Feeling good: I'm a 40+ overweight mum of 2 with... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Feeling good

CrazyCat1973 profile image
18 Replies

I'm a 40+ overweight mum of 2 with slightly raised blood pressure who has never run before.

Even when I was at school I had every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't participate in anything that involved being active

I am asthmatic and a couple of years ago suffered a nasty bout of Pleurisy, My Doctor always insists on weighing me and telling me in no uncertain terms that I am obese, but yet never offers any help or support, as a result I avoid doctors at all costs and have huge confidence issues.

I decided that I needed to do something for myself, exercise classes were out of the question as I'm either at work or looking after my youngest daughter and I wasn't keen about being seen out exercising in public so my lovely husband bought me a treadmill.

I started couch to 5K 3 months ago, I've found it tough, in fact very tough at times. Week 1 was a struggle, but I kept doing it until I managed to complete it 3 consecutive times, Week 2 I managed quite well, Week 3, on the other hand took me weeks and weeks of trying and trying, my problem was my breathing and a pain I was getting (the same pain as when I had pleurisy) after looking at forums and the NHS website (as I wouldn't go to the Dr's unless I was dying) I realised that it was quite amazing I was able to run at all with my history of lung problems and that spurred me on. Today I completed part 2 of week 5 - two eight minute runs and was amazed at how relatively easily I managed the 8 minutes.

If I can get this far anyone can, I've lost half a stone without particularly watching what I'm eating and my blood pressure is now normal.

I know it's going to take me longer than the average person and I know I don't run very fast and haven't even ventured outside to run....yet but the progress I have made is huge.

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CrazyCat1973 profile image
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18 Replies
Rignold profile image

Well done. It doesn't matter a jot how long it takes you, the pace at which you run or where you do it. All that matters is that you are doing it.

Noaky12 profile image

Great post & well done so far. As Rig says it doesn't matter how long it takes you to complete it & thats one of the beauties of the programme.

You're making amazing progress & don't let anyone or anything make you doubt it!

Good luck with the rest of the programme. X

dawncoates34 profile image

Well done craycat I too am a 40+ lady with very little free time and absolutely love the ME time running gives to me keep going and enjoy your journey xxx I love outside but do still use the treadmill for shorter runs now so when you are feeling ready give it a go even if its just for a 5 min run :) you will love it xx

RunningForBroke profile image

Good for you for sticking to it!!!! What a great story of perseverance. You'll shock that doctor one of these days!

Pollynorris profile image

The first few paragraphs of your post caught my attention because I could have written it a last year!

You have come a long way and it looks like you have done it right - that is at your own pace.

Keep up the excellent work you are doing. You will be amazed at how long you can keep going!

LyndaM profile image

What a star you are! Amazing how much you have achieved so far. Looking forward to hearing more as you progress x

AnnieW55 profile image

Well done on your progress - you are amazing.

Keep going (having got this far I know you will). You will have to visit the doctor to show him what you have achieved without his help.

Look forward to reading of your progress.

runswithdogs profile image

Well done. You've come a huge distance from week one and the habit of running sounds like it's set in. It doesn't matter how long it takes to complete the program, just keep moving. It's amazing when you realize that mentally you've shifted to a whole other person.

ditto to what Rignold has already said , really well done to you :D

poppypug profile image

Yes ! What Rig said ! :-) xxx

Well done, keep going , you are doing great ! :-) xxx

JoolieB1 profile image

You need to be very proud of your determination to succeed (and thankful your partner is so thoughtful too)! I am 51 and until starting C25K 6 weeks ago, an overweight 51 year old! Through counting calories, I have lost 1 stone (2 more to go)!

Always saw runners while driving my car and thought "good for you" but never thought I would be running. I did week 1 on the treadmill and then thought I would try the local park. I was surprised that although it was a bit more challenging (running on grass, uneven ground, maybe even a small hill), the air was fresh and I was sweating less and it was so much more interesting too. As I have progressed,I have moved from the park to a local playing field where there are some tracks through the woods and next week planning some country park runs (have to do 3 day of 25 minute runs).

I have been surprisingly invisible because although some dog walkers have smiled and said "good morning" and a couple of pooches decided to briefly run alongside me for 60 seconds, no one really noticed me! This has been great,feel I would run anywhere now as I have been outside for 5 weeks.

Aerobic exercise is fantastic for increasing lung capacity, I do not have asthma but I feel I can breathe more deeply so I hope you feel a real improvement too. I think the reason I have been able to progress to week 7 on Monday is that I have a slow steady pace and breathe slow and deeply. I don't ever get out of breath at any time and if I feel I am struggling, I decrease my speed and take some slow, deliberate breaths.

It would be very good to know if your lung capacity has increased and your blood pressure improves, I think it will. Message me anytime or email: joolieb1@hotmail.com


Idolitorus profile image
IdolitorusGraduate in reply to JoolieB1

That's a nice post, Julie.

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to JoolieB1

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Julie, sounds like you are doing really well too! I'll let you know how I get on x

jaynekate profile image

Fantastic, you star!

Idolitorus profile image

Well done CrazyCat. A great post, full of feeling. And look at you . Fantastic progress. Good luck with the rest.

travel_bag profile image

What a fab post to read. WELL DONE YOU!!! You should be so, so proud of yourself! Please don't ever feel ashamed. The fact that you have even managed to start this programme, let alone get that far is an enormous credit to your grit and strength of character. I too am an overweight, middle aged woman and I know how hard it is to get started with any form of exercise - let alone to start and keep at it!

I was sad to read that about your GP. I think you should write one of their patient comments cards telling them how it makes you feel. He or she probably (wrongly) thinks they are "motivating" you and it needs to be pointed out to them that they are doing exactly the opposite. I am a doctor and I would be horrified to have made a patient feel that way. Please, please tell them. It is just not on and is so unhelpful.

Anyway, your post really touched me and I just wanted to say a massive well done to you. You are an inspiration to us all. Don't give up!

CrazyCat1973 profile image
CrazyCat1973Graduate in reply to travel_bag

Thank you for your kind words, it's lovely to know that not all Doctors look down their noses and judge you, I personally start to get a panicky feeling even going through the doors of my surgery and often leave 'problems' till they reach emergency stage and end up at out of hours (where the staff are amazing) I will look for a comments box next time I have to venture in to the surgery.

Thank you for taking the time to give me such a boost, all the lovely comments people have posted have really helped me to start thinking more positively about myself and who knows one day I may be able to run in a community event where people will actually see me running ..................outside !!!

AndyD profile image

"I decided that I needed to do something for myself".... I think that's the most impressive part of your post and probably the hardest bit... :-)

Go girl!!!!!

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