The Curious Incident of the Knee that Twinged ... - Couch to 5K

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The Curious Incident of the Knee that Twinged in the night-time

Oldfloss profile image
14 Replies

After the total weirdness of the aches and pains since Friday, and the oddness of Sunday, I was not sure how this morning's run would go. I did know for sure though, that it would be short...(maybe very short), but hopefully sweet. My ribs... nothing at all since Saturday evening post bath! Not an ache or pain anywhere in sight, so okay there. The knee.. a whole other story.. ached all through Sunday night , woke me up during the night and all through yesterday.. not as giving way , but fairly regular locking sensation and real pain going upstairs. no problem at all walking, sitting, or coming downstairs. Husband really helpful " ...if it hurts when you go upstairs... then don't go upstairs!!! " Okay...:)

If I walked upstairs sideways, like a crab, good leg first then strange leg, it was fine. ( Yep, you have got a real image of me there haven't you?) I slept well last night, no waking with knee pain at to run or not to run...the knee seemed fine first thing and so I headed out into the morning. I had to, first, promise husband to return, if physically able, at the first twinge, and if I had, unfortunately collapsed into a large heap, then to phone for assistance!

A little later, but as the children and some folk are still on Easter breaks, it was fairly quiet. I needed the reassurance of something.. so, maybe a little foolishly took Laura and Speed. I like Speed, it suits me and I could always slow down the pace or turn it off. Again, a good long warm up, no twinges, nothing from wayward, breaking into a very gentle, very tentative first jog; held my breath, hard whilst jogging, and waited for excruciating pain and the searing agony of ruptured somethings...nothing. It just felt.. well. normal!

So, as I was heading down hill I just carried on, down to the station and up the lane, past the wood, along the track and over the hills and far away! Well, no, to be honest, not very far away, I got carried away there, I may be daft, but I am not stupid. I just ran half way across the field, past my tree, then back into the lane, ( houses there within shouting for help distance), and up for a short way, before retracing my steps and jogging back down the hill. I even stopped in the field, to take photos! How sensible was that ? :)

Down to the Station and coming to a stop before the hill walk home. Everything felt/ feels fine... except. I still cannot walk upstairs without pain, unless I do the crab walk.

So... was today really silly..should I be RICE-ing it... or using it or what? Curious!


Finally caught up with my posts... I must be feeling odd... I have not been able to write until today...(thank goodness you cry)!

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Oldfloss profile image
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14 Replies
misswobble profile image

I think the pain on walking up the stairs is a hangover from wearing too high heels. That's what I blame it on anyway. I once had an x-ray for it but it came up ok, but I still had the agony on the knee when placing weight on it going upstairs.  I got rid of the pain, as if by magic, upon switching to flatter shoes when I was expecting sprog.  It never returned, cept the other night when I tried to hobble across town in some skyscrapers.  Will I never learn!

You should bathe in the Epsom salts that we rave about!  I got a big tub from the equine shop, cheapest place I could find it.  You could of course RICE it, it would certainly help. Ice is great for inflammation, which is probably what's going on with your knee.  

Hopefully you'll be good to go by the next scheduled run day.  Fingers crossed

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

Unfortunately I don't wear high heels! But... I love Epsom salts....I am going to be sensible....:)

In the past when I've complained to doctors and physics about my knees; they always ask if they lock.  Never really have.  I think that actually is a problem.  Maybe see if your GP will refer you to a decent sports physio? (I know, long shot).  I'd be loading on Ibuprofen and RICE-ing.  I got a really bad hip pain after half hour after a gym class last Friday; a night of Ibuprofen; all better!  Knees are funny though, don't mess with them!

in reply to

PS: I am not a doctor and anyone taking any drugs on this recommendation should not!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Thanks for that!:)

Rignold profile image

If the knees are hurting then definitely RICE or PRINCE more to the point.  and more fish oil.

My knees hurt all the time now, and I have just come to the conclusion that it is something I will have to put up with as an inevitable price of the running and weights. I wear my compression knee sleeves all day every day and take codeine to keep the pain down.

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyGraduate in reply to Rignold

But how do you tell the difference between hurting because they're aching and being overused and hurting because you're causing damage? And I'm sure too many pain killers is not good for you. Mind you, the things you do with your knees I'm not surprised they hurt!

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Good question, and one I spend a lot of time looking for the answer to. In theory the more you strengthen your thigh muscles etc the better off your knees should be. My thigh muscles are a lot bigger and stronger than they used to be but still my knees hurt. On the other hand the volume and intensity and weights I use are much greater. If I dropped back to the regime I was following a year ago they probably wouldn't hurt at all. So is the chronic pain just because of the progression? Or am I, given my age etc, grinding what is let of my cartilage into nothing? I do sometimes wonder abou the irony of doing all this exercise and work to avoid being creaky and immobile in older age, yet constantly aching, being too stiff to move, bend etc 90% of the time from the accompanying muscle and joint aches etc. I don't have an answer to this. But, y'know, it keeps me off the streets. And I can gaze admiringly at my abs in the mirror. So who cares if I can walk up stairs?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Rignold

Love this... I an always buy a bungalow!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Rignold

Going to rest up a bit.... feel like an old fool... I don't take any kind of meds... so will RICE.. and if it is a result of running, then I will get over it... and carry on....Thanks.

Sandraj39 profile image

How odd, Oldfloss! Glad that it was ok for your run, but do go carefully. Knees are funny things aren't they? Lovely picture btw🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks you... I love that run... although I am going off route for a while now!

RICE for sure, at least try to rest it for a couple of days and see how you go on. You can still post and keep us entertained and motivated, just not about your running exploits :o)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Hi you... yep you are right... I am a pratt... going to rest up.... :)

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