First day of C25K: Hi guys, So i'm in work... - Couch to 5K

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First day of C25K

abiking928 profile image
29 Replies

Hi guys,

So i'm in work, feeling miserable about my size, my looks and my confidence. I'm fed up.

Tonight i'll be doing my first ever run/walk. Im 17st and quite frankly want that number to decrease! Any advice? I'm nervous people will be watching me.

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abiking928 profile image
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29 Replies
JoolieB1 profile image

Well done, sounds as if you really want to get healthy. I was worried about people looking at me or being rude. It just doesn't happen, there r so many others running n cycling and if anything, they say hello and smile. If u have your podcast or music, just focus on that, soon you will go anywhere - I run on my estate, through town, in the woods and fields, so good for your confidence as well as health. I recommend a free App - My Fitness Pal - you can set weight loss goals, set daily calorie goal and track the food u eat, I have lost 23 lbs, still 21 to go. I think it has to be calorie restriction plus exercise to really work. Julie

OldWheezer profile image

I think Julie's covered it but all I would add is that you've made the biggest decision by deciding to start the C25K, just go for it. At the outset I'm sure you'll be incredulous that, regardless of maybe having to repeat some weeks, you'll be able to run for 30 minutes non stop. With Laura's help you'll be able to do it. It can sometimes be difficult to find that spark to keep going but just drop by here anytime for a bit of motivation/inspiration and let us know how you're getting on.

Good luck.

Sandraj39 profile image

The others have covered it but I just wanted to wish you lots of luck for tonight. You will be so proud of yourself after that first set of runs! Go for it!

Firstly, well done for making the decision to start. If you stick with it it really is a life changer. Don't expect it to be easy, but do expect it to make you feel 100 times better about yourself if you make it to the end. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

poppypug profile image

Welcome to the programme and this amazing forum !

I think most of us felt exactly the same as you . I know I felt very self conscious , I didn't wear exercise gear as such , just a pair of trainers , jeans and a jacket , then on the running bits , I just pretended I was in a hurry to get somewhere . :-)

Trust in Laura and the programme. Keep posting on here to keep you motivated and focused .

Good luck ! You can do this , you really can ! We are behind you every step of the way ! :-) xxx

abiking928 profile image

Thank you all so much - what lovely people you are. I will let you know how I get on. Thank you for the support. Thought i was on my own on this one!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to abiking928

Ah, you're never alone on this forum. There's always a ton of people here to offer advice, sympathy, a medicinal kick up the backside when needed, encouragement and a massive cheer. Good luck with your first run- the first step on an exciting adventure :)

promqueen profile image

Hello. I felt exactly the same this morning when I set out, but I just finished reading Running Like a Girl by Alexandra Heminsley (don't know whether you're a girl or a boy aking :-) but bear with me) and it really helped me forget about what I looked like and just enjoy the run/walk. I graduated C25K but have let things slip and am now back on the program as I know that in 9 weeks time I'll be running 5k and wondering how I could ever have felt like I did this morning. Stick with it - don't worry what anyone else thinks and soon you'll be tucking 5k under a much looser belt every day!

Frank-ntj profile image

Well done for taking the first steps to improving your fitness and lifestyle. I think we all felt the same as you do. When I first started I went out early mornings when it was dark because I was embarrassed, but you will find your confidence will improve and you won't care who is watching you!

This is a lovely forum full of encouragement and advice, welcome aboard. Good luck for tonight. 😊

Cuckoo123 profile image

Good luck!! I have just done my second run of week 1 so we can do this together! I am starting on the treadmill indoors for the first few weeks before I brave the great outdoors.

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

Hi there ak, we're with you every step of the way.

shinyhappy123 profile image

You won't regret it ! Stick with it and you will amaze yourself. You can do it - GO FOR IT 💪

saul01 profile image

Welcome and congratulations. Good luck for tonight, hope it goes all well.

From experience, there is a lot of support and encouragement right here, when you are feeling low just jump on and say hello.

My advise would be to take your time, and listen to Laura. Don't push yourself too hard and remember it's not a race.

Let us know how you get on.

