Spring is sprung, the grass is riz... - Couch to 5K

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Spring is sprung, the grass is riz...

Oldfloss profile image
23 Replies

I wonder where the Oldfloss is?

Sorry Mr Milligan... :)

The Oldfloss, or her alien counterpart, has been out in the fields today...running for what she/it thought was a very long way..

It actually wasn't, as it happens. It just felt that way. A really mixed up run this morning too.

I set out a little later... about 8.30. I had to wait to give instructions to my lovely chap, Harvey who is laying kitchen and hall tiles for us today :)

So, a brisk warm up walk, and then a slow warm up jog! A bit dull this morning, a slate grey sky devoid of cloud or break and a chill in the air again. Quite a change from the sunshine of the last few days. I wanted to start my run, proper. after I had warmed up, it took a while this morning. A busy day taking carpets up yesterday had taken its toll.

Suddenly, a text message from son- in law... Meet you on the field!

" Great, that's super, it will be fun to run with you, " I messaged back... what was I saying?

Much to my delight, my lovely son-in law had decided to join me for a run, but a mixed blessing.

A delight to see him always, ( busy working in Shrewsbury three days a week), I love him dearly, but.... he is 32, young, fit, and with the longest legs ever and the most amazing, easy sloping run imaginable. My heart was in my trainers, as I headed across the road and up the lane past Rookery Wood.

I had already run for about 1.5K as I puffed my way up the lane to the field. He, just had to walk to the bottom of their garden ,down through their field and over the fence, to meet me!

We met at the track leading to the field, he had run down to meet me. He decided, it would be sensible to time us! ( I wasn't going to time me, I thought, I was just running...) but, what came out of my mouth, "...oh yes, very good idea," I said, " I'd like to up my distance a little and it would be good to know how I am doing!" ( Who was saying that ? )

Off we went.

"You set the pace" says S-i-L, "I'll take the lead from you." Thank goodness for that... and yet I still started off too quickly! What is more I carried on...Now, those of you who read my ramblings know, I never run quickly, except when I run downhill and then I do it very carefully!

Extremely, fortunately for me , the Boy is not a chatterbox, we ran along in companionable silence, apart, that is, from my heavy breathing, until I finally said, that I felt I needed to slow down a bit; he eased back, to what seemed like a walk beside me, and we carried on, along the track, firm, thankfully, over the fields, the steam railway line and across the big open field towards the next village. We reached the far gate and through. Now... a real dilemma. I had intended to run just a bit further and then turn...not so, the Boy... " Come on, you're doing fine, let's head into the village and round the Green..it's not far."

Again, this alien voice, agreeing with him..." Yes, that sounds fine...haven't seen the Millennium garden for a few years." I tried to slow us down a little, as we headed through the melee of parents, and offspring from the small Catholic school all heading into the small Catholic church for an Easter Week Mass! No luck.

Through the village square and along the road to the Green, round the green and the Millennium Garden, all a bit of a blur at this point and back towards the fields. We jogged back, I am relieved to say, at what seemed to be a more sedate pace.. able to look around at the poor cows, knee deep in mud.. the farm, sadly neglected, since the death of the patriarch, bearing little resemblance to the thriving, smart business it once was. Barn conversions, nearing completion, seeming to have provided the Sons of the farm, with a faster, greater and easier income.

Along the lane, back through the gate and over the big field.

The Boy, said we could stop at the railway crossing, if I liked and again, this voice... who is that speaking??? "...No, I always run back all the way to the road. I am trying to challenge myself a little."

Seriously, though, I was maintaining a steady pace, breathing had eased and I was in a comfortable rhythm. As we headed down to the muddy track way leading out to the lane and past my favourite tree, his voice came from behind, " You do know you have speeded up again, don't you? " No, I didn't...maybe it was the scent of home on the wind, the call of a hot shower, the fragrance of warm tea? Past the mighty Oak, and I swear I heard a deep rumbling gurgling laugh ( giggle), from the root depths of it, as I ran past... and out along the potholed track way to the lane.


Okay.. crunch time...it had felt like a very, very, very long run...it wasn't!

Well he said, " Brilliant... you've done really well... 5.72K...in...36.5 minutes!"

I have no idea what that means in running terms, at this point after my graduation; is it good, is it bad, is it really slow???? Please take into account my advanced years.Not that I think about speed really..more about distance... and I thought we had run further.

I know that it felt like a long way, perhaps, because I had already had a slow run, before I even started the timed run, and who, exactly, was the alien who took over my body and kept agreeing to everything?

I am not a proud person, I'm not afraid to say what I feel and if I have had enough, I say so....so I am still not sure how this happened.

To add insult to injury, he took a photo of me whilst I was running, from behind !!!!!!! I have a very big b**. ( Yes, he had time to do that and still catch me up..)

