Seriously unfit newbie alert!: Hi everyone I am... - Couch to 5K

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Seriously unfit newbie alert!

35 Replies

Hi everyone

I am extremely lucky to have a high metabolism so I don't have to exercise to keep my weight down but I recently went on holiday with my 65 year old Dad and discovered he is far fitter than me! We walked up a hill and I had to stop twice on the way up as my legs were burning and I felt like a lung had Dad hadn't even broken a sweat!

I have very little energy, despite eating well, and this is the reason I want to do this as so many people on here say they have more energy.

I work full time and study in the evening so time is difficult but I can't keep making excuses. Who can't spare ten minutes?! I also think some exercise would help clear my mind after studying.

Having read a few posts I can see you're all a supportive bunch so please feel free to get in touch with any advice or if any other beginners see this we can go on this new scary journey together!

I plan to do my first run after work tomorrow :)

35 Replies
RebeccaSK profile image

Follow the programme and you'll be fine - don't be tempted to do any more than the programme says and make sure you have your rest days and I'm sure it will be plain sailing.

Most weeks I work 50+ hours in a pretty stressful job and I'm also learning a foreign language. I managed to fit the programme in - at its most it's 40 minutes and that's only when you get to the very end. At first it took a while for me to recover from each run but as I've got fitter, it takes much less. The entire thing - warm up, run/walk, cool down, stretch/recovery and shower - easily takes under an hour. The benefits of running far outweigh the inconvenience of having to find that extra time - at first I needed more sleep but as I've continued, I've actually found that I need more sleep AND have more energy. I promise that, if you really want to do this, you will and we will all be here to support you and help answer any questions you may have. I am 45, massively overweight and was seriously unfit. The programme was challenging but definitely achievable - if I can do it, you can definitely do it!

in reply to RebeccaSK

Thanks so much Rebecca. It's really good to know you have more energy and still manage to fit the programme in despite a hectic work life. I've got my running outfit and shoes ready....roll on tomorrow!

RebeccaSK profile image
RebeccaSKGraduate in reply to

I'm not going to lie - at first it was really tough but I promise that if you follow the programme you will do it and you will feel so much better. I really NEEDED as well as wanted to exercise and that's how I found the time to run. There were days when I'd end up staying late at work to sort out an unexpected problem and I couldn't run - that's partly why it took me longer than 9 weeks to complete the programme - but I got there in the end. Don't forget, we do have busy lives and to some extent you can make the programme fit around it.

I'm expecting a challenge tomorrow but I'm more worried about aching the next day. I'm such a wuss! Did you find anythIng that helped with the aches?

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Google "after run stretches" - it really helps to stretch a bit after running! Also, warm baths with Epsom salts if you are really achy. And don't push yourself to go too fast - slow steady runs are best and as your muscles strengthen, you may find the aches lessen. You will be fine! This is a fab programme, and it really really works. Bon voyage! 🏃‍♀️

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Hah, I started a similar reply but was too slow. Would like to especially reassure you that aches might feel pretty bad if you're as unfit as I was (I genuinely thought I'd busted something, or possibly everything, but I was in fact just a wimp) but more exercise will certainly lessen the aches over time.

Follow all the advice about rest days, decent shoes, and not overdoing it, post-run stretches, suggestions for rest-day strengthening exercises maybe etc and if you're worried about anything post here for reassurance, go to a doc/physio if it's really pain, but will be fine! You'll be better than fine, in all probability, you'll be fitter and healthier and happier :)

in reply to icklegui

Thank you! Years ago I started running and did 4.5 miles on my very first run, the next day I had to shuffle down the stairs on my bum!! Needless to say I clearly overdid it which I do not plan on doing this time. It wasn't my most dignified moment! It also put me right off running unfortanely. Not this time!

icklegui profile image
ickleguiGraduate in reply to

you'll definitely be fine!

Though, I still love shuffling down stairs on my bum, like a small child, so I don't see why that's undignified :P

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Stretch... after every run.... exercise on rest day is essential too..non impact...:)

Walking, cycling, swimming or yoga etc... many folk use the strength and flex exercises too..

in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. I had never heard of walking on rest days.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Yep... one of the best things.... :) also don't discount a days gardening or a blitz on housework.. all help for stamina and strength! :)

I often do more on, rest days than on my run days .. I have a small granddaughter and we walk for miles.. well she is in her buggy...:)

in reply to Oldfloss

Those are the sorts of activities that I struggle with at the moment because I'm so unfit! Cannot wait to have more energy. Glad to hear your granddaughter is keeping you active.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Just start one and take it very gently.. you will find it eases and you do get stronger with every single run :) We will be with you all the way :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Oh yes... on average.. the two days we have her.. five miles a.m. and five, p.m :) I think my legs are shorter than they were:)

in reply to Oldfloss

10 miles a day when you have her?! All I can say is WOW!! Think you should change your profile name to just floss! Less of the old!