Pinguette profile image

I'm 57 and I started the C25K in September at 15st 3, which was a lot of excess weight on a 4ft 10 inch frame! I started out trying to run too fast and injured both knees but after three weeks on the injury couch, I got back in to it, took it all very slowly and proudly graduated just before Christmas. I've also lost 2 and a half stone in that time and feel SO much better for it all! So my advice is to run VERY slowly at first, rest if you get any bad twinges, and just build up very gradually. Repeat weeks if you need to and keep a log of what you do and how you feel, so you can see the amazing progress that you will make. Honestly, if I can do it, almost anyone can, so believe in yourself and have a great 2016!! :-) xx

abiking928 profile image

Thank you all! Heading out tonight after I finish work just around my street/caldisac - looking forward to telling my partner i've done my first one! (He has done countless half marathons etc) haha

ElsieW profile image

Yay welcome and well done on doing the programme! Don't ever doubt yourself. I've just done wk 4 r1 and I'm 16stone 10lbs. I'm not a runner but the overwhelming sense of achievement made me cry today!

You can do it, just go slow and don't give a sh** about what anyone else thinks. You are doing this for you!

Keep us posted! You can do this!

E xxx

abiking928 profile image
abiking928 in reply to ElsieW

Thank you Elsie! Xx

abiking928 profile image

So I very nearly done it, I was so close to the end! Didn't realise how many hills are around where I live. I done my own thing tonight but I'm glad I got out there. I'm hurting but pleased. Thanks for the support everyone again. I'll check back in, in a day or two when I go again! Hope everyone has a safe run tonight!

goonkeepgoing profile image
goonkeepgoingGraduate in reply to abiking928

Running in a hilly area will be great for your stamina in the long run. Sounds like you did great ☺

Diane57 profile image

Well done for starting c25k. I felt like you when I started, I hated running at school and thought people would laugh at at 57yr old trying to run around a park. This might sound stupid but I put my sunglasses on so I thought nobody would see my red face lol now I don't care . Have fun 😀😀x

Joanee profile image

Regarding the hills - I live in a hilly place also and discovered a trick for those early weeks of short runs - try walking uphill and running downhill when you can (just turn around at convenient times) and also slow way down when going up the hills - but try to keep running. Already I am finding hills much less difficult (i am at week 7). It is really quite hard to go from couch to hill running - so don't get discouraged.

in reply to Joanee

That's exactly what I did

Emzylou104 profile image

Woohoo, great decision. Go slow and steady. You will love it. Consider some good trainers to absorb the impact and protect your ankles, knees etc. C25K is awesome. I've never liked physical activity, i hated most of PE at school but ive loved every outing of c25k. I hope you do too. Keep up the good work 😊

csla profile image

I was worried what people might think when I was doing the walking parts but as my husband said 'at least you're out there doing it', others have been really encouraging. My advice- believe in yourself and in the program- you can do it! I'm off for a 5k beach run in Pembrokeshire today, something I would never have thought I could do last June when I started. Good luck!

WelshBengali profile image

Do it - I think it's one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It's not merely a means to an end. Your first run - in fact just getting out the door may be incredibly difficult. But just do it. The benefits you will enjoy along the way are priceless- I think just knowing that you have chosen to do this thing for yourself is empowering . and every time you step over the threshold of your front door reinforces that sense. It spills over into other parts of your life - look forward to hearing more from you xx

adadoom-adadoom profile image

It's so tricky to not feel self conscious, particularly as a larger woman. I was very aware of how jiggly my arse was when I first went running, but I quickly became so focused on the running that I forgot! Now, 3 weeks in I just feel proud that I am up and out and loving moving my body. Go for it, and sod what anyone else thinks!

rmnsuk profile image

I was 57 when I started and a little heavier than you, 13 months ago. C25K was hard. I barely made it through w1r1 and would have given up at w4 or 5 if I hadn't been told to SLOW DOWN. I graduated and ran 10k and then a half marathon, and my journey is nothing special. Lots of people have run further and most run faster.

C25K really works, so get out run and let us know how you get on.

goonkeepgoing profile image

Go for it ☺

You won't regret it. I started in winter and went out in rain wind and snow with an anorak zipped high up and a hat pulled down low so nobody could recognise me! I barely ever saw a soul and anyone I did see either ignored me or was perfectly polite

This could change your life ... It changed mine! Good luck ☺

JackJack1 profile image

Well done on doing your first session. I too have just started and tonight did my second walk/run of week 1, so just a day ahead of you. I too worry about people watching and wether I look silly. So going running when its dark at the moment. Although not much over weight I want to lose some weight and get fit. I am so unfit, I get very out of breath and Knackered quite quickly running. Hopefully that will ease as the programme continues and I get fitter. So heres to us for getting out there and doing this. Good luck with your second run :)

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