I finished the couch to 5k the end of July since then I have got up to 6k not very fast probably takes 45 mins with my dog. I'm still out jogging 4 times a week and I am slowly building up the distance. so what's better for you to concentrate of the speed part or distance as my aim is to loose weight that I gained from not smoking
What to do next, after couch to 5k completed - Couch to 5K
What to do next, after couch to 5k completed

I'd advise a bit both, you can download the "speed" podcast from the C25K+ set which will help with pace. Most people would say - 1 x intervals, 1 maintenance 5K and one longer run, adding 10% of your total weekly distance per week. The longer slower runs will help with your shorter faster runs, and the intervals will help with distance - wins all round! Oh, and some hills....
Of course, you should do what suits you, and find out what works for you. I like to mix up my runs otherwise it can get a bit boring. Happy running xx
Curly is right , a mix of both to keep things interesting try different things to find out what suits you best

If you want to get your running to help with weight loss, you need to burn more calories. That means distance and duration need to increase. I think you need to aim for 10k and above to be burning perhaps 1000 calories a run.

I'd concentrate on developing your strength not your speed. Go carefully and you'll be fine. Push too hard and you'll hurt yourself
Your speed will increase as you get stronger. Your legs have to be strong enough to support your running, as does the rest of your body, so concentrate on getting your overall fitness improved and you'll be fine. Don't be in a hurry. You're a new runner til you've been running 18 months to 2 years. You'll lose weight if you're running for times a week and eating healthily. You're bound to. Eat well as you need to be putting the right fuel in to get the best results
Good luck!

What is important is to enjoy the running - I'd do one longer run per week. If your aim is weight loss, I'm going to suggest something completely different to add to the running: If you drink at all, give up alcohol, just for a month, and see what happens. Alcohol provides a lot of (useless) calories. I was amazed to see how much weight I lost during Dry January (I lost 5lb, and only drank two to three units per day). I continued during C25K... and the weight continued dropping off. Now I'm still running, don't drink at all and need to invest in new clothes.