But Batman Rises.
A bitter-sweet day today.
I completed my third 30 minute run of week 9, this evening. I have graduated!
That makes me really happy.
Unfortunately, it is the end of the school holidays and my lovely daughter who has some speech and language issues and is dyslexic, has had to return to her incredibly wonderful school. I say unfortunately as it is residential so the house is a sadder place for it - at least until Friday when I pick her up for the weekend and I'm happy again!
As I say, the house is definitely not the same without her and my son has returned to college, so when we got back from the drop off it was very quiet with neither of them here.
The best way to beat the blues and blow away those feelings? Drink voda and coke. Failing that, get your kit on and do the last run of week 9.
After a round trip to Surrey and back we were both feeling a little jaded so I needed to get out.
In my slightly befuddled state, I didn't realise what the time was - school kicking out time - so as I am ambling up the street I have to contend with Mums, tots, schoolchildren and prams, all going in the opposite direction to me.
In fact, as I came past the school, there were so many people outside of the sweet shop, I had to briefly run on the spot whilst trying to squeeeeeeeeeze my way through.
There were more than a couple of wide-eyed stares from some youngsters that remember me from working at the school and were agape at my foolish attempt at running.
I took your advice the other day for my 2nd run and slowed the pace down - I figured I needed to work out what I wanted to achieve. Did I want to be a quick runner or a distance runner? I will never be quick. The Flash, I am not. But running for distance - I think I could do that. So I slowed down and run 2 was far better than run 1.
This time, even with what I thought to be an appropriate pace, it was nearly the 20 minute mark before I finally felt 'settled' and it stopped being a slog. I still ran on for about another minute or so past the point Laura called time, just to make sure I had done it.
It's funny but the W9 podcast says 'that's it, you can use your own music now if you want to', but I felt in an odd way it would almost be discourteous not to finish the course with Laura. I know that no-one knows whether I run with the pod-cast or not but Laura was just what I needed when I first started out.
She was with me 3 times a week, every week. To have finished it without her would not have seemed right - so, W9R3 right to the end.....with Laura.
Now - I think I will look at the bridge to 10k. I like the structure of having the goals.
Finally, thank you to every single person on this forum.
You have helped me get to this point, without a doubt. You are wonderfully warm, witty and motivational people.
As for me?
Well. Hey, I'm Batman