Advice re unfit & overweight!: Hi I'm signing up... - Couch to 5K

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Advice re unfit & overweight!

Sjr1969 profile image
55 Replies

Hi I'm signing up at a local running club for couch to 5k in two weeks time. I'm 3.5 stone overweight and don't do ANY exercise. Just bought some good trainers in preparation. I'm very apprehensive. I can't run!!! Well I don't know how to! Any advice! Help! X

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Sjr1969 profile image
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55 Replies
goonkeepgoing profile image

1. Those trainers are beautiful :)

2. The hardest part is committing to starting this

3. This programme really, really works. Trust it and it can change your life

4. Once my mum saw the changes in me she started it too. She was 59 and more overweight than 3.5 stones. She's lost 1.5 stone so far and is running 3 times a week after graduating a couple of months ago

5. There are some very lovely types on here that will be along soon sharing their experiences and support

6. Keep posting on here

7, 8, 9 & 10. Wishing you lots of luck and happy running ☺☺☺☺☺☺

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to goonkeepgoing

Thanks so much x

gary_bart profile image

You sound like me, then. I can't run. And yet somehow I was doing just that, just a few days ago ... So despite the inability, somehow it's still possible to do it. What's more, it's possible to enjoy it. Think back to when you were 6. Sometimes you were just so crazy happy you had to run around madly to express that, right? Well some of that is still hidden away inside you. If you find it, you don't need to really worry too much about fitness, prestige, even wealth (well maybe not wealth, then) because you've found something better.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to gary_bart

Thank you. My dream has always been to run x

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

Welcome! As someone who a couple of years back was 3.5 stone heavier and had never run a single yard, I can assure that C25K combined with a sensible eating plan (never use the 'D' word) works beyond all expectation. Well done for making the decision to take the first step. Take it easy, very easy. It's not a race until you want it to be.

Do keep coming back here, because many of us faced exactly the same challenge. We won't judge you and we will cheer you on.

You can do this. Especially now you have those shoes!

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

Thanks so much. Did you just cut out the bad stuff in your diet? X

Rob_and_his_westie profile image
Rob_and_his_westieGraduate in reply to Sjr1969

Yes. I had to learn to "embrace the leaf" by which I mean eat plenty of salads - interesting salads that I would add spices or peppers to - but I also eat everything else, and the naughty stuff is strictly in moderation. Not banned, but in moderation. I enjoy wine, I enjoy red meats, but I can't remember the last time I ate in a fast food restaurant. I combine this with three runs every week and I find that though Im not "thin", I have reached a weight I'm comfortable with.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

Thank you. My food is another thing I need to tackle! X

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate in reply to Sjr1969

Try to give up sugar and low fat stuff (full of sugar) and drink plenty of water. It made a big difference in my weight.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to nhs2015

Yes I'm trying my best to do that at the moment. I'm sick of "diets" never stick to them and tried them all! And so I figure I'm just going to try to eat right x

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate in reply to Sjr1969

I have been using a free App called My Fitness Plan. You can calculate the weight u want to lose and it will calculate daily calorie goals, log exercise and meals and chart weight loss. There is a very friendly forum there too. I have lost 1 stone with 2 stone to lose

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to JoolieB1

Thanks. Is it similar to my fitness pal? X

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate in reply to Sjr1969

Yes my typo, it is My Fitness Pal LOL

Gnet profile image

I have just finished week 3 and with an actual smile on my face and when I started I could barely run 60 seconds with a grimace.

It is hard but it is very rewarding and you feel proud of yourself as you reach every little goal.

With a combination of C25k and a change in my diet, no cakes and biccies and sweets, but healthy meals I have lost 10lbs and a couple of inches off hips and waist in a month. It is worth it.

I started walking for 30 mins for a few weeks before starting just to get used to exercising for that long so if you currently don't do any exercise it might be worth walking until you get started.

Good luck.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Gnet

Well done. That's great! Yes I'm starting to try and walk more. I walked 2 miles yesterday which was a lot for me. Would you walk every day to start with? X

Gnet profile image
GnetGraduate in reply to Sjr1969

I would walk three to five days a week, you need an occasional rest day even with walking, if you are unfit, to give your muscles time to repair..

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Gnet

Thanks I'm planning on every other day x

Coddfish profile image

Lovely shoes for a fabulous programme. It builds you up one run at a time. Take it one run at a time. It works. Good luck.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Coddfish

Thanks so much x

Pigivi profile image

Hey, welcome!! Now that you have those lovely shoes... follow Gnet advice, and get out - start tomorrow, do not delay - and get walking :)

Maybe you could download the podcast and instead of running walk at your fastest pace in the running segments - I think that if you did that every day you may get to walk 30 minutes at a brisk pace before you start c25k with the running group - (I'm assuming you don't walk regularly?)

