As we draw close to the darker months I have seen a few posts on motivation to run in the dark, so I thought I would share mine in the hope it might get you going!
1. No one can see you so you can look as daft as you feel obliged ( I like a bit of random dancing)
2. wearing a head torch makes you feel like a professional ( or a minor!!)
3. you can startle cyclists and drivers alike with your beam of light
4. The rain looks like glitter and you can pretend you are on a spaceship going through space ( or is that just me?!!!)
5. You can get all smug about it
6. watching the sun rise is therapy for the soul
7. If you run in the dark it burns more calories*
8. You can pretend you are a panther hunting its pray ( or is that also just me?!!!)
9. You can take interesting pictures of unknown objects for this montht beyond C25k Facebook challenge
So- go on, get your head torch on and go for it
Happy Panthering