W9R1 complete: I gave Laura a miss today and... - Couch to 5K

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W9R1 complete

2 Replies

I gave Laura a miss today and stuck to watch, iPod and runkeeper. I am a creature of habit and it suits me to run the same route around my village each run. So i now know exactly where 5k is from my starting post. My issue is not really knowing what my pace is during the first 5mins. I find the first 5 mins the hardest because sometimes i think Im running too fast and sometimes too slow. After 5 minutes I know where I usually should be and I then know if I am running slow or fast (when I say fast I mean a bit faster than slow!!!!) After 5 mins I tend to settle down and my breathing seems more under control etc. My aim is always to do the time not the didtance and I suppose the answer would be to vary my route but then I have to go through mud on roads and I find it easier to stick with what I know.

Anyway I ran for 30mins thismorning and did 5.27k so I guess overall I ran quicker than Friday when I threw a sneaky 30min run into W8R3 and ran exactly 5K

Looking forward to graduating hopefully on Friday then not sure what I will do.....probably just do regular 30 mins around the village....and see how it goes,

2 Replies
Bluebirdrunner profile image

I think that five minute tricky bit does eventually even out. ..

I graduated in November and have always had to push through a tricky patch five or so mins in. Been doing 3 x30 mins.

Last week i did the c25k+ podcasts and on my last two runs last week had no issues with breathing at all. :) fingers crossed that is a thing of the past now.

Something to look forward to maybe..

Keep going you are doing brilliantly, almost at graduation and the freedom of being able to run and run. :)

PumpKim profile image

Wow. It's brilliant that you can already do 5k in 30 mins or less. You're a pro!

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