I was 4 1/2 st overweight when I started, but not unfit as I was already swimming regularly, doing yoga, kayaking and walking a lot (on hills) - but I have lost 1 st since finishing the C25k without any "diet"

And remember... you can run - everybody can - as a man by the name of Bernd Heinrich says: "deep down we are still all runners"

Good luck and keep coming back here - we maybe totally mad but you'll always find support ;)

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Pigivi

So kind of you. Thank you x

chalfont_chump profile image
chalfont_chump in reply to Pigivi

This post appeared while I was typing my drivel. Pay attention to Pigvi, she is completely barking mad and everyones best buddy. As I said below, notice she is a Graduate (heaven only know how) and she talks a lot of sense and will hold your hand when you need it. She has been a significant influence on me and will be to you. The waling fast comment is well worth trying. I spent 4 weeks walking round the block every night before I started my limited attempts are running. It just helps the joints get used to the motion.

Good luck.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to chalfont_chump

Thank you x

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Pigivi

Beautiful video. Thank you for sharing x

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate in reply to Pigivi

Wow! An awesome film which made me cry with emotion! Only on week 5, but we'd love to run through the countryside like that 😥

chalfont_chump profile image

Welcome Welcome Welcome!

Well done for signing up and your decision to post and say hi is the key to success.

Although you don't know it yet, you have joined the most amazing group of people you will ever know. I have struggled for the last 20 years with my weight and fitness (currently the wrong side of 20 stone!!) I have tried and tried to lose weight and get fit. Amazingly when I was young I was supremely fit and loved exercise (Rugby, Swimming at national level, tennis, athletics blah blah) so being me these days is horrible. Even when I was fit I hated running and to be honest it is still far from my favourite and it hurts. Its really hurts every time i get out there or on the treadmill. But when I do I post (i have been quiet for the last 10 days because I have been away, only back today) and found myself needing to log in to see what was going on, hence seeing your post.

So after that ramble what can I tell you?

1) Take your time, the last run in the series maybe entitled week 9 but I am already on about week 14! Don't be put off, be realistic. I am guessing it took you quite some considerable time to get to where you are now, so you can't expect to turn it round over night.

2) Try not to worry about how you are now, what you look like, what other people will think. The amazing truth is other people that might see you struggling to run, actually aren't paying any attention. They are far too wrapped up in their own lives.

3) Use the group, that is what we are here for. Post how you are doing, post the highs, the lows, the ugly, the happy, even the tearful. I had the most amazing crash a few weeks back, was ready to throw it all in, give up (yet again). The difference was I posted my emotion and to my amazement I got dozens of replies from complete strangers. They picked me up, dusted me off, gave me a huge kick up the arse and in fact 1 post I printed off and read regularly, because it has probably changed my life forever. We won't judge you, we have all been where you are today. What amazes me is the number of people that have 'graduated' (you will see that word by their names) that stay members of the group and contribute regularly. Remember these people started where you are now and finished the programme. The know how you are feeling and are proof you can get there.

So anyway I could go on forever but I won't. Welcome on board, good luck and just take each run one at a time, and if you don't complete it, try it again. My only other bit of advise is, when things are going well, don't get over ambitious, the rest days are as important as the run days. Your body is in for a bit of a shock, bits are going to hurt (no really they are) so its needs time to recover, so if you need an extra day, take an extra day.

Good luck, looking forward to reading your next post.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to chalfont_chump

Thank you for your kind words and advice x

Pigivi profile image
Pigivi in reply to chalfont_chump

Hey Chump, hope you had a good holiday ... woops... maybe it was a work trip ;) No matter what, welcome back :)

chalfont_chump profile image
chalfont_chump in reply to Pigivi

Damn I've been busted, at least now I know why I hate you. Actually work during some of the day and holiday the rest of the time, but between 35 and 40 degrees made any exercise (apart from for my elbow, lifting my beer) almost impossible, although I did a lot more walking than I usually do. Park Run tomorrow, heaven help me.

