or in the rain or in the wind!!
Snow in Queensland !!! -- you are joking!!!!
Looks like the couch for me for the next few days!!
or in the rain or in the wind!!
Snow in Queensland !!! -- you are joking!!!!
Looks like the couch for me for the next few days!!
I hear you Bazza.... I haven't run since I got back from Bali mid June. I caught the flu which is just clearing up so was getting prepared to get back into it but I'm going to wait until this really cold snap is gone. I really admire those brave souls back in the UK who run throughout winter!
Hey 251153 -- I really think you need to update your profile - we need more Aussies here!!
I got back from the US a few weeks ago - with a head cold !! It has taken me a few weeks to get back into it!!
Did you do any runs in Bali?? I did a few in Honolulu, around Palm Springs and even got to do a shortish run ( wearing jeans) along the rim of the Bryce Canyon at 8000 feet
Sounds like a great trip to the U.S. Bazza.... I will see how I can update my profile. I did get to run in Bali along the beachfront however the best runs I did were around Gilli Air island. It was hard running on sand but was a perfect 5k run around the island.
Hey Bazza, just checked my profile and I have my country listed as Australia. What is it showing on here?
I am not seeing that on the public view of your profile - if you go to "Edit profile" , you have to click on "SAVE" to be able to save any changes. Perhaps you didn't do that??
I didn't make any changes so not sure why it's not showing Australia - what does it say on the public view?
It's been 26 to 33 degrees in London for the last week. Horrible.
I want my cold, rainy early morning runs back!
Brr - I had no idea one could find anywhere to ski in Australia! You live and learn.
Cool temps sound like bliss to me - get off that couch! 😀
Go for it. Bazza. Embrace the experience, just wear an extra t-shirt!
I draw the line at ice, I can run if it's snowing just not when it laid, I do the rain if it is spitting. I love running in a drizzle, it brings out the big kid in me, worth a try once if you haven't tried it. It's got that feeling that your doing something you should of grown out of.
Another vote for running in the cold. If my shoes can grip the ground, I'm still going out. Much prefer cold temperatures as then I don't overheat. 20 degrees and over becomes uncomfortable.
Pop in to the Kimberleys. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right in the morning for a refreshing run. Overcast and windy today with 27 degree, but nicer tomorrow. They said 31 degree.
ANOTHER Aussie - with no indication in the profile!! C'mon boys and girls!!!
I should also have said - I don't do running in the heat!!! Running in the Kimberleys??? _ I don't think so!!!
Nah, at 6am in the morning, it is just beautiful! You are missing out.
Just have to watch for king brown or centipedes.
Madness! Enjoy your rest time.
Forget running for now, stay indoors and watch the 'Ashes'.
wow...I would so love running in the snow. I desperately want to do this: icemarathon.com/
Perhaps I am a little crazy?
Stay warm Bazza
Hahaha.... Dropping to zero? Perspective is everything, I'd love a sub-zero run instead of this heat. Next trip come to Canada for holidays Bazza. Maybe in January or February. I'll teach you
Running in the rain is WONDERFUL!!! You don't know what you are missing. The first few strides are a bit wet but after that it is lovely- cooling, refreshing and....well just lovely! I get i, put kit straight in the wash then straight in the shower - fab!!! I am not odd (honest!!) - I know a great many fellow runners who love running in the rain - or maybe Devon rain is special?!