seems to be working ok now.

Lovely run by the sound of it and you're covering some impressive distance now. My longest run was just over 8k but I never really feel any desire to go further particular.y as my 5k just loops me nicely round the village

Nice of you to have Secan in your thoughts as you ran, hope things are going well with him.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toUllyrunner

Me too. I am sure he will find a new start somewhere!

Well, my distances just happen really..I think if I tried, i would fail.. so I just ramble along and ramble on. I did a quick 5K round the village and just onto the field edge this morning.. lovely! :)

secan profile image

Thank you, Oldfloss , and thank to the rest of you. I'm overwhelmed by your support. Now I am obliged to quickly get back on track... ๐Ÿ™‚

It also seems all the positive vibes you've been sending are actually working their magic, as yesterday I had a preliminary contact from a recruiter for a job here in Maidenhead. Nothing certain yet, but enough to re-ignite a sparkle of hope; just enough to put my running shoes on and see if I can still remember how to put a foot in front of the other. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you so much; I love you, people.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply tosecan

Oh yes!!!!

That is so amazing... a glimmer, as you say!

Of course, you are quite correct; come what may will need to get yourself into gear and get out there again.. if only to shout out all your frustrations and angst into the air!!

We love you right back x


One foot in front of the other is right...:)

Ullyrunner profile image
UllyrunnerGraduateโ€ข in reply tosecan

Fantastic! Keeping everything crossed!

Enjoy your run. X

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Graduateโ€ข in reply tosecan

Hope something comes of that for you Secan๐Ÿ™‚.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduateโ€ข in reply tosecan

Oh Fingers crossed for you @secan . Hope you get the break youre looking for , this is such promising news xxx

Suebguineapig profile image

You certainly do good posting! Secan gave me great tips when I first joined the forum, so am sending him positive vibes.

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks.. I ramble a lot:)

Check out the replies.. he has received our vibes!!! :)

Sandraj39 profile image

As always Oldfloss, beautiful photo and beautiful words๐Ÿ™‚. I love CS Lewis! Was a massive Narnia fan as a child and tried in vain several times, to get there through the back of my wardrobe! (I also tried to get to Wonderland through the looking glass - real life can be such a disappointment sometimes!๐Ÿ˜€)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toSandraj39

๐Ÿ˜ It can..but,sometimes magical things can stll happen...when we least expect themโ˜บ

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Graduateโ€ข in reply toOldfloss

Oh, we're back to running again, aren't we?!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toSandraj39


Oldfloss profile image

But..disappointments aren't intended to destroy you..they are meant to strengthen you...โ˜บ

Als_mum profile image

So lovely to read this, and I'm really envious of your running routes. It's a great gift to notice so much and describe it with such eloquence and obvious love. Thank you for sharing it with us all.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toAls_mum

Thank you...I have lovely places to run...but,I take inspirational folk like you with me.You colour my runs and fill my mind. It iis a pleasure to share my running with youx

dddd4 profile image

Loved reading your post and sending out positive vibes to all here. Your route sounds beautiful Oldfloss. I guess all out routes have something to offer of we just take the time to look.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply todddd4

Yes indeed... just taking time to look.. that for me is the key. It does not have to be a rural route. :)

I was so fortunate, to have parents and my Nan who instilled in me a massive curiosity and the ability to look and really see things, wherever and whatever.

So much so, that I really have to focus on my actual running sometimes...:)

Slowstart profile image

Lovely post as always. This morning I walked through long grass and instead of worrying that my legs and shoes were getting soaked, I noticed the beautiful colours and textures and how pretty the water droplets looked, then thought of you and wished I had a camera with me, and now I find this wonderful post! Thanks for being you Oldfloss . More sprinkles of hope being sent your way secan , nice to hear from you.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toSlowstart

Thanks you x

Lovely to be out on folks' runs or walks, with them.

I am very content with being me... and feel very lucky to be part of this friendship.

Hopefully secan will be up and running soon, so many people want him back on form:)

LisaRose74 profile image

Wow what a great distance on that run. I have lost my way a bit lately both with running and with life in general and have not been on here so much, but have definitely missed your run reports so I am resolved to get back on here and into the land of the living. In fact I went back running tonight!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toLisaRose74

Welcome back :)

This forum can be a real support. No judgements, only friendship... I am so glad you had a run and looking forward to you being part of this again :)

Plus.. the crazy things I get up to are guaranteed to make you smile :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

I missed this one first time round Floss.

I wasn't sure if you had written a run report lately, what with LMTB and all, and looking back through your posts came across this one. As I started reading I grew more and more intregued... does Floss, mean Laura, no ..then who...

It was our lovely Secan.. such a kind and thoughtful post. AND as we know he is safely and happily back in Italy in a lovely area and back running again too..

Good oldFloss!!๐Ÿ˜Šx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toBluebirdrunner

You are so lovely... thank you x

Yes..our secan , who, wonderfully, is back on a smoother running path now.. I love it, when I get a flashback post... it reminds me of our chums who are still here and those running new paths elsewhere. :)

I have got all my posts.. I thought I could put them in a folder.. A Runner's Year :)

LMTB is nearly there.. two weeks max :) I intend a post tomorrow.. if all goes to plan :)

Tbae profile image

Stunning ,reassuring and beautifully compassionate.๐ŸŒŸ

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduateโ€ข in reply toTbae

Thank you.. I have made many friends during my running journey, some of whom have wandered from this path.. I think of them often...they supported, encouraged and reassured me as I started my running adventures...

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