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to chalfont_chump

Brilliant post Chump ! Welcome home :-) xxx

Hi S. I LOVE those trainers! My am I envious. This is one of the best decisions you will make starting c25k. This programme will challenge you, inspire you, motivate you and when you suceed, make you feel proud as punch! Maybe do a bit of walking before it starts, as a bit of prep. I wish you all the very best of luck. Please keep posting to keep us updated. Oh and one other piece of advice, take each run slowly, don't go too fast.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to

Thank you. Here is a link to my trainers. Although I did not get them from amazon. Wish I had as they are cheaper!

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Sjr1969

Oops sorry I meant to post that link on the person below x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Sjr1969

Thank you , I got it ! Oh I've been eyeing them up too :-) xxx

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to poppypug

They are very comfortable and I just love the colours x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Sjr1969

Me too ! They're gorgeous ! I just want to put them on my knee and cuddle them ha ha ! :-) xxx

poppypug profile image

Welcome to the board ! This is a very safe, supportive place full of lovely, friendly people .

Don't be nervous about asking anything , there will always be someone who can offer advice.

I love your shoes , what are they if you don't mind me asking ?

All the very best to you and please keep posting ! :-) xxxx

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to poppypug

Thank you. Here is a link for my trainers. I didn't get them from amazon. I wish I had as they are cheaper! X

Filer66 profile image

I am starting week 5 tomorrow and had gait analysis done today. Guess what shoes I bought :) love them. Looking forward to trying them out. I read somewhere about walking first and did it for a couple of months before I was brave enough to start C25K. I think it really helped me to get off to a good start. Good luck.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Filer66

Thankyou x

Vicxzy profile image

After having a baby I gained 5 stone 😱 I couldn't run 20 seconds & I'm asthmatic.

Just go for it!

If I graduated then anyone can :) and I've lost 2.5 stone along the way 👍🏻 (although the first few weeks I put weight on at weigh in so if this happens to you don't be disheartened)

Good luck, you can do this! X

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Vicxzy

Thanks so much x

Rignold profile image

Welcome aboard. And another thumbs up for your shoe choice. I got a pair of Gt2000 the day before I started C25k, and just got a replacement pair yesterday in fact (they had done an awful lot of miles inbetween I hasten to add).

Pretty much everything you need to know has been answered in the previous posts. Take it slowly, focus on what you want to achieve not what other people might think or your doubts, follow the programme at your own pace and keep applyng the 3D rule: Dedication, Determination, Discipline and you will succeed.

Preparing by walking daily is a very good idea. Along the way you will want to learn to stretch properly after your runs (there are loads of YouTube videos that show how). Be sure to drink enough water and eat more vegetables. Avoid sugar and processed foods. Keep coming here to report and discuss your progress.

A year and a half ago I couldn't run, and could not imagine that I ever would. Now i cannot imagine not running. C25k really was like a magic key that opened the door to a whole new world. That it worked for so many hundreds of others shows this was no fluke.

Happy Running!

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Rignold

Thanks for your advice x

nhs2015 profile image

Oh I love them. With shoes like them you will fly......

No worries, you will do it..... And you will have the support of your club. Even better!

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to nhs2015

Thank you xx

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Sjr1969

Gosh what a lovely friendly group! Thanks everyone. Still cannot imagine me running but I'll keep you updated! X

Novicerunner45 profile image

Well done for starting, I have just completed week one and this community is really supportive and helpful, keep us posted, take it slow and enjoy.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Novicerunner45

Well done on completing week one. Had you done any exercise before that? X

pampaddy profile image

Hi and welcome. I've just completed week 3 from being a total non runner though I did do a fair bit of walking. I don't weigh myself ( too scary) but I have noticed a difference in my shape since I started. I also used the fitbit calorie counter for a couple of weeks. This showed me where I was going wrong with what I was eating. I thought I had a healthy diet but soon realised my portion control needed looking at. Good luck with the running

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to pampaddy

Thanks x

JoolieB1 profile image

I am on week 5 on Monday and a non runner before. Had 3 stone to lose, now 2 stone. Healthy diet and now trying to run! Hilarious because I don't like exercise 😀!

The C25K programme is designed for us because it is a gradual increase in time, only advice is, run slowly and breathe slowly too, drink some water before your run too and go for it.

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to JoolieB1

Thanks. And well done! X

Juggyf profile image

Well done you! I too, am nearly 4 stone overweight,haven't exercised for nearly 15 years,and am now the wrong side of 45 and decided to take the plunge and have just completed first week. It nearly killed me but I can see small improvements already. People on this forum are brill and so supportive. It's great knowing that you're not the only one. Let's support one another through this. Good luck😀

Sjr1969 profile image
Sjr1969 in reply to Juggyf

Wow well done and thank you x

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