So, I couldn't wait... Had planned 2 rest days from my Sunday run, but was too impatient to start W8. It's dry, bright, not windy... What more excuse does a novice runner need?!
Thought I might need to change things up a bit to keep me going for 28 whole minutes, so headed along the canal in the opposite direction to 'usual'. It was a treat, much quieter that way - so much so that I could hear my heavy breathing over Laura and my music... Oops!
Lovely glimpses of horses grazing in the fields the other side of the towpath, peaceful water lit up by the sun, ducks today chilling out on the banks sunbathing, Then I reached the marina (and little pub... Resisted the temptation to stop off for a cheeky glass) at just over halfway through my run, before heading back for the second half.
Disaster almost struck towards the end of my run as a young couple, accessorised with dogs, the first people I'd seen on 'my' canal path, tried to stop me to ask if they were heading the right way to the marina... I jerked an earphone out, gasped at them in disbelief, pointed behind me and yelled breathlessly whilst running away from them "can't stop, sorry, Laura hasn't said I'm done... keep going that way!" How very rude of me not to stop. Not to mention appearing a little unhinged to strangers. Not to worry.
Made the 28 mins in spite of dog couple's efforts to de-rail me Delighted.
Really was shattered though... Was well into cool down walk before breathing returned to normal.
Really must be patient now. Can't really run again until Friday, more's the pity.
Happy running all x