I graduated three weeks ago, went on and ran my second parkrun shaving just under two minutes off my time, back out on the pavements on the Monday morning- and then IBS, time pressures and mental gremlins kicked in. I lost my mojo after a couple of IBS-D incidents, felt I was being swept rapidly backwards down the C25K ladder - legs, lungs and heart all struggling massively and my stomach and brain were totally against me. I haven't managed another parkrun- scared of the duration, the times of the other runners, the pain and actually of being too far from the loo and being unable to nip into the bushes with hubndreds of runners, volunteers and well-wishers around!!!
As a strategy to ensure I wasn't caught too far from the loo, last Friday I ran the week 9 podcast on a treadmill which was absolutely ghastly. Hot and although it's meant to be kinder to your joints it is mind-numbingly dull. Plus as I'm not used to it , I was really dizzy when I got off and could barely cope with walking let alone going down stairs. Hmmm!
I have managed to not have enough time to go for a run since. I'm convinced it's all excuses and my Ms Bossy-boots Goody-goody is having a right guilt-trip go at Ms Feeble. Which doesn't help! My leftover shingles pain isn't getting any better, my sleep is disturbed cos I can't get comfy! Wah!
Then, yesterday evening whilst out on a short dogwalk I decided that come what may I needed to get out there. As if I've been wearing blinkers all this time I realised I could 'keep it local', so as soon as I was back and the dogs were fed I got the GEAR on and out I went. I had somehow managed to initiate the stepping stones podcast, not the week9 one- decided not to go back for glasses and swap over, a change is a good thing, right?!... I decided to run 'round the block'- taking a variety of roads and blocks, in ever decreasing 'circles' around my own street, to ensure I could fairly easily end up back at my front door if required. I enjoyed (see? that word! ENJOYED!!!) the podcast, and the running, even though I was still wishing it was over at the end of every five minutes... I seemed less out of breath, I made it back and only had to cut the warm down time by half to get through the door and on the loo...
Ooops- massively, totally TMI. Sorry!
But I just wanted to share the relief and not just with getting on the loo but with getting out there and feeling once again that yes, I can do this, even if it means running round in circles in the streetlights... I can and I need to. In 37 Mins I covered 4.78km, that includes the walking sections. The middle splits averaged at 7:14/km which is not too bad at all given I thought I had totally lost my running mojo. It hurt but today all I have is vestigial hip and calf aches.
YAY! I think I may have found ways to get back up and running!
PS Anyone who thinks this might be a shopping opportunity to celebrate just make me a recommendation of what to buy now for the coming season's running...
PS2 that is probably the maddest tag list I have ever managed