What do you eat for breakfast?: I run in the... - Couch to 5K

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What do you eat for breakfast?

mancunianpoodle profile image
31 Replies

I run in the morning & have a banana before I run.

After I have fruit & yogurt but it's not enough.

What healthy breakfast can I have? What do you have?

I'm doing Slimming World and I don't want to do a fry up!! (Too knackered after running !!)

Thanks :)

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mancunianpoodle profile image
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31 Replies
Pigivi profile image

Banana and any nut butter before I run.

After is poached eggs and spinach on toast when I have time - and if the chickens have laid :)

Or like you yogurt (plain and FULL fat) and fruit but I add muesli, seeds and nuts

Or left over rice with vegs...

misswobble profile image

I have porridge, the fuel of runners. I love the stuff. I used the big jumbo oats usually, Flavahans, and cook them properly say for 5-7 mins or they kill me with indigestion. I add fresh berries and cook em down a bit towards the last seconds in the pan, but fresh is fine. I add 3 prunes sometimes. Always 3 cos I'm a WeightWatcher! Old habits die hard.

I have muesli, fruit and yogurt but only a couple of times a week as it's more calorific. I love nutty muesli with berries and yog. Mmmmmm

Wholemeal toast with beans and/or scrambled eggs with chives from the garden. This week I had some smoked salmon with my eggs as we had guests over.

Wholemeal toast with honey or jam. I do have cooked breakfast once a week, generally on a Friday after weigh-in but only if it's good news. Then it's 2 grilled bacon, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms and a Frylite egg and 2 wholemeal toast. Only if I'm running or going to the plot so it gets burned off.

Try and have a different breakfast each day then you don't get bored

Pigivi profile image
Pigivi in reply to misswobble

ha ha ... I did WW when I was a teenager... and still eat 3 prunes :)

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to misswobble

Thanks for the ideas misswobble. I try to avoid bread because I'm inclined to eat the whole loaf in one go!!!!

Lol at the prunes !

Prune profile image

I have a cup of tea before, then porridge, banana and seeds after. Yum! Pigivi's suggestions sound good, think I might try spinach and eggs next time. Maybe also mackerel fillets on toast for weekend treat.

ju-ju- profile image

I run early ( before 6) so I just have a pint of Berrocca. Then on my return I have a poached egg on toast ( 198 calories ), then chocolate mid morning ( 187 calories if its maltesers). I am a creature of habit!!

misswobble profile image

I love spinach! I'm living on it at the mo as I have loads in the garden. Everything is on a bed of spinach. I'm hoping it heals.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to misswobble

Me too!! The spinach in chile is from biggest I have ever seen!! My spinach was just eaten by slugs and snails in the UK. Try spinach soup!! Very yummy and freezes well. 😀

Steve_L profile image

I've been having scrambled eggs with smoked haddock on top on a 5k day, and a 800 calorie monster shake on a 10k day. I'm not finding it terribly easy to eat enough lately!

useitorloseit profile image

Microwaved egg after a run (and sometimes before). 30 seconds in a teacup and down in one!

millwalki8 profile image

Half a pint of orange squash before.

Bran Flakes after.

Rignold profile image

7 egg white omelette on bed of spinach or a smoothie, usually based around spinach or kale, avocado, vegan protein powder, spirulina, cashew butter, dates, almond milk and variants thereof.

although tomorrow am obliged by my children to make a Reese's peanut butter cup inspired smoothie:


Pigivi profile image
Pigivi in reply to Rignold

Starting a debate here... I think that eggs are made by nature with yolks and white for a reason... (and the fact that the yolk raises cholesterol in yolks is not that true...)

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply to Pigivi

I make egg white omelettes when I have used the yolks elsewhere - spaghetti carbonara, egg nog etc. Better than making meringues with it.

But in health terms, i used to agree with you and was always most scathing when I heard mention of egg white omelettes (Get Shorty and Grosse Point Blank spring to mind). I always imagined they would be utterly devoid of flavour and the whole concept struck me as so Gwyneth Paltrow.

However, having made one simply because I had some whites to use up, I was surprised to find they are delicious. Also, whle I agree on the balanced nature of the egg as nature intended, and have no problem with whole eggs, separating them means you effectively just have protein and no fat. My current macronutrient split calls for a lot of protein. If I eat a dozen eggs, I would blowing my whole fat quota in one go, and I would rather get the bulk of those fats from avocado or nuts or whatever, so if I just use the egg whites I have my protein hit on its own.

And can make egg nog.

Pigivi profile image
Pigivi in reply to Rignold

egg nog is a very good reason to eat egg whites so ! :)

Rob_and_his_westie profile image

Four rashers of Bacon done the British way, slightly undercooked and not that American crisped up nonsense, fried eggs (runny, so you can pour ketchup on it and turn it orange), some really nice pork sausgaes, deep fried potato wedges, black pudding, fried tomatoes, four slices of bread with finest West Country salted butter washed down with a big cup of coffee using freshly ground beans.

Not very healthy and It'll come straight back up again during the run, but you'll never forget it.

Vixchile profile image

Coffee pre run, if over 10km a banana. Then usually cornflakes, recently been sold here in Chile so is a bit of a novelty. or Yoghurt with strawberries as they are always in season!! I have full fat yoghurt because I no longer believe in low fat. i might buy some chia seeds for my yoghurt. Porridge if it's cold or before a race.

rmnsuk profile image

Just a glass of water before a parkrun. I've found I can't eat before a run. Other days it's poor mans slimfast (scoop of protein, banana, and fibre in a mixer with water). I don't need anything else till lunch. I love cooked breakfasts when I'm away.

