I love running to music...interested to know what others listen to.
Music: I love running to music...interested to... - Couch to 5K

I used to listen to music all the time. Now it seems to take so much effort to set it I can't be bothered. Besides I can't think when I run, the silence is good

Spotify running! It mixes the tunes based on your steps per minute and choice of music genre.
I have spotify, not used it yet for running. Maybe give it a try when I graduate. Does it compile the music from your playlists? Or is it just random ?
You pick the genre, then the bpm (it can detect this automatically) and music starts - it will automatically choose music at random from all of spotify and blend the tunes in/out so you don't have to..
I also use the 101 running songs playlists on there. Great as well!

I made a spoify play list, especially for running I like it

I listen to audio books or the radio 4 afternoon drama.
I do also listen to music & have a running playlist which was one of these bought "music for runners" things (not really my taste but the beats are good) or I stick my tracks on mix & just take what I get. I got Frosty the Snowman the otherday... lol.
Has to be 90's European dance music for me!

I love Ministry of Sound Running Bug 2 ( blue cover) - I go back to it frequently ... Love the idea of Spotify too though - will give it a try 😊

I bought on iTunes "2015 workout mix" 4 hours of music. Really like the varied music choices, with 4 hours you never hear same tracks running just 5k if you keep it on a loop. I have to run with music it helps me keep going. You can choose tracks by bpm too if that's your thing.

A year ago I'd have listed some long running playlists. This year, though, I'm like rmnsuk... just can't be bothered to faff about with headphones and iPod. Just me, my Fitbit Flex and my SportWatch, and a head full of crazy ideas and random thoughts.
I'd say that my pace has dropped, though.
Try rock my run perhaps? Tried it for the first time yesterday and seems OK. Takes all the effort of putting your own list together.

The jury is still out for me, have tried with and without music and have to say have had my best runs when I've left music at home, its true that you can think more and the more I think while im running, the less I'm likely to notice how tired my legs are!!

Yes, I do too and to be honest, the first couple of weeks of Couch 25K are ok(ish) but then it just gets worse. And some of the worst songs are repeated - ugh, it makes the running a bit harder for me. I will be so happy when the plan is complete and then I can listen to my rock music - AC/DC, Metallica, Rammstein - anything like that really.

Apple Music has some great playlists! X

I don't bother with a playlist. My phone is full of albums, set the button to Random and presto! My own radio station, playing completely inappropriate running songs from the Unthanks or Sharon Van Etten, to Beach House, Beatles, Quo, The Staves, First Aid Kit etc etc. I don't run to music from a beat point of view (I hate Gym music...) I just enjoy running and enjoy listening to music, whatever the BPM. Sometimes if I am in the country, I run naked....quite exhilarating! (ooer missus...).

Being a very young 50 year old I have made a mix of loads of 90s rave tunes !!
Packed full of The Prodigy, SL2, Bizarre Inc, Manix and similar which will not mean much to many but it's great kick ass music !!

My favourite song at the moment is " Heartbeat Song " by Kelly Clarkson, I absolutely love it , especially when I am running up that flippin' hill near me - Pah !
"Your hands on my hips
And my kiss on your lips
And I could do this for a long tiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmme "
and JX " There's Nothing I Wont Do "
Those 2 are my particular favourites at the minute, but I like all sorts to be honest xxx
I'm just starting my search for the 5K to 10K music crutch. I started C25K with an app that didn't have music. At the start of week 6, I switched over to listening to Laura. What a difference it made for me! I just finished w7r1 and when she said "one minute to go" I had enough left to really pick up the pace! I almost regret not starting with her.