Hi folks, went out this morning for I thought a gentle 5k! Was feeling good so carried on ,found a few footpaths across country and by the time I got home I had run 13 k . wow was I impressed! Funny how some days it feels so easy, I could have carried on but thought it better to increase slowly. Time was 1 hour 14 mins .. All thanks to c25k and your support.
Longest run so far: Hi folks, went out this... - Couch to 5K
Longest run so far

Goodness gracious samsonandrew! That's freedom, right there! Brilliant!
Lucky you didn't have something simmering away on the stove waiting for your return after half an hour!
13km is far away, i'm duly impressed ... well done you!

That is just about on course for a 2 hour half marathon. Even more impressive as I imagine some of the terrain was less then perfect.

That's a cracking time for 13Km! I ran that distance on Monday, in 1 hour 27 minutes, though admittedly the last 3 Km were at a gentle jog after putting a lot of effort into the first 10.
Well done! It's good when you hit a groove, isn't it?

BLIMEY! What a time. Well done Mr Samson.

Wow, that is an impressive run, and even more so for it not being planned in advance. Nice one, and congratulations!

that's a good time. I managed my first 10k yesterday in just over 1 hour 10. I was whacked so you carrying on to do another 3 is just rubbing it in Well done.

Whoa Samson , that is magnificent !
Well done you, that is a brilliant effort ! xxx