Now this is getting personal...: It's true... - Couch to 5K

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Now this is getting personal...

Oldfloss profile image
41 Replies

It's true!

Okay, has anyone else noticed, (probably not, if you are not called Hil, and because I am odd, also)... Bad weather, rain in particular, is mostly on the Hills.. or Hil in my case!

You just listen to the weather forecasts..."... and today, there will be snow, mostly on the hills...and today, there will be a severe frost...mostly on the hills... and today, there is low cloud...mostly on the hills... and worst of all, nearly every day in the last three months, " and this morning, there will be, heavy rain," (and yes, you've guessed it), "..mostly on the hills!"

This morning was no exception.

Still recovering from the lurginess that is still upon a lot of us, I headed out to repeat a Stamina run... Ran a first repeat, last Tuesday and the weather has been dire here since, when I woke this morning to see blue sky, (honestly, there was), and sunshine, I thought, yes. I need to get out there, and build back up to full strength. Encouraged by the lovely husband, out I go. Laura's reassuring voice murmuring in my ears and a blackbird skittering through the bushes... fluffy clouds overhead, bliss; my brisk walk takes me to what is my, decide point. Which way to go? Left or right?

Now, on seeing the blue sky, I had thought, originally, to head for the lanes; the rookery wood, the bridle path. Old, familiar, quiet, wonderful, and for the last weeks, pre lurgy and post lurgy, untrodden or un-run by me, pathways.

However... I am a Hil, (albeit a small one), and as I reached the decide point, I felt the first gentle, almost imaginary kiss of rain on my face. I simply could not believe it. Had I been mistaken? Looking up, still a blue sky and white clouds... except for a small fluffy conglomeration of greyness directly over my head! From whence the rain was falling!

So, having been really crocked, I felt it best to take the option of my route of the latter weeks, up the hill towards the common, so that if the heavens opened, I could get home quickly. The rain now, light and drizzly, as I ran past the copper beech hedges in front of the house with the snowdrops under the apple trees, the sound of the rain pattering over the brown crinkly leaves was singularly pleasant. Those of you who read my rambling posts, know I wax lyrical all the time.. and there was a real element this morning of, if it is going to do this every time I run, I might as well just get on with it and enjoy it!

A quiet Sunday morning...just me, the rain cloud and the sound of my breathing. I have to admit, I was a while getting my breathing pattern steady and I did feel that I was not quite as light of step as previously, but I concentrated, and did what Laura said. The rain cloud followed overhead ...or at least it appeared to. Not torrential rain, but that beautiful drizzly, smizzly wetness ; when it rained like that when my daughter when small, she used to say that it was sperkling. Good word that!

Anyway, it sperkled on me all the way up the hill, and past the newly discovered small lake; my legs were feeling a tad heavy but I persevered and did as the lovely Laura suggests..lifted my heels to create a cycling motion. I have no idea how that looks to a passer-by! The birds were absent, apart from the grey suited pigeons, always on the lookout for a quick snack. I thought I spotted a jay taking cover under the outspread branches of the silver birch, but no shelter there this morning. The snowdrops, as I said in a previous post, are everywhere. Hiding under hedges and peeping through the glossy brown leaves, damp and soggy remnants of the week's rainfall. The tiny white bell caps are a welcome sight and the daffodils, cheap and cheerful brighten my mood, even more.

I managed to keep the pace as I went along, only losing my rhythm in the first changeovers of pace. It must look really odd, because I sort of do a funny shuffle-type dance step to get back on the beat; still it probably entertains anyone who might be watching. My hat was quite soggy at the point I turned, but at least , whilst I was going downhill the blue sky and clouds were ahead of me...and the rain did more or less stop as I finished the last two blocks of running.

I enjoyed the last runs down the hill, and apart from a lone dog walker, saw no-one.

I felt better physically and mentally after my run, and I don't feel as worried now about getting out there. Only about two and a half miles this morning...but that doesn't matter a jot.

As I walked home in the last five minutes, I reflected, like so many of us, on just how amazing it is to be able to run, and feel like doing it again.

Just wish that sometimes a weather forecaster would say;

"...and this morning, it will be beautifully dry and there will be glorious warm sunshine...on the hills" :)

And...apologies yet again, for the long ramble... the words get gridlocked when I am stuck indoors!

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Oldfloss profile image
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41 Replies
no-excuse profile image

A super post OF and even that solitary rain cloud didn't dampen your spirits on what sounds like a lovely run.

