I need discipline and motivation for my running having graduated once only to let the good work go and re-graduated this morning and I am determined to keep going. I have downloaded the 3 next podcast for post 5k. Do people mix and match or just complete one before doing another or not use them at all and use something else?
Post c25k: I need discipline and motivation for... - Couch to 5K
Post c25k

I ran them inside out for weeks! I started with Stepping Stones, then Stamina and then Speed. Then I ran them as they randomly popped up. I kept running them til I'd got them down pat and then moved up to bridge the gap between 5 to 10k.
Good luck with them. Have fun.

Hi Jol, first of all, Congratulations on your re- Graduation !
I personally did Week 9 Run 3 for a while, just to get into the habit of running for 30 minutes 3 times a week.
I downloaded all the C25k podcasts but never got around to using them until just recently. I just do them in no particular order as I have a Runnning Club on Tuesday and tend to do parkruns on Saturday so usually do one on a Thursday.
Have you tried parkrun ? They are really good , well worth giving them a go .
Good Luck ! xxx
Have registered with a park run that has its course within metres of where I did all of my c25k runs. Couldn't be more convenient so no excuses except night working at the moment. Would want more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep before 5k park run. But thanks for the suggestion will post up progress
Audio Fuel is not for me I am afraid - the beat seems to agitate me! Their argument for running with music is compelling but I just can't stand the beats! I have opted for a 5K to 10K app but in reality I do what I like best outside - long and slow so - I will probably never be much of a runner!
I find the speed work/tempo runs are best done on the treadmill at the moment to keep me up to speed. I will be honest, I am finding them challenging, but like a medicine, take it, and move onto something more pleasurable afterwards. I do them before a class and strangely am now accountable for my progress to a couple of people in the class interested in my progress. So, I have the app to discipline me which I follow in my own way and use a few of my favourite songs or some of the playlists on Rock My Run if I feel the need to run to a beat.
As a motivator I log runs in Runkeeper and The Running Bug and seem to follow an ever increasing list of running blogs. This all serves to keep me on the ball and keep the habit going.
I have heard some say that laying out your running gear the night before helps in focusing you for the morning run. Not for me but worth a try perhaps.
Also, signing yourself up for a race apparently is a motivator. I think I will watch a few more before I have the courage to do that.
Welcome back and hope you can find a few strategies to make it work for you.

Well done you for re-graduating, I found it hard after Laura tried the other podcasts just couldn't gel with them so now I have downloaded the free version of zombie run and its brilliant I am now running longer and further nearly at the 10k mark, I get excited when I know its my running night sounds sad but it works for me. And your braver than me with the park run haven't built up enough courage yet hehehe. Once again congratulations.