On the positive side, I did it, I was not ever, really uncomfortable, once I got into a rhythm and the run from the steam railway crossing into the village round the green and back was all FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes!!!! Flat is good! be doing that again, ( only slower maybe).

On the positive side too, he will now, be working in Shrewsbury for three days, so on Wednesday, I can get back to the gentle, slow and steady, that I advocate so freely!!!

Just shows that sometimes, we amaze ourselves with what we can do... for me, it was just the fact that I kept running, and did not collapse in a small heap!

It was different, it was fun, not what I intended at all, but, shhhh, just between ourselves, I loved it.

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Oldfloss profile image
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23 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

There you are floss and looking fab too! I don't see any "very big b**" in fact you look very trim and very tall!

That sounds a great run and your time is super speedy too! You should be very proud of that. The SiL is obviously a good influence! Go floss! x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Yes.. there I am... definitely a big b*** :)

He is a delight and is a good influence too; he and my girl, got me into this.

The scary thing is, he is encouraging me to do a Park run and thinks I will be fine.. we are going to do some practices in our nearest local park first and then, when his work load decreases, in two weeks, we are going to have a go.. he says he will run with me!


I think my runs will be slow and steady for a while yet though! :)

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Well they say running with other people makes us run faster! You should definitely do a parkrun. You'll love it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Well I intended to think about it at some point..but, what the heck, in for a penny.. and all that. I am always telling folk to go for it.. so in two weeks time.. I will! There I said it, so I will have to do it now!!!!

in reply to Oldfloss

We all need someone to push us along a bit Lady Floss, you do it for us, he's doing it for you!

The photo has wrecked my mental image of you though, somehow you were quite a bit plumper, more grey-haired and certainly not haring off across many fields and villages...I think you should change your name to Not-so-old-Floss :o)

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Irishprincess

I agree with you. She's svelte. No idea where she's seeing a big bum. You look fantastic Floss.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

I have been called some things, svelte was never one of them...I absolutely love it.. thank you so much :)

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

It is funny how you think you are doing pretty much what you can do, yet when you are pushed, you realise you could actually do more. That sounds like a good time and distance. Well done. I have never tried running with anyone else. If I did I think I'd run faster than I usually do automatically, and then collapse wheezing no doubt. You were brave taking on a fit 32 year old :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

True. We only hold ourselves back...:)

I have to tell you... it was not my intention to take him on.. still wondering what went on!!! I think the speeding up bit, was a funny sort of reaction... but..it's done and shows there is hope for the Oldfloss yet!!!

aliboo70 profile image

I'm with IP, I see NO evidence of a big B*M! You do look very slim! Sounds like great run.that floss, how nice to be out trying something new with you S-I- L bet your hubby was very impressed , and that's a good pace you're doing there! Looking forward to your next installment😊😆xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Tee hee... I have lost half a stone, but was not huge to start with..small boned I think! It was different... but fun.

Husband supports me all the time...how very, very lucky I am :)

davelinks profile image

Great Floss!

But looking at that photo I wouldn't say you were a lady of advanced years!😫 and what a good time! Very spritely! But, wait! What do I see? Is your left leg OK? it's looking rather purple! lol 😱😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks, and thanks again!!! I am of advancing years definitely... :)

My purple leg... tee hee.. my Funky tights!!!! I Love them! :)

Noaky12 profile image

Wow fab time you speedy so & so. I also agree with the others, my mental image of you has changed somewhat!!

If you think you have a big btm (& you don't) you should see mine! Wide angled lense required!!! Lol 😆

Great job Floss! x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Noaky12

This is weird... what did people think I was like... ? I am oldish... and my b** does look big!!! I am a grey snail!!!

goonkeepgoing profile image

Super speedy slim legs ☺☺☺☺☺☺

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to goonkeepgoing

Thanks... and my legs are actually fatter than when I started Couch to 5K... my daughter used to say I had Sparrow legs!!!!

goonkeepgoing profile image
goonkeepgoingGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Ah yes - I remember how pleased I felt when my jeans felt looser on the waist and hips but snugger just above my knees and around my calves ☺

LisaRose74 profile image

You are a lot taller than I imagined! Wonder what mental image we all have of the others on here, the ones without photos that is 😀. Sounds like a great run anyway, at the moment I can only dream of such distances!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LisaRose74

Okay... not sure if I am tall... I often think of what people are like too!

It was fun... if a tad scary! :)

poppypug profile image

Wow ! You look amazing Floss, a proper runners frame, you look fab !

And if thats a big bum mine must be gargantuan ! Ha ha !

Lovely post as always , you must go running with SIL again, just to keep him on his toes and stop him slacking !

Oh you would love parkruns, give 'em a whirl ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to poppypug

Well thanks... maybe the frame... not sure whether I match up to it!

Yes.. will keep the Boy on his toes... !!!!

I think I may like the park runs.. will give them a go! :)

skysue16 profile image

Wow - very good pace to get over 5k in 36 minutes, well done.

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