2 day gaps: Are you supposed to only leave 1 day... - Couch to 5K

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2 day gaps

Nell90 profile image
8 Replies

Are you supposed to only leave 1 day in between runs for a particular reason. I'm frequently leaving 2 days and feeling better for it does anyone else do that? I'm 48 maybe my recovery's slower!? Just wondering as I get further on i this will not work as well - I'm on week 6.

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Nell90 profile image
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8 Replies
AndyD profile image

Leave whatever gap you feel your body needs whether it be 1, 2 or 3 days. Running when you are tired may cause injury... just take the time required to rest.

As you train more you may find that running with just a days break will feel OK but this may also depend on your overall fitness level.

Purple_faced_woman profile image

Hi Nell and welcome to C25K. You need to leave *at least* 1 day between runs - there are some people who get carried away and need this caveat to help them go slow enough to give their bodies time to recover. When you run you "damage" your muscles, tendons, etc - the rest day(s) give them time to repair, and the repairs are stronger than the original, allowing you to put extra stress on them without injury.

You should take as many days between runs as you need, and if a "week" for you is alternating 3 running days with 3 pairs of resting days that is fine. Ignoring what your body needs is the swiftest way to end up hurting yourself and perhaps giving up entirely, which would be a shame as you have already done the toughest run - that first one when you actually force yourself out there for the first time!

Well done on getting to Week 6. Keep going at the pace that works for you - you are doing brilliantly. Let us know how it goes.

MarkyD profile image

Good advice from Andy and PFW.

I'm a similar age to you, and hadn't really done much exercise for a few years before starting C25K in May 2014.

During C25K I got into a habit of doing my 3 runs each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That meant that there was one day's rest during the week, but 2 days over the weekend.

What is important, though, is for you to listen to your body. If you find that you have better runs with a 2-day gap, then do that. But try to avoid any more than 2 days, and also do try to get into a running habit: "it is 6am on a Saturday morning, and even though it is snowing, this is when I go running".

Madge50 profile image

Hi Nell, well done on your progress, I run twice a week and that is plenty for me, I tried to do 3 runs a week but later in the programme I kept getting overuse injuries, the penny dropped and I 'allowed' myself an extra rest day and it was like magic. I'm 52, I'm slow, but can manage 5k and the occasional 10k, I do think the more 'mature' you are the longer you need to recover.


davelinks profile image

That's fine, no hard & fast rules..😉

Ullyrunner profile image

2 days is fine. Part of this running lark is to get to know your own body and what it can do. Very sensible to take longer rests if it helps.

What they said...take as long as you need to between runs.

Nell90 profile image

Thanks for all your replies it's great to hear from other people doing this plan (I didn't realise how popular it was when I discovered it). It still amazes me that I can run at all as I've managed to go through life avoiding running like the plague. I must admit I will never win any races and my dog usually goes running with me - in the back of my mind I think if it all goes wrong I'll pretend I'm just walking the dog! I have noticed the dog has changed up from a walking pace a few times which is encouraging.

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