Glorious morning, not a breath of wind, warm sun, 9 degrees – nearly left my hoodie behind (am I pleased I didn’t )! Had a bit of a dodgy knee since bike ride on Friday
, but have been doing stretches all weekend.
Winston was keen to get out this morning as it's been too wet this weekend for the dogs to mooch about outside all day.
As usual first 10 mins were a shock to the system, then got into a nice (slow) rhythm Knee was clicking and it tried to worm its way into my head, but I closed it off. Didn’t particularly hurt anyway. Then Hip started whingeing! ‘Bog off’ I thought, ‘there’s nowt wrong with you either’!!! I slowed down a bit more just in case I couldn’t keep the ‘moaners’ at bay. By 20 mins, neither Knee nor Hip were moaning on anymore, but I kept at same pace anyway. Had a particular land mark I wanted to reach by 30 mins, so had to run about another minute to get there. But hey, slow and steady, got there. Legs heavy but not as jellified as last week, lungs and breathing absolutely fine - really looking forward to seeing what my next asthma review shows.
I know I'm not going to be reaching 5k in 30 mins in the next couple of runs, but running for over 30 mins is a big enough milestone for me !
Bearing in mind that 8 weeks ago I struggled to run for 60 seconds, the fact that I can run for more than 30 minutes is mind blowing! Also just got my 1 stone badge over on the Weight Loss Forum - gotta be easier to run minus that weight !
Had a 75 minute walk back home, by which time, the clouds had rolled in, the easterly breeze had got up, and the temp had dropped to 4 degrees - so pleased I had my hoodie and pom pom hat on!
2 more runs and then I’ll be on that podium with all the others! Come on you W9ers! Hope there’s some Party Rings to celebrate with…xx