Sperkling- I love that word, sounds so apt! Wonderful x :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to no-excuse

It was a lovely run.. and it din't.. just sop glad to be out there and not feeling tooooo old :)

Yes.. sperkling.. says it all ... I must ask my daughter if she still says that! :)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Lovely post. Thank goodness the dreaded lurgy is nearly over!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thanks for that...Me too... really knocked me for six..but I reckon without the running beforehand it might have been worse!

yamiskoi profile image

Sucks about the weather tricking you, but well done for getting out there! I for one love reading poetic posts about running, and I really like your style - you should use these posts to encourage others to get out there and pick up running - you make it sound fascinating and glamorous! =]

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to yamiskoi

I do post like this all the time, l love words. love running...well known for my musings :)

Some folk have said it helps.. I have even been known to be a tad forceful too... ask runningscared!

And ,as for the running, it is brilliant.. I take it all in as I jog along... as for glamorous, I really don't think should read my post, Soggy but unbowed, about when the white van man nearly drowned me!!!!! :)

Running-scared profile image
Running-scaredGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Old Floss' words of spirited wisdom do wonders for the heart, soul and belly laughs... Highly recommended and endorsed by running_scared ;)

runningnearbeirut profile image

Great post and great run!

As one who lives halfway up a mountain, I can definitely agree that the weather is normally worse up here!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Thanks.. it was fun. A mountain.. heavens! I think I am hard done too when I have to tackle the hills around me.. Go you!

HeatherGrrr profile image

Sperkling - I'm going to steal that one, it's great!

It sounds like you have a lovely area to run around. I'm still at the point of just running around close to my house (so in amongst other houses), but once my distances increase I might head to the park (it's about a 10min walk away).

Beating the weather and the lurgy is truly inspirational, you're a good role model for us newbies! 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeatherGrrr

You can steal it any time.. might make you smile on a drizzly day!

The park will be great come the lighter days..and if you walk briskly, as the lovely Laura says.. you can be there by the end of your five minute warm up! :)

Ooh I love it when i'm running 'sperkling'rain, fab word! and very cooling to run in! :)

Sounds like a great run and living on a hill I know exactly what its like. We seem to have a rotten weather system all our own, fab views, lousy weather!

Well done for getting out, glad you're feeling better :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Very cooling! You live on a hill? Do you run down it..or up it! I try to avoid them.. but I did not realise how many small inclines etc and longer steeper inclines there are around me...until I started running! :)

Thanks, I am so glad to be feeling better.. still hanging on a bit... but compared with a week or so ago... it is great! :)

in reply to Oldfloss

Lol down it mainly as the paths are so steep, I avoid walking up the hill like the plague. Although one path up came in handy for hill training when I did a 5 mile race (half of it uphill) before taking a break. There is a few uppy downy bits on my route but nowhere near as bad as the hill that I live on. No-one believes its such a beast until they visit but I do love it so much! :)

Ullyrunner profile image

Ha ha - I have a picture in my mind of you running, pursued by your own personal rain cloud!

Spring is coming, we can only hope that the weather will improve a bit. Glad you are feeling better m'dear!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner did follow me...!! My husband said it sounded like a cartoon image!

Yep.. the flowers say it is on its way.. I really hope so. Like you...I am a little fed up of being wet!

Thanks..I am feeling much better. :)

poppypug profile image

Ha ha ! Lovely post dear Floss !

You put me in mind of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh sat under a rain cloud except yours was chasing you Ha ha :-)

Yep , it mustve rained every day here since November , I generally like running in the rain, but must admit I am getting a bit fed up of it now .

Spring is just around the corner , there is even a tree full of cherry blossom already on my walk to work . I am looking forward to the lighter nights ! :-) xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks you!

Yes.. a bit like Eeyore.. but I am not in a Gloomy Place.. luckily.. feeling better and have lovely , lovely people like you to support me and make me smile. Big Hug x

I am sure that you are right and that it has rained nearly every day since November! ...runningscared suggested to me that we need water wings instead of trainers!

Love the idea of the cherry blossom already...something to make you smile!

I think I may, just may, try evening runs when the nights get lighter.

Oh my goodness...Oldfloss by night.. just think what I may see and then write about foxes, badgers.. wow..I like the idea! :)

Roll on Spring :)

poppypug profile image

Aw Floss, you do write so beautifully, it is a sheer joy to read your posts xxx

aliboo70 profile image

Beautiful post again oldfloss, well done on a lovely run and enjoying the best of british weather :)

Running-scared profile image

Fantastic to read that you got back out there floss, despite that sperkling, sounds like your shell survived a beautiful run in-tact and the lurgy is certainly lifting - great news :)

Not only are you a runner and a clearly determined lady, you are also a gem of a writer - you created a perfect visual of your lovely run for all of us with your words - uplifting and talented - your husband and daughter must be extremely proud of you.

