What a lovely day for a run! 10 degrees it said so I checked Accuweather - real feel of 3! Still it was a really nice day.
Decided again that from now on I'm going to ignore my watch and just use it to start/stop and upload to Strava and ignore it in-between. I've been lucky enough to hit the 5K so I need to stop the inside competitive monster in me that takes the form of a Gym class instructor shouting encouragement and telling me to push harder (yup I can almost hear her voice in my head, she was a bit of a"Sergeant Major" in a body pump class I've done in the past) and just enjoy the run. It was fabulous, I took the time to look around at scenery especially now that the leaves have all gone, you can see into everyone's back gardens hahaha.
Took the run steady making sure that I was prepared for next week where I'll need a bit more left in the bag for those extra 2 minutes through to graduation.
First K was actually quicker, but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th were slower. The last K up the hill towards home was almost 10s quicker than I've ever done in the past! and it felt sooooo much better. I think a combination of not pushing the mid-run too much and the previous runs where I've gritted my teeth and pushed up that last hill to build up the stamina made it now a much much much more pleasant final K up the hill to home.
Three more to go! Hope the weather holds.
Keep jogging everyone.