What are people's opinions on running with a slightly sore knee? It's hurting on the inner knee, just under the kneecap. I can run on it fairly easily but not sure if I should? I've just finished week 2 and I'm really keen to keep going and not miss any sessions!! Is it safe to run through a minor injury??
Sore knee: What are people's opinions on running... - Couch to 5K
Sore knee

I think there is going to be some aching when we exercise more than we are used to. I made sure I always took rest days when in C25K as I felt I needed to if I was to make it to graduation. Does ur knee hurt when u run? Or is it just stiffness between runs? I have had a niggly knee following graduating and so I took extra rest days and reduced my run time. I can feel it is a bit more flexible and it is good when I run, so going to continue. I would recommend Flex and Stretch exercises that can be done on rest days to improve strength and prevent injury. Julie
It's not stiffness, it's a definite tender place. It's really annoying as I feel my stamina is so much better than it was and I'm really keen to build on the progress. But I'm a bit of a chubby oldie and am worried that a niggle might turn into more of an issue quite easily....

That's where my knee hurt does yours hurt coming downstairs? I hurt mine running downhill and had to have a month off after trying to run with the pain and making it so much worse I couldn't even run across the road without pain ! If it hurts to run don't get your gait analysed (wish I had done that sooner) ! when you can run again try for flat soft ground for a while ! Good luck

Yes, mine does hurt coming downstairs too I have Hoka shoes which are really well cushioned but I guess a gait analysis would be a good idea. I'm sure I'll get less injuries as the weight goes down but it's SUCH a long haul and, as my family would tell you, I have no patience!!

Get a few little aches & pains with running, I do, don't worry too much, just carry on with the good work! Well done!

What r we like? A few aches and pains, creaky joints but still running - we are awesome!! 😉
Being on the Injury Couch at the moment with a very sore knee ... can I ask how painful it is and if you had any injury before? I hurt mine doing yoga, on top of a very old injury - so now I cannot run - actually today I can hardly walk - But this has happened after graduating and after more than 1 year of running regularly - the few niggles and aches at the start of the program are mostly because our body is adapting to new exercise. Go slowly, and see if you can be aware of how your feet get in contact with the ground while you run: do not listen to the "heel first" advice, as that is the one that can really have a hard impact on the knees - mid-foot stride is considered better, you should land with your foot under your body - that usually means taking shorter steps.
Also follow RIgnold example: squats, squats and more squats to strengthen your quads - as Julie said, adding the strength and flex program to the C25K would be a good idea. Well done on finishing week 2!
Hi Pigivi! It's not very painful, just a bit of a twinge when I run at the moment. I have a bit of arthritis in that knee and have hurt it before playing golf which is why I'm being a bit wary. I'm not sure I could take much shorter steps than I do at the moment; my nickname is inspired by my running style!! But I shall try to spot which part of my foot I'm landing on and see if that can be improved! And I'll give the strength exercises a go as well, thanks for the advice!
Check this : running.competitor.com/2014...
Aching is normal. I find that I need more than one rest day sometimes. Take it nice and slow and if it really hurts every time you might need to seek professional advice.

I have just developed a very similar problem. Tenderness under knee and feels like my knee is bruised to touch.
I went to physio on Tuesday and the problem Is with my quad muscle. It was tight and bit knotty and so when I ran, it pulled the muscles in my knee.
He massaged this area and I could feel where it was coz it hurt like hell. Anyway he recommended, heat and a foam roller.
I have been using the foam roller since then and I did a small test run last night and it was OK.
It might not be the same thing but worth checking it out!! Oh, and if you get a foam roller, be prepared, it brings tears to you eyes.
Jules xxx

Try these exercises that my physio gave me for knee pain that started like yours, but got much worse because I didn't deal with it early enough. They really do work, but you need to stick with them. Good luck!
I had knee pain in the same place on week two. It hurt coming downstairs and I really thought I can't do this! However... I did week 2 again having a 3 day rest, then a 2 day rest and iced my knee with frozen peas after each run. It was a bit twingey to run with so I slowed down loads and was really aware of what my knees n feet were doing especially on downhills. It has stopped hurting altogether now. I put it down to having never run then suddenly starting and my knees being in shock. From all this my main advice is slow down. I have only completed w3, which again I have done twice through whilst my body - and brain - adapts to this new running thing it's never done before, so this is not expert advice, just my story!
Good luck. Hope it works out for you and you are not injured having started the journey.

Hi Tortoise, glad to hear your knee recovered quickly, hopefully mine will too! I go to a C25K group on Saturday (this was week 2) and I had a go at most of it today but had to revert to a walk during the second half. Now my knee is really hurting... They suggested that I don't run this week but do some walking, swimming etc to keep the stamina progress going so that's what I'll do. It's frustrating though as all of me except my knee is really keen to keep going!!