Hi All—
I have returned after the stomach fiasco of 2015 which happened around May3/4, shortly after I had completed W4R2. It really sidelined me becasue even when I was better, there was residual pain and any sort of bouncy around was really uncomfortable. BUT it did clear up really well (So in awe of our body's ability to fix itself) and no recurrence.
So with close to two weeks of no runs I had NO idea what I should do re: restarting... I had no idea what to expect. Would I have lost a lot of ground? In the end I just opted to try W4R3, the next scheduled run. I just finished and it was my best run ever ever.
I realized I wasn't even thinking about running, or rather breathing....which usually occupies me. And after cool down my heart rate was soooooo much lower than it ever is after a run, despite keeping up a pretty good pace.
It makes me want to experiment a bit with longer rests, perhaps...not weeks, but maybe 3 days rather than one between runs. Perhaps some of us need a bit more time to "refuel" (my fitness goals are to improve cardio, not weight loss at all).
But I am sure if I space the runs out too far there would be some sort of loss of condition, right?
Anyone else developed an alternative schedule? I'm not in a rush to finish (but I've never had to walk or not complete a run so far).
It's so good to be back!!!