My Foam roller came today from Amazon and it's torture (real torture) especially on my tight IT bands (the main reason I got it as felt they may have been causing my knees to track badly and therefore causing some of my knee pain) My Question is how long is it torture for? Should I persevere even though I could almost cry with the pain ? So glad I didn't get a lumpy one now
Foam Roller Torture ?: My Foam roller came today... - Couch to 5K
Foam Roller Torture ?

Ooh, I did cry riding star. So didn't expect it to hurt so much.
Is a bit easier after a few days but IT band hard as weight all on side. It has helped me though and my knee is better. I had a tight quad causing me knee pain
Jules xx
Be careful where you roll! I looked online for instructions on how to roll, what to roll and what NOT to roll.
If you are injured don't roll the inflammation, for example. Not sure you're meant to be rolling your IT band either, or the knee. I'd check first as you don't want to hurt yourself

Ha ha! I posted about this the other day. Yes it hurts but persevere and the pain will ease but it does bring tears to your eyes at first!

It works though... I tend to torture myself till I can't take it anymore ( usually after about a minute!!!)
"I tend to torture myself" - you know I read the reply without looking at who had posted it and thought - hmmm that sounds like ..............Juicyju.
How are you Lady Ju? Everybody I talk to these days is tapering down for their marathons (not joking about 1 people I know through running) - I might taper down for my next Parkrun lol

It killed me to foam roll the outside of my leg at first, when the physio first introduced me to it. I only had to roll a short section of my upper outer leg up to just below the knee. It was agony. After a week of rolling twice a day the pain was gone. I am not rolling it now. I didn't have to roll the painful area, just the area completely opposite to it. So take care!!!