Look forward to reading your next post x

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks You!

It was great to be out on the fresh air, despite the bothersome little rain cloud :)

I was relieved to be running fairly normally, ( for me), after being unwell. Also support from my husband is really helpful.. he has the knack of how hard to 'encourage', :) Daughter is a great one for, tough love, very like me in many ways, but much stronger! They just love me. I'm blessed.

Writing, I just love words, and the experience of running, where your thoughts can, literally, run free, with you, I find amazing. Hugely relaxing and therapeutic, good for the body and the mind.

My literary soul has reawakened, after lying dormant for quite a few months... and being able to share my ramblings with lovely people like you, is a total joy for me...the benefits and wonders of running are limitless, once we realise and recognise them.

So glad that you are well on the way now to the finishing line too.. will be watching your next moves closely. :)x

misswobble profile image

ha ha well done missus!!! Your own personal rain cloud. It reminded me of Wacky Races Creepy Coupe. Anyone remember that????

You weren't the only one out there getting rained on. I was out there getting well and truly drenched as well. Fun int it!

Well, what else would we be doing? Tee hee

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to misswobble

I loved Wacky Races! We're the same vintage missw. When I first started running my brother told me he remembered I ran like Penelope Pitstop! Cheeky bu**er.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Tee Hee Me too ! I used to love it , still do !

Dick Dastardly and Muttley , and those 2 Cavemen with the club, and that Mad Professor /Inventor . Ha ha ! :-D xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to poppypug

They don't make 'em like that any more..oh gosh.. now I REALLY sound like my mum! :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Your brother is very rude! :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

I do remember it...I used to watch it with my offspring.. ( not the original series..repeats maybe.) The thing is you probably watched it AS an offspring..! :) Much younger than me I suspect!

Yep.. it certainly did appear to be following me.. very weird. But, as you say, great fun and nice to think we are all out there.. quite as loopy as each other.:)

Irishprincess profile image

Oh floss what a beautiful post. It just made me smile reading it. Just think that all those hills are great for toning up our buns so worth it in the end! Your run sounds glorious but simply because you've observed and written so beautifully afterwards.

I love that word sperkling. Will definitely use it! Thank you for a heart warming post on such a horrible bleak day! x

Oldfloss profile image

Thanks you... how you doing?

Glad it made you smile :)

Yes.. running is very good for the old bod... my legs have got a really good shape now. Think less sparrow legs and more...hmmm... fatter sparrow legs!

You can totally use that word.. and it isn't sperkling today is dark, cold, windy and simply hurtling icy raindrops with a vengeance! Brrr!

Hope it is better tomorrow when I head out again!


Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I'm doing well thanks floss. Leg/knee has felt good the last two days so I'm going to try a little run tomorrow to test it. Weather foul here too (I'm in the South West), I had to turn around in a road today as there was a tree down and I thought we were going to lose the roof last night! I hope it eases off by tomorrow otherwise we'll be running on the spot! Haha! x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Running on the spot infinitely preferable to trees on the head :)

misswobble profile image

Apparently pops, Penelope Pitstop was held up as having the perfect running style! I read it myself on the t Internet, so it must be true. So, you were being paid a compliment☺

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to misswobble

That is lovely Miss W , 'cept it wasn't me who ran like Penelope Pitstop, it was HRH o' Maj Irish Princess !

I run more like Muttley , I laugh like him too ! Tee Hee ! :-D xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Sweet Sassafrass... Muttley getting cross ? :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Tee hee ! Oh I do love Muttley, he reminds me of my Pug, Doug :-) xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to poppypug

My mum spent a night in a castle once and she had a really scary supernatural experience. Lots of stuff happened but then she heard someone laughing and she said it was just like Muttley. So since then every time I've heard Muttley laughing I don't think of Wacky Races, I think of her story and it scares the living day lights out of me now!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Oh my goodness.. but,now you can think of Wacky Races.. and me with a blinkin' rain cloud following me..:) Guaranteed to make you smile!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Ahh Princess, in that case I will change it from Muttley to Scooby Doo , Rooby Doooby Scooo ! Ha ha :-)

I remember once I went to the Haunted House of Terror ( or summat like that ) in Blackpool. We were just walking through this corridor in the House and it was pitch black , for a joke my hubby tweaked my bum . I screamed blue murder , plus it sort of kicked off this mass hysteria in a group of women behind us who started screaming as well !

We screamed the place down Ha Ha ! :-D xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to poppypug

Haha poppy! That's hilarious. I'm sure it all added to the atmosphere! xxx

misswobble profile image

Oh yeah, a real spring chicken I am! Ta x

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