Has anyone ever tried a foam roller as I've mentioned several times before my calf's hurt badly at times and someone's just recommended that I try a foam roller for my calf's.
Foam roller: Has anyone ever tried a foam roller... - Couch to 5K
Foam roller

I will follow the responses carefully here as my calves are sooo painful at times.
E xxx
Yes my mate swears by them and I hate them, they hurt sooooooooooo much, but apparently they are good for calfs, but Im scared of mine

I have found that the best thing for tight calves is to stand on a step on the ball of your foot and let your heel drop below the step height (so your foot is at a 45 degree angle approx).
I find it it a much deeper stretch if I don't wear shoes (so find some carpeted stairs if poss). You can increase it a bit further if there is a handrail and gentle push yourself down. Be gentle and kind to yourself - you don't want to hurt yourself or cause injury.
If my calves are really tight - this stretch is pure bliss.
I love that stretch too, do it with a straight, then a bent leg too. If you want it to be a strengthening exercise too - raise up to tippy toes then lower for a count of 3, 15 times one leg at a time. That was one of my exercises from the physio following a calf injury - I still do them now as like you Sarah I love the stretch you get

Yes yes yes! A foam roller is a must (IMHO) for runners. It has miraculously sorted out quite a few niggles and pains for me almost immediately and it really does iron out those tight muscles like nothing else.
You can buy them from any decent sports shop, TKMax or Amazon. You can get a smooth one or a knobbly one but start off with a smooth one. Get some tips on YouTube on how to use them properly.
Be prepared for it to hurt at the beginning but persevere as they really do wonders to loosen everything up and after a while they don't hurt (so much) anymore. The first time I used one I literally screamed out loud but I've got three of the little bu**ers now! As you can tell I have a complicated relationship with foam rollers.

There are so many available, how do you choose? Apart from bumpy or smooth?
I believe there are different models but I bought my first one from a sports shop and it was the only one they had but did the job. The second one I bought from TK Maxx and I did feel them to make sure they were firm enough. Some are just too soft to give any benefit. Check out Amazon for customer reviews.