Not sure what I'll do when I have to run 10k.

MarkyD profile image

Measure half a cup of porridge oats, put in large bowl.

Measure nearly 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk, transfer to bowl. Don't bother stirring.

150 seconds in microwave on high.

Stir with spoon.

Another 150 seconds in microwave.

Allow to cool for 3 minutes.

Eat straight from the bowl with a small teaspoonful of honey and sliced banana if they are not too green. Use the teaspoon to eat the porridge. Use the cup for a 'glass' of water.

Once eaten, wash the bowl around with cold water, then immediately wash the bowl, the cup, the knife and 2 spoons in hot soapy water.

Drying up optional.

Allow 60 minutes before running.


Return from run doubly smug. First for running in the morning, second for having washed up after breakfast.

BoPeep9009 profile image

I love breakfast!

I also love porridge but not the washing up plus we're out the door by 7.15am six days a week soooooo perfect solution is what i think they call Bircher Muesli. Until someone pipes up what's wrong with it I shall carry on!

Before you head up to bed at night:

Tip a scoopful of jumbo oats, or other rolled grains or combo, per person into container (because I take mine with me to eat a bit later I use a Tupperware with lid) could be dish, box, anything;

add to empty scoop (mine is 1/3 cup i think, a normal porridge portion) as the mood takes you, chia (these make everything thick and creamy and they're good for protein), pumpkin, flax, sesame, poppy, any seeds you fancy; any nuts you like, chopped if you prefer, dried fruit, maybe cranberries, raisins, apricots; shake of cinnamon .... Note how full your scoop is now and empty it into your container/ dish too. Now investigate your fridge ... Add to your muesli twice the volume of liquid that you have of all that other stuff. Any milk, dairy, almond, oat, soya or combo with water. Give it all a stir then cover and put in the fridge.

In the morning I'm quite prone to pinching a couple of teaspoons before a run, its all soft and creamy and the soaking it's had helps with easy digestion.

When you actually sit to eat, add honey if you fancy, a splash of vanilla, more cinnamon, red berries, fresh stone fruits, anything you like to eat in fact! A little Greek yoghurt is brilliant blobbed on top!

Infinitely variable feast!!! Honestly can claim that this staves off hunger pangs for 6 hours.

Hope you enjoy it :-)



poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

Oh that sounds delicious Bo ! I used to do something very similar with Muesli . I used to put it in a bowl and add just enough apple juice to soak it . Then add plain or Greek Yogurt and leave it in the fridge overnight.By morning it would be all creamy and gooey. Flippin' gorgeous ! :-) xxx

BoPeep9009 profile image
BoPeep9009Graduate in reply to poppypug

Yeah that sounds perfect! I forgot sometimes I grate apple into mine pre-soak .... So good! Why "used to" Pops? Such a nice breakfast you invented there! :-) xXx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to BoPeep9009

I got out of the habit, I think. Shame really.....

Now I just stick a slice of granary bread in the toaster and a scraping of peanut butter and that's me good to go xxx

If I do a longer run I find a proper full English goes down a treat but its pretty calorific so I only do it on bigger ones.

Everyone seems to be into smoothies these days, perhaps something like that if you have a smoother ( not sure what the thing is called you make them in??)

Tomas profile image

Microwave porride and a cup of coffee is my normal breakfast, running day or not. I tend to not run first thing in the morning.

mancunianpoodle profile image

Thanks everyone. Some good ideas there!

Think I might try a bit of muesli with my fruit & yogurt!!

Will also try eggs for breakfast.

I usually avoid bread/toast as am inclined to eat a loaf in one or two sittings!!

jules50 profile image

Yep porridge and coffee for me too after a run, and fresh orange juice if ive got any in. Before running I can't stomach very much more than a banana or a cereal bar, and I have a small glass of water (has to be small otherwise end up looking for secluded pit stops!!) I tend to buy the quaker fruitful porridge, mix and match on flavours so I don't get bored, had summer berries one this morning, yummy!! :D

Sainsburys 'honey and raisin granola' with soya milk, after a run. I add extra raisins. In the winter I make porridge with a mashed banana stirred in, tastes brilliant. Lots of water before and after too. Some nice ideas here :)

I have coffee before I run then during the week I have bran flakes. Weekends I have a treat of half a grapefruit and mackerel in tomato sauce on wholemeal toast, warmed in the microwave for 20 seconds. Really nice

GoogleMe profile image

I run after breakfast but I have breakfast early and then go back to bed. And then get washed and dressed. And then go back to bed again.

Could be: chocolate chip brioche rolls, porridge, rosti (made at the time by grating a potato and microwaving it for 3 minutes before frying) topped with fried egg and veggie bacon, chia pudding, boiled egg and soldiers, toast and toppings, fried egg and veggie bacon sandwich.... erm, cake if it is around and needs eating up (better as a meal than an extra), drop scones with greenery in them and, you've guessed it, fried egg and veggie bacon. And yes, this is a weight reducing diet.

For some reason I can't eat cereal and milk of any kind, mammalian or plant as it makes me go very weird and woozy later.

ActonHighStreet profile image

Wholemeal toast, Marmite and plenty of black coffee.

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