Yo guys i have an important question. I didn’t run yesterday because i was really tired. Today however i have no excuse apart from the wetness and temperatures outside. And a stressful day. Should i force my self outside to run or will the program be okay a with 3 days of no running
TO RUN OR NOT TO RUN? that is the question - Couch to 5K
TO RUN OR NOT TO RUN? that is the question

Run! The temperature isn’t a big deal once you’re warmed up. Wetness underfoot calls for a little caution, and rain isn’t so bad unless it’s really cold. Running is a great stress burner too. Yeah, you’d be fine after 3 days of not running... but 3 can become 4 can become 5, and before you know it you’re back on the couch full time.

I or we here on C25K would not wish anyone to "force" themselves to go out running, it is OK to miss 3 days, but try not to miss too many days off running at all if possible, OK you do have to occasionally push yourself out of the house especially after a stressful day at work.

I’d run. If you wait for the wetness and temperature to change you could be waiting a looooong time - go for it, you’ll be glad you did afterwards 👍😁

YESSSIRRR ill head out to run now. Bye yall

I usually find the runs I have to drag myself out on are the most energising, so get those shoes on and let us know how you get on. 👍
Good for you! Hope you have a great run!

RUN.... stress will vanish behind you... the temperature will cool your fevered brow...rain is just wet... so is a hot shower... !
Running sometime... suddenly becomes...never... Get out there!

Yayy. I did it and all of you were right, im gonna hop in a shower come out and eat chicken supreme pizza. Also o ran the furthest i have in 25 minutes!!

Glad you went out, hope you feel all the better for it.