Snodi profile image

Hello 😊 I completed my first run this afternoon, I've NEVER been able to run, at school I dreaded Cross Country etc and avoided it at all costs! Today felt tough at the time, and I had a stitch for the last few running sections, but I feel great now and am looking forward to day 2 on Tuesday! Good luck tomorrow, and enjoy it!

in reply to Snodi

Hey Snodi, thanks for your message. Well done on completing your first run 😁 You must be be chuffed you did it?! Hopefully I'll be on the same high tomorrow

Snodi profile image
SnodiGraduate in reply to

Hi Minnow! Thank you, I am really proud of myself! I'm aiming to be able to do the local Park Runs, but completing the programme will be a massive achievement in itself for me! 42 and only starting to run! Challenge on! Let us know how you get on tomorrow 😁

J9_54 profile image
J9_54Graduate in reply to Snodi

Welcome too Snodi.

Good on you for starting, that's the hardest part out of the way. Drink plenty during the day but a big glass of water before you run may prevent your stitch, if not you may be going a bit too fast to begin with. Good luck 🍀

Snodi profile image
SnodiGraduate in reply to J9_54

Hi J9!

Thank you for the advice and encouragement 😀 run 2 tonight!

I think it's great that you have a goal. I'm sure many people think things are unachievable at the start but I think you've got over the hardest hurdle by actually starting. Will do! Hope you're not too achey tomorrow :)

Oldfloss profile image

Hi and welcome...:)

The journey is a great one... it is not scary at all... not, if you follow the programme. It is a slow and structured and gradual build up, to get you running, for thirty about nine weeks..longer if needs be; comfortably and injury free.....and having had fun on the way.

Listen to your body.... ( it may protest a little :))...take your rest days...more if you need them... and most of all ...take it steady and slow.

Each run, each week, takes you on to the next one... do not push or compare...this is your journey... and you run it in your own time:)

Keep posting for incredible support and encouragement... ask any questions...however silly you may think they are...and if we don't know the answer... someone will, we are a great bunch!

There are loads of newbies joining every day... and it is great to team up and swap experiences:)

Looking forward to your first post...:)

mrrun profile image

What does your dad say?

in reply to mrrun

He was gobsmacked that I was so unfit! He said that I should exercise to keep fit and healthy. He's a walker so it's amazing what a difference only walking makes. Hopefully next year he will see a difference!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

My husband does not run......he is a walker too..I can out walk him any day though ...:) Your Dad will see the difference:)

Mummycav profile image

Whoop whoop..welcome to C25k....I'm a little bit envious of the journey your about to embark on!!! You better prepare yourself for some surprises....take the runs slow & steady, try & find a pace that suits & stay will get all you need from here, advice, encouragement & support...keep us posted on your progress coz we're a nosey bunch!!! Most of all ENJOY IT!!

in reply to Mummycav

Thank you Mummycav! I'll keep you posted :)

mzye007 profile image

This group definitely helps with motivation so keep checking in. I didn't discover it until week 5 and wish I'd been here when I didn't think I'd ever get past week 4 (just finished w 8)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mzye007

I didn't discover it until I'd been on Week 4 for about three weeks!!!!'re doing so well x

mzye007 profile image
mzye007Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Yep I did week 4 for 3 weeks too!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mzye007

See??? We're all in this together.....all running along with our own stories, but our paths cross on here & we enjoy hearing about it....yikes, I was scared to move on from Week 4 but they made me do it on here!! I can't believe it when I read back on my posts how far I've come...this programme is amazing...& so are we!!! X

I think all the clever stuff has already been said, but 4 weeks ago I was in your position. I've never really needed to exercise to keep my weight down, but I realised my fitness, or lack thereof, was affecting my mental health as well.

All I can say is that week 1 is perfectly do-able for the unfit. It's a bit of a challenge, but you'll feel so good for doing it, and we'll all tell you on here how amazing you are :-) Go on, I know you can do it!!

DBlou profile image

Hi and welcome to the club! Support on here is fab and I’ve learnt that already after only being on a few days. I will be on week 3 as of Wednesday, so still a newbie. I’m 48 years old and very unfit, and carrying extra weight. Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 12 years ago, (followed closely by breast cancer) but manage this well over last few years, work full time in a very stressful and emotionally draining job. Fed up of feeling unwell and weak! Anything physically would mess me up for days and I was frightened to exercise in case I flared my illness up again to what it was. I’d always wanted to run and thought stuff it, even if this gives me better stamina I will take that ! So far so good, with a blip last week due to feeling poorly, but as soon as I felt better I was back on it! I’ve surprised myself, particularly getting up and running at 7 am before work! Just keep going, if I can do it, anyone can! X

J9_54 profile image

Welcome Minnow, enjoy your runs that's the most important thing as it keeps you putting on your trainers. Good luck, we're all with you 😊

Bestcat profile image

Welcome to the running bug! You'll love it!

I'm actually jealous of you starting as I've enjoyed this programme so much I was dreading it coming to an end!!!

Follow the programme exactly as it says - don't try to get ahead of yourself - it is written like this for a reason. The hidden benefits will soon reveal themselves as you progress slowly each week!

Enjoy! 😎🏃

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