So i have discovered i can run 5k on a completely flat route. Change route and add in hills and i can manage about 4.6k in 30mins. I struggle with the hills and then lose my stride and breathing. Am i best to consolidate 5k on flat route or persevere with hills ? All advice gratefully received. Thanks.
To hill or not to hill that is the question ? - Couch to 5K
To hill or not to hill that is the question ?

My run group leader says "hills are your friends" and they will make you a stronger runner. That's a great time and distance I think so I should keep at it, slow down but keep those legs moving and only lean in from your ankles not forward from your waist. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll improve and relish the hilly challenge (most days anyway!!!)😊
I agree Aliboo... I know that having to run up any incline has made me much stronger, and I do not really alter routes to avoid them now, unless I am doing one of my mad experimental runs...e.g. backwards running, Strides... dancing etc
Good luck on your run this evening too
i too can do the flats but the hills kill me, im sticking to the flat, maybe you can get over it but its not for me

If you don't learn to cope with will never learn to cope with hills.

Do both. Try at least one hilly route every week, but not every time. They're supposed to be tiring, but very good for you.

Hills are great training for runners, boost's stamina..😊

I have a 5K running route that is pretty flat which I have run almost every single run since post-grad. The progress I have made in terms of how 'easy' it is, is frankly, quite amazing (to me).
However, if somebody happened to put a 1 foot platform on that path, and if I chose to go over that platform I would be incapacitated on the other side, wheezing and seeing spots. Of course, I joke at 1 foot, maybe 2 foot....
In other words, your body gets used to what it does and those skills/growth/progress doesn't always generalise as much as you would like :-).
So yes, lots and lots of very slow easy runs to build endurance, 1 speed work a week and 1 hill run a week is a great idea.
Thanks all for the great advice and support.

Embrace the hills... as aliboo70 says, they are friends!
They do make you stronger, they worked for me anyway. At one time before graduation ,I would avoid at all costs... and I swore the roads rose up into a hill when they saw me coming..but now..poof.. I laugh in the face of hills...( well, sometimes I do )
Well done you anyway..great times!

Hills are the way to go for training, it's a no brainier
Definitely do the hills if you can regardless of the shorter distance . It will make your flat running stronger and you will also be able to do hills !