Ok, so here's the dilemma. This is week 8 and I was due to do run 1 today. So far despite a complete lack of self belief I have managed to complete each run . However after 10 days of nursing three sick children I have a pounding head, hacking cough...and generally feel yuck ! That said I went running when I was feeling off colour a few weeks ago and had one of my best runs ?? I know that tonight would be adding another 3 minutes to the 25 so far accomplished and I really don't want to fail at it. So there it is...do I run in the face of adversity, or put my feet up, sip the hot blackcurrant and put it off until tomorrow....replies on a post card please ......

My mom would say -- suck it up and come after you with a wooden spoon. LOL Breathing is key and passing out on the roadway (due to dizziness and asthma attack) isn't a good idea. Just promise yourself you will get out there, as soon as you are feeling better.
Thank you ! Honestly this running lark...I'd never have thought 7 weeks ago that I would struggle with whether to go for a run or not...well and truly hooked methinks
You do sound hooked. The only reason I caution you is because of what happened with turnturtle when she did the Bath half marathon. She had a bit of a chest infection and when she finished the run, she had a horrible asthma attack. When I was younger, my entire family used to run -- hell or high-water -- the activity seemed to help get rid of any lurgy. Now though, 30 non-running years later, I worry about breathing. So, listen to your body. You feel like you'd rather put your feet up. Put your feet up. If you're climbing the walls and feeling like you can jog and breath (and your head won't spin)...then go slow, or just get out for a nice brisk walk to a warm pub for a nice hot cuppa with a brandy on the side.
Ooh...I liked that last suggestion. Thanks for the advice

Sounds like someone is addicted I would suggest that you get some "me" time away from home/kids and have that run... you know it will make you feel better!

My personal policy is: "when in doubt, run"
Having said that, my policy works only because I'm willing to listen to your body and stop half-way if I need to, without considering it a failure.
If your cold is all above the neck, then run, it may clear your head, both literally and metaophorically. If any of it is below the neck, run not.

Hi There,
I've had some of my best runs when I haven't been feeling 100%. Perhaps go out there give it a go, just remember there's no such thing as a failure it's only a bad run, trying with a slower pace maybe?
As always it really is a case of listening to your body.

Interesting, it seems the men say go for it and the women are more cautious. I too would err on the side of caution. If you overdo it too soon you can set yourself back and take weeks to get rid of it. But that's just my personal experience. Everyone's different - listen to your body!
Will do...thanks!