Got home from work and it was a lovely evening so decided to finish week 8. I chose a new route that looked like I could circuit around the area I live (with a long cool down). first 18 minutes went great but then I started to get the feeling I was lost. At 20mins I had to stop for about 45seconds to check google maps and I was way off course. Decided to just double back, got a bit more lost as these streets all look the same. Finally got back to a place I recognised and Laura told me I had 5 mins left. All was fine until the bottom of the hill I had to run up and I just...couldn't. Had to stop running with 1min 30 left and I was gutted. I've never not finished run before. Made it to the top of the beastly hill and told myself to man up it was either a long walk home or I could make up for my failure and run the rest of the way home. 10 mins later and a cheeky short cut I made it back to the home land with a 5min cool down. Question is should I repeat this run as I didn't do it properly or should I just put it down to a terrible sense of direction and move on to week 9 since I tagged in an extra 10 mins?
Week 8 run 3, should I repeat?: Got home from... - Couch to 5K
Week 8 run 3, should I repeat?

I think you salvaged that brilliantly and would definitely just move on!!
Similar thing happened to me on week 8 D3 and I was also gutted and really annoyed. I couldn't believe that I had not finished and it drove me mad. How I dealt with it was I went out the next day on a softer /easier route (football pitch) and repeated the run. It was tough mainly because I had lost confidence that I could run for 28 mins and the gremlins really set in between 20 and 25 mins. But I pushed myself and got there. I'm now on Week 9 and I think psychologically it was important that I complete the 28 minutes fully before I moved on to the next stage. Best of luck with wk 9 which you will pass as well!
If you feel ready for Week 9, why not just go on? The point is really to get out there running regularly, which you did. Laura would forgive you, I'm sure.
Hmm ... What you could actually do if you wanted, is to permit yourself to change your mind about this at minute 28, too. (But tell yourself, "Just two minutes" if you do, and make up your mind as slowly as you can.)

MarkyD the voice of reason. You had a really good run. Pausing for a map search and then getting to the top of a hill are not breaks, certainly not of any significance.
Go for week 9 with confidence.
You have had at least 8 weeks of 3 runs each (24 or so runs) behind you. A moments pause and a quick walk up a hill are drops in the bucket in comparison.