So nearly 3 weeks ago I completed wk6 run2 and it didn't go well; I had to stop and walk and was convinced I was about to die. Anyway I spiralled into a self destructive cycle and hadn't been out since...until yesterday! Got my ass up and bought some new trainers for a boost, retail therapy never fails and because me old trainers had made my toenails split, and got going. Last week I asked for advice whether I should go back a step or just carry on and I decided to bite the bullet and just pick up on wk6 run3. I DID IT! I ran the furthest I ever had and I didn't even feel like I was going to die.
Want to know the best bit?
As I was nearly finished, running at the speed of an exhausted snail, I passed an old man sitting in traffic. I was focusing on my breathing when he caught my eye. He gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I could have cried! I don't know who he was and I'm sure I'll never see him again but he is my hero. That encouragement was exactly what I needed. I finished the last 2 minutes with a huge Cheshire Cat smile and when Laura said "let's pick up the pace for the last 60 seconds" I was like HELL YEAH!
After all my self doubt and an Easter holiday of eating way too much crap my body remembered the training and thanks to that lovely old man my mind gremlins shut up too.
Have a great week everyone. I can't wait to do wk7 run 